Not Worth a Hill of Corn and Beans[1] is an unmarked quest in Fallout: New Vegas.
Quick walkthrough[]
Unmarked Quest: Not Worth a Hill of Corn and Beans | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reach Camp McCarran and speak with Colonel Hsu; ask about the situation around Camp McCarran. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Enter the concourse and speak with Corporal William Farber; ask about the available food supplies. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Repair the concourse food processor | Locate a source of spices | Arrange a trade of fresh meat | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pass an 80 Repair skill check or obtain 2 pilot lights, 2 pressure cookers, 2 conductors, 2 firehose nozzles, 4 fission batteries, 2 steam gauge assemblies, 2 sensor modules, 5 scrap metal and 1 pot/metal cooking pot to make the repairs. | Acquire the food additive from Vault 22 west-northwest of Westside | Speak with Blake at the Crimson Caravan Company, Fitz at the Grub n' Gulp Rest Stop, or Ruby Nash in Primm to make a contract. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Return to Cpl. Farber. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reward: Discount with Cpl. Farber NCR fame | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed walkthrough[]
To start the quest, travel to Camp McCarran outside the southern wall of the Strip and enter the the terminal building; take an immediate left and enter the office near the east-end entrance to find Colonel James Hsu. If asked about supporting the NCR position at McCarran, he will mention that the quality of the mess rations has become untenable despite the best efforts of the mess officer, Corporal William Farber. Alternatively, one can skip speaking with Col. Hsu and go straight to the next location, as his dialogue is not required to start the quest.
The mess hall attended to by Cpl. Farber can be found in the concourse, reached by going to the second floor of the terminal building and through the doors at the south end; within the concourse, the mess hall is found in the southwest section. Talking to Cpl. Farber about the food supply issues, he reveals that presently, he's only had a dwindling supply of canned vegetables to feed the troops with, and this is wreaking havoc including more frequent trips to the latrines. Farber's plan to properly fix the food supply issue requires contracting a reliable source of edible meat from local vendors and finding a source of spices and seasonings to add flavor to his menu. He also asks for help fixing the broken food processor behind the mess counter, which will help him churn out better ration amounts and save more supplies while they're around. Note: There is a dialogue-related bug which will lock out the highest reward for the quest as early as talking to Cpl. Farber for the first time; see below for details.
Fixing the food processor[]
The food processor is in the back right corner of the mess hall. Farber will give a list of spare parts that are needed to make the repairs:
- 2 pilot lights
- 2 pressure cookers
- 2 conductors
- 2 firehose nozzles
- 4 fission batteries
- 2 steam gauge assemblies
- 2 sensor modules
- 5 scrap metal
- 1 pot or metal cooking pot[2]
These items can be found all around the Mojave Wasteland. If asked for advice on finding parts, Farber will list Miguel's Pawn Shop in Westside and the H&H Tools factory in North Vegas as specific locations, and they will also be marked on the Pip-Boy map if not previously discovered. Some other areas with a large amount of the required items can be found below.
Alternatively, one can pass an 80 Repair skill check to jury-rig the repairs on the processor without any item requirements; doing so will reward 80 XP.
Finding the food additive[]
On the matter of getting spices to add flavor to his cuisine, Farber will mention that the Crimson Caravan merchants can provide regular spices, but not the specialized mood stimulant he is looking for; this will mark the Crimson Caravan Company on the map if it was previously not discovered. He will also mention the on-base OSI office was looking into a related matter. Talking to Thomas Hildern on the first floor of the terminal building will start the side quest There Stands the Grass. This will lead to entering Vault 22, which is filled with giant mantises and spore carriers. One is not required to start the quest to access the location and can go directly to Vault 22 instead.
The food additive that Farber needs can be found on the Food Production level of Vault 22. From the elevator, the main hallway will lead to a lefthand hall. The first room on the left will lead to an office with spores growing out of a desk. The food additive is sitting on the top of the desk.
Procuring the meat[]
About location meat suppliers, Farber will provide a meat vendor list with the names of three potential suppliers: Blake at the Crimson Caravan Company, Ruby Nash in Primm, and Fitz at the Grub n' Gulp rest stop. Note: An issue exists that will lock out Ruby Nash and Fitz's dialogue for this quest; see below for details.
All three vendors are willing to broker a trade to supply raw meat to the McCarran mess hall but will expect payment in return. Each vendor has two success tiers (set by an internal status variable) depending on how they are convinced, with higher tiers leading to higher rewards in the end. They can be convinced at any time and whether or not one vendor is convinced does not affect any other vendor. Farber has separate dialogue options for each of the three vendors, so the rewards from all three vendors can all be obtained separately.
- Blake
- Tier 1: Tell Blake that McCarran will pay him with caps; always available.
- Tier 2:
- Pass a 50 Barter check to convince Blake to trade meat to McCarran in exchange for water and vegetables; provides 50 XP if successful.
- Alternatively, pass a 70 Speech check to suggest that Blake offer a discount to McCarran in order to gain a better negotiating position in future deals with the NCR; provides 70 XP if successful.
- Ruby Nash:
- Tier 1: Pay 200 caps; always available. With 50 Barter, another option to pay only 100 caps instead will be available, rewarding 50 XP if chosen.
- Tier 2: Pass a 70 Speech check to convince Ruby to trade meat to McCarran in exchange for water and vegetables; provides 70 XP if successful. This option does not appear for players with under 70 Speech.
- Fitz:
- Tier 1: Tell Fitz that McCarran will pay him with caps; always available.
- Tier 2: Pass either a 60 Barter or 60 Speech check to convince Fitz to trade meat for water and vegetables. These options do not appear for a skill level of <60 Barter or Speech, respectively, and they do not reward XP.
The only result of this quest is gaining a discount with Farber when purchasing his (limited) food inventory. This is rewarded at each stage rather than being given together at the end, i.e. each dialogue option telling him that an objective has been completed will reward a certain discount percentage. The highest cumulative discount, available by completing all objectives and convincing all three meat vendors with their respective highest tiers, is 28%.
- Blake:
- Tier 1: +5%
- Tier 2: +8%
- Ruby Nash:
- Tier 1: +2%
- Tier 2: +5%
- Fitz:
- Tier 1: +3%
- Tier 2: +5%
- Food processor: +5%
- Additive: +5%
- The Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide claims that this quest is connected to Gland for Some Home Cooking in that Farber wishes to sample Ruby Nash's casserole.[Non-game 1] This is untrue, although the quest does involve trading with Ruby for meat.
Meat suppliers[]
There is a bug with the dialogue conditions for Ruby Nash and Fitz which will make it so that their meat supplier dialogue options become unavailable (thus making Farber's highest discount unavailable). This is due to an issue involving the dialogue variable VFreeformMcCarran.iMessHallStatus:
- Asking Farber "Got anything to eat?" will cause him to explain the situation with McCarran's food supply and make it possible to make deals with the three meat vendors. This sets VFreeformMcCarran.iMessHallStatus to 2, enabling the vendors' dialogue.
- However, asking "Can anything be done to improve your supplies?" (the option to actually explain what the player needs to do for the quest, which is necessary in order to learn the identity of the three meat suppliers) afterwards will set VFreeformMcCarran.iMessHallStatus to 3. Blake's dialogue will still be available, as it is conditioned to appear if iMessHallStatus >= 2. However, the condition for Ruby Nash and Fitz is iMessHallStatus == 2, meaning their options will fail to appear.
- Thus, if one intends to make deals with all three merchants and get the greatest cumulative discount from Farber, this must be done before actually learning about the quest objectives from Farber; i.e. by exiting dialogue right after asking "Got anything to eat?".
- On PC, a workaround is to type set E7363.iMessHallStatus to 2 in the console before talking to Ruby Nash and/or Fitz.
Food processor[]
- Most of the components needed can be found inside the REPCONN headquarters.
- Almost everything needed can be found onsite in Camp McCarran, but some of the items must be stolen.
- A regular pot can be found in the cooking tent in the camp along with one pressure cooker, both not marked as owned, hence free for the taking. A second pressure cooker is sitting in the canteen right opposite the food processor on top of an oven (must be stolen.) Another pot is also in the canteen but must be stolen (only one is needed, so take the free one.)
- Both pilot lights can be obtained from ovens opposite the food processor (must be stolen.)
- One steam gauge assembly, five scrap metal, and one conductor (and a number of other needful things) are on shelves in the corner of the camp next to the terminal building on the entrance side, all un-owned.
- The other steam gauge assembly can be taken freely from the top of a shelf next to the dummy soldier in the camp in front of the tents to the right (as seen from the entrance.) There is also another one in one of the tents, but that one must be stolen.
- The other conductor is in the left tent second row back from the camp entrance on a table with some loot.
- The firehose nozzles can be stolen out of the two firehose boxes on the ground floor of the terminal building.
- Most, if not all, the items on the list can be found in Vault 11.
- Cerulean Robotics in Freeside also has most of the items needed.
- The steam gauge assemblies (and some of the other hard-to-find items) can also be bought from Old Lady Gibson at the Gibson scrap yard.
- Five scrap metals, two sensor modules, and two pilot lights can be stolen from the Novac gas station.
- HELIOS One has many of the items needed.
Behind the scenes[]
The phrase "a hill of beans," meaning that something is not worth much, was popularized by actor Humphrey Bogart in the 1942 film Casablanca.
- Ruby Nash or Fitz about the food supplies. [verified]
- See the notes section above for an in-depth discussion of this bug and how to avoid it.
You are unable to talk to either - pot in your inventory, only one pot will be removed when fixing the food processor. Occasionally, it doesn't allow you to fix the processor even if you have all the parts, one more part is needed. You will need one extra
- On PC, the console command setquestobject 000EFAE0 0 can be used to remove its quest item status, making it removable.
Farber will never take the food additive from the inventory even when he says he will do so. As the additive is a quest item, this means it cannot be dropped from the inventory. [verified]
- Having more than one food additive in the inventory, by using console commands for example, may bug the quest, by not showing the proper dialogue option with Farber to give him the additive. The bug can be fixed by removing the excess items from the inventory, using console commands.
- ↑ Quest name from Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide
- ↑ See VFreeformMcCarranKitchenScript in the GECK.