Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Noshir Dalal is an actor who voiced Knight Rhys in Fallout 4. He also voiced Gnash and Dino, as well as male settlers and Mothman cultists in the Fallout 76 update Wastelanders. He reprised his role as settlers for the villagers in the Steel Dawn update.


Fallout series[]

YearTitleCredited as/for
2015Fallout 4Knight Rhys
Settlers (male)
Cultists (male)
Dino (uncredited)
Hunter (uncredited)
Blue Ridge Caravan employees (male, uncredited)
Scavengers (male, uncredited)
Scavenger traders (male, uncredited)
Scientist (male, uncredited)
Traveling merchants (male, uncredited)
2020Steel DawnVillagers (male, credited as settlers)

Other work[]

YearTitleCredited as/for
2018Red Dead Redemption 2Charles Smith
2019Gears 5Additional Voices
2019Sekiro: Shadows Die TwiceSekiro / Additional Voices
2019The Outer WorldsUdom Bedford
2020Cyberpunk 2077Cyberninja Oda
2022Saints Row (2022)Marshalls
2023Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III (2023)Lucas "Luke" Dobbs