Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

What makes you think I'd want tribal like you in my family?

Orville Wright is the head of the Wright family, the weakest crime family in New Reno, in 2241.


A well-dressed gentleman, Mr. Wright is apparently perpetually pissed off, with his brown hair graying around the edges.[1] His area of work in Reno is alcohol brewing and distribution.


All his work is done under the nose of the head of the Temperance Union, Ethyl Wright, his wife. As the crime family follows a traditional, patriarchal model (at least officially), Orville manages every decision and draws strategy practically singlehandedly, which puts him under a great deal of stress daily, especially when one of his sons (usually Christopher Wright) talks back.

Around 2241, one of his sons, Richard Wright, apparently died of a Jet overdose—a blow particularly hard-felt since the Wrights pride themselves on their clean living, refusing to use drugs.

Interactions with the player character

Interactions overview

Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.


Other interactions

  • Orville Wright can be assassinated by giving one of his children playing outside the mansion a gun and telling them to turn off the safety, wave it around and point it at their father. Upon leaving and returning, Orville will be found dead and the gun lying next to him.
  • Orville Wright will refuse to give quests to the Chosen One if they are a slaver.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Red old outfit Shotgun Booze
Stimpak x2
12 gauge shotgun shell x20


Orville Wright appears only in Fallout 2.

Behind the scenes

The character is mentioned in design documents for Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios and in the Fallout Bible.


  1. NcOrvill.msg, line 150