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Fallout Wiki


The parking garage is an unmarked location in the Commonwealth in 2287. It lies in the middle of the Glowing Sea, just north of the cave which is located southwest of the vertibird wreckage.


The parking garage is a large open location beneath a Super Duper Mart, buried for the most part in the landscape that is the Glowing Sea. It can only be accessed from one side door and only the garage is accessible. The garage has a simple layout with a Master locked door in the southwestern part of the garage, containing several lootable containers. The location is inhabited by a few feral ghouls.

An elevator on the roof can be used to access the lower parts of the parking garage. The lower parts are partially flooded with radiation-free water and contains a leveled deathclaw and a lootable trunk against the northern wall. There is a hole in the ceiling of the lowest level that allows access to the upper levels, but only by using the power armor jetpack.

In addition, there is a hole in the southeast corner of the ground floor that drops into the lower levels, reachable through a wrecked bus.


  • When at this location companions make comments, these comments are activated at after entering the parking garage.
Location comments
Character Comment
Cait "Wait a damn second. Where'd all the ferals go?"
Codsworth "Ah, another fine mess of a parking garage. I wonder what awaits us this time."
Curie "Where did all the cars go?"
Danse "Remain vigilant. This feels like an ambush."
Deacon "That's a lot of parking. Make sure you put your money in the meter."
John Hancock "Something ain't right in here. Where'd all the Ghouls go?"
Nick Valentine "Something seem off about this place to you? Why no Ghouls in here?"
Piper Wright "No sign of Ghouls in here. We must be getting close."
Preston Garvey ""
Robert MacCready "Something isn't right here..."
X6-88 "No ghouls? I don't like it..."


The parking garage appears only in Fallout 4.


Playstation 4Playstation 4 The flooded section of the parking garage can be glitched into without the use of the elevator. From the non-flooded side, the player can (using a jetpack to get up there) crawl along the length of a green truck trailer and land on the other side. The truck is in the southeast corner, next to a bus. [verified]

