Overseer's journal, entry 1 is a holotape in Fallout 76.
The tape can be found in the Vault-Tec Agricultural Research Center on the front counter, during Personal Matters.
The Overseer: Overseer's... let's call these personal journals. Not an official log. Just... something for me.
The Agricultural Center. One of my first posts with Vault-Tec. I was so excited because I used to come to this same farm when I was a kid. I remember one year... at the Autumn Festival. Me running through the corn maze. Going every which way. Mom and dad yelling after me to slow down. Ha! Wasn't going to happen. I guess I was always hitting life fast. Couldn't just be a Pioneer Scout, I had to make troupe leader. Couldn't just be a good student, I had to have straight A's. God, I miss those early days. Just... being a kid. The three of us. Our simple life. Our simple house. I wonder if it's still standing...