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Fallout Wiki

Gametitle-FO4 NW
Gametitle-FO4 NW

The Nuka-World junkyard is a location in Nuka-World in 2287.


The junkyard appears to have been a dump for unwanted inventory removed from Nuka-World before the War, including rides and robots.

The Hubologists from the Hubologist's camp will establish a new camp in the junkyard's barn during the quest Trip to the Stars, once the spacesuits have been delivered to Dara Hubbell.


The Nuka-World junkyard is located on the southwestern outskirts of Nuka-World. There is a large barn at its entrance. The junkyard proper is made up of multiple winding pathways surrounded by piles of debris with intermittent pockets of radiation reaching as high as +30 rads per second found throughout.

The entrance to the yard's center, where the "Ultimate UFO" ride is located, can be found to the southeast, next to a half-buried Pick-R-Up billboard. The pathway consists of a series of caves, subway cars and other debris leading up to the ride.

Notable loot

  • SCAV! #2 Fear the Knife King - In the large warehouse on the upper level near the animatronic alien, on a desk.
  • Power distributor - On the same desk.
  • Star core - Embedded in a console near the desk with the SCAV! issue.
  • Five fusion cores - In the yellow gondola below the SCAV! issue and star core, and another inside a fusion engine, near the power armor station. One is located on the seat of a blue teacup ride directly opposite to the main door of the Ultimate UFO, near a bus. Another can be found in the tunnels below the junkyard, just past the metro car. The core is in the mouth of a bear statue sticking out of the wall. The last one can be found on the top shelf of the train car below the blue teacup with the previous fusion core in it, it is near the door closest to the Ultimate UFO.
  • A Commie Whacker - On a table near the last fusion core described above.


The Port-A-Diner found at the Nuka-World junkyard, inside the large warehouse, has a 100% chance of giving out a perfectly preserved pie.


The Nuka-World junkyard appears only in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World.


  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 Xbox OneXbox One The star core respawns after several in-game days. The terminal at Star Control will show -1 star cores outside the Galactic Zone when it has been picked up twice. This makes it possible to get the Quantum X-01 power armor before finishing the add-on questlines. The star core will no longer respawn once the Hubologists move into the junkyard barn. [verified]
    • Xbox OneXbox One This may have been fixed in a recent update.
  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 Xbox OneXbox One One of the robots may spawn below the map (specifically, the highly-irradiated mound in the water south of the barn), thus making it impossible to destroy. Leaving the area and waiting or resting for several hours will cause it to spawn on the surface after returning.[verified]

