Nuka-World power plant terminal entries are entries found on one terminal within the Nuka-World power plant in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World.
Nuka-World power: employee terminal[]
Property of the Nuka-Cola Corporation
Nuka-World Power: Employee Station 003
All internal communication may be monitored for training/evaluation purposes
System Status[]
Employee Communications[]
Property of the Nuka-Cola Corporation
Nuka-World Power: Incident Reporting
All internal communication may be monitored for training/evaluation purposes
4/28 Meltdown[]
What the HELL happened?
We submitted a full report last week, explaining the whole series of failures that resulted in who knows how much contamination. WHY WASN'T THE PARK OPENING DELAYED?
-C. Carlson
RE: 4/28 Meltdown[]
To all employees:
After consulting our Corporate Offices, and careful examination of the events, it has been determined that on-site evaluation of the Class 7 event was performed incorrectly, and that the incident was not nearly as severe as initially feared.
The good folks at Corporate assured us that everything is great, we're going to have a great season, and ask that you please read through pages 94-107 of your Employee Agreement, specifically with regards to the dissemination of any information about your work here at the parks. They'd like to remind you that discussion of any events on park grounds is a violation of that agreement and could result in administrative action.
Thanks all - let's have a great year!
T. O'Connor
Director, Human Resources
Please send another message up the chain. That damn robot has been found 3 times this week banging into the exterior security doors on the power plant.
The thing needs reprogramming, or something. Does anyone understand how much havoc it could cause if it got inside and started bumbling around near the controls?
I don't know about you guys, but I think that thing is creepy as hell.
T. Reynolds
What is it going to take?
8 years now since the last plant overhaul. That's before Galactic Zone even opened, and we all know what a power hog that is.
Saunders says the last inspection was a joke, that the guy never even really took a good look at the equipment. Just sat in the control room jawing with the executives, then signed the paperwork and went on his way.
We're gonna have some massive problems really soon. Wouldn't the company rather spend a little money now on upgrades than a ton of money on fixes and PR later???
T. Larson
Employee Snack Breaks[]
Hey guys,
I've been asked to pass along a message from Corporate.
They're concerned that folks are bringing in and eating too much outside, non-Nuka branded food and drink for their breaks.
They'd like everyone to please consider buying their break-time snacks from the park itself. It's not mandated right now, just a suggestion.
Let me know if you have any issues.
A. Buckley
Additional Shifts Available[]
Hey, everyone.
Since we're coming up on the end of the season, and we're a little short-staffed already, what with Carlson being fired and all, I just wanted to put it out there that we've got additional shifts available for anyone looking to make a few extra bucks.
We're doubling staff here at the plant for the last 4 weeks of the season, leading up to the parks "Halloween Spooktacular" event, which as we all know is a big one for Corporate.
If you'd like to sign up, the forms are in the office. We'll be offering time-and-a-fifth for pay, so it's a pretty great deal.
A. Buckley
Nuka-World power: oversight terminal[]
Property of the Nuka-Cola Corporation
Nuka-World Power: Incident Reporting
As per management direction, all incidents require proper documentation to minimize liability in the event of a civil/criminal suit. Please consult your supervisor to ensure that all necessary steps are taken.
Incident Reports[]
Report #0674[]
Date: 10/20/77
Incident Type: Main Power Failure
Filing Employee: A. Buckley
Notes: Lighting test for upcoming "Halloween Spooktacular" event tripped main breakers. Employees would like to note that repeated complaints have been entered regarding the power load of said event on an aging system that has not been updated in at least the last 7 years.
Report #0673[]
Date: 8/18/77
Incident Type: Unexpected Full Reboot
Filing Employee: N. Otto
Notes: After-hours system failure resulting in full reboot of all power relays. Employee error cited as primary cause - C. Carlson has received 2nd reprimand in his file.
Report #0672[]
Date: 6/12/77
Incident Type: Sustained Voltage Sag - Galactic Zone
Filing Employee: A. Buckley
Notes: 90-second sag resulting in electrical/mechanical malfunctions across Galactic Zone.
Fault traced to vomit on exposed wiring on "Handy Scrambler." Recommend that splash guards be installed on all critical systems to prevent future incidents.
Report #6071[]
Date: 4/28/77
Incident Type: Forced Shut Down -- [REDACTED]
Filing Employee: A. Buckley
Notes: Critical Failure of [REDACTED] due to series of events starting with [REDACTED] blockage in secondary pump system, followed by PORV in [REDACATED] stuck in OPEN position. This resulted in loss of [REDACTED] m3 of coolant, and possible leakage of [REDACTED] into park river.
UPDATE: Corporate review of this incident has determined that no major faults can be found, incident was mis-characterized as a Class 1 Failure when in fact it was merely a Class 7 event. Park operation can continue as normal, and this should not affect the upcoming season opening.
Report #0670+[]
File New Report[]
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