Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

I'm in charge of Vault security and law enforcement. You might not know it, but the Vault wouldn't run as well if it wasn't for me.

The officer is in charge of the security and law enforcement is the leader of Vault 13 around 2161.


Being a security officer in the vault, it is their duty to keep order among the citizens. The officer stands guard at the vault's armory, making sure no weapons leave the room. They highly value the rule of law and believes that a place will fall apart without it.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.

Other interactions[]

They can be asked for some supplementary firepower from the armory, but the Vault Dweller will not be granted clearance from her or Vault 13 overseer for any weapons withdrawals.


Tell me about[]


Apparel Weapon Other items
Vault 13 jumpsuit 10mm pistol Stimpak
10mm AP x24


The sex of the officer depends on that of the protagonist: if the protagonist is male, then a female officer will guard the weapons room and vice versa.


The officer appears only in Fallout.
