The Nuka-Cola Family radio is a radio station in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World. It can be picked up with the player character's Pip-Boy built in radio after installing the add-on.
The radio signal must be listened to in order to progress with the Nuka-World quest All Aboard. The broadcast consists of a condensed excerpt from the Nuka-World theme song, followed by a pre-recorded message from Bottle, one of the mascots of the Nuka-Cola Corporation, encouraging listeners to go towards the Nuka-World transit center to visit Nuka World before it closes for the winter.
What if there was a place with all the zip of Nuka-Cola? Wouldn’t that be the cheer-cheer-cheeriest place in all the world? Quench your thirst for adventure at Nuka World!
Hiya, kids! Remember, Nuka-World is only open for a few more weeks in October! Come down and see me and Cappy one last time before buckling down for the winter. Don't forget to bring your empty bottle of Nuka-Cola to get 15 dollars off at the gate! So hop aboard the Nuka-Express and come and see the whole Nuka family while you still can!
The Nuka-Express is accessible through the Nuka-World Transit Center. Parking fees will apply. Prices subject to change due to end of season. Nuka-World, Nuka-Express, and the Nuka-Cola characters are all registered trademarks of the Nuka-Cola Corporation.
Nuka-World transit center, follow the ruined highway westward of the Federal ration stockpile until you reach the edge of the map, in order to continue the quest.[verified]
The radio may not broadcast the message. In this situation you have to walk for- Alternatively, the console command setstage DLC04MQ00 200 will allow you to proceed with the quest as if you had listened to the broadcast.