Overseer's journal, entry 3 is a holotape in Fallout 76.
The tape can be found in the Morgantown High School, in a lobby area next to a staircase and lit lamp, sitting in a blue case, during Personal Matters.
The Overseer: Overseer's personal journal.
I was in my junior year when I got the news that mom died. Mining accident. Everyone in West Virginia has a story like that in the family. You just... you never think it's going to be you. Dad was in pieces. I started living in the library more than before, and I was already there most days to begin with. And Evan... god... Evan. Mom had introduced us just a few months before. Graduated a year ahead of me, went right to work in the mines. So handsome. And those arms. What West Virginia girl could resist all that? I can't believe he stuck with me. After the funeral, I didn't want anyone around, but there he was. Showing up in the library after his shift with a lunchbox for us to share. Every day.
When the career fair came, and I met the people from Vault-Tec, it was like a light turned on. Protecting families, protecting their future, protecting... America. The first thing I did when I got the acceptance letter to Vault-Tec University was head over to mom's grave with dad. He was happy that I was staying in West Virginia. So was I.