Operation Free Watoga log 322 is a holotape in Fallout 76. It is recorded by the Saboteur, Scott Turner, as part of Operation Free Watoga.
The tape can be found at the abandoned Bog Town, on a table in Scott Turner's hideout, during Mayor for a Day.
Scott Turner: It's done... I broke the transmission sequencer so no one will be able to remotely reconfigure the machines. I also corrupted the software on the update terminals throughout the facility. The only machine capable of creating updates is now in my office. I've locked my terminal and wrote a little "fix" to the building's badge access software to prevent any badge other than my own from accessing my office. They won't be able to get help from anyone else. Only I will hold the means to their salvation! Soon they'll come down from their ivory towers and come begging me to make it stop. And when they do, I'll make each and every one of them fill out MY "Resident Application Fitness Report." And then I'll deny every last one of them. We'll see how they like it. Being judged. Being locked out in the cold.