Daily: Pass the Buck is a daily quest in Fallout 76.
The quest has been temporarily disabled since November 14, 2022, pending investigation of a bug.[1]
Quick walkthrough[]
- Pick up the three barrels lying near Grafton Lake and dispose of them.
- Optionally, sink the barrels in the lake with Agility 5.
Detailed walkthrough[]
To initiate the quest, head to Grafton Dam and receive a transmission from the Grafton mayor, instructing listeners to dispose of three toxic barrels. To do this, simply head around the lake and jump in to collect the three barrels, but before heading in, make sure to have anti-radiation chems such as RadAway. Also watch out for mirelurks mingling along the shorelines of the lake if any are near the barrels that need to be collected.
With Agility 5, it is possible to get rid of the barrels on the spot. However, if the player character is under Agility 5, they will have to carry each barrel to a dumping site (either northwest of Hemlock Holes or northeast of Prickett's Fort) and place them in the dumpster. Whichever route is taken, disposing of the barrels will complete the mission.
Quest stages[]
Pass the Buck has been the subject of two significant bugs, both of which led to the quest's deactivation on separate occasions.
- patch 26 in May 2021, this quest was bugged and would not start. This bug led to the quest being disabled[2] until patch 39, when it was fixed and the quest was re-enabled in October 2022.[patched] Following
- [3] Although not explicitly stated, this is likely the reason for the quest's current disabled status.[verified] Since this quest's reactivation in October 2022, mirelurks appeared to spawn in mass at each barrel at inordinate rates, with reports of up to 182 mirelurks in total.
- ↑ LadyDevann (Devann McCarthy) on the Bethesda Game Studios' official Discord
- ↑ Valseek: "Hi everyone, we have decided to disable the "Pass the Buck" Daily Quest indefinitely following investigation into community reports that it had been triggering inconsistently, as well as experiences with other issues that were affecting the quest. We apologize for the inconvenience, and we will let you know if and when it returns. Thank you."
(BGS Official Discord Announcements, May 27, 2021) - ↑ /r/fo76: Just did “Pass the Buck” for the first time.