Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The northwest maintenance buildings are an unmarked location in the exterior of Nuka-World in 2287.


This location just northwest of the Galactic Zone consists of two accessible maintenance sheds and a small parking lot. A short driveway connects to the main road to the north, with a ticket booth nearby. Several derelict vehicles are in the vicinity, and a well-stocked Nuka-Cola machine is against the exterior wall of the southern shed in the parking lot. There is also a lunch pail on a nearby picnic table.

The northern shed has several shelves, a Novice-locked tool chest, an Advanced-locked footlocker, a wooden crate, and a first aid box. In the southeastern corner is a small office with a radio, a caps stash on a shelf, and a cooler on the ground next to a trash can.

The southern shed has even more shelves, which hold a footlocker, an explosives box, a metal box, and a large toolbox. An Advanced-locked floor safe is between two desks, one of which is overturned. Two restrooms are in the southwestern corner, and several chems are in a file cabinet drawer on the floor in front of them.


  • The nearest fast travel location is the RobCo Battlezone. From there, turn around and head north, exiting the Galactic Zone through the northern entrance, then turn west along the wall.
  • A random short weapon variant (e.g. a pistol) can spawn on a shelf in the northern shed.
  • A random long weapon variant (e.g. a rifle or shotgun) can spawn atop the file cabinets in the southern shed.


The northwest maintenance buildings appear only in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World.

