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This is a transcript for dialogue with Ulysses.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 {Watching the perimeter of the temple, in combat} Not now. Let's settle things here. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 {Watching the perimeter of the temple} If we're done here, let's leave the Divide behind. If we get separated, I'll meet you above Hopeville, near the Canyon Wreckage. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 {Remarked} Full circle, walked your road - now back again. 3
GREETING Neutral 50 {Keep low-key, this line will be heard a lot} Something else in you needing an answer? 4
GREETING Neutral 50 5
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04EDETopic079 Neutral 50 You may not know my voice, but we've walked the same places. The Long 15 to Primm... that wasn't the only road you ever walked.{No Sound File} 6
Neutral 50 I've been to your home, the place you kept returning to... may not be the place you were born, was the place you gave life to, same thing. 7
Neutral 50 People forget couriers can keep communities alive... until the day they're gone, and their breath catches in their throat. 8
Neutral 50 For now, eyes alert, watch the streets below. There's still life in the Divide - threats other than the storms and wind... new inhabitants.{No Sound File} 9
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04EDETopic126 Anger 50 Heard tales of you walking the Mojave. Casting off your disguise... yet you carried that Chip, determined to take it to Vegas... not Caesar.{No Sound File} 10
Disgust 50 You and that Chip deserve each other, 29 fewer coins than other traitors have carried, by history's mark. 11
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04EDETopic127 Neutral 50 {Commanding} For now - find the trigger for the warheads, buried in Hopeville. Use it to keep moving... and keep alive. 12
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04EDETopic128 Neutral 50 They'll start emerging throughout the Mojave in time, might be years. Probably less.{No sound file} 13
Neutral 50 They breed fast, hunt in groups, more than enough to bring down the strongest in the Mojave. Once they draw blood... 14
Neutral 50 Seen them tear apart Deathclaws... Deathclaw might get some, but the rest will swarm it, tear it apart, like Denver hounds. 15
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04EDETopic129 Neutral 50 Walked the East, too, before the Bull came. Then... much like the Mojave before the Bear... tribes, towns, clutching to life. Bull did a better job. 16
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic000 Maybe you better tell me who you are, and what you want. Neutral 50 {Slow, cold} I'm a courier. {Beat} Courier Six... was Courier Six. Like you - and {emph} not like you, in all the ways that matter.{No sound file} 17
Anger 50 {Low, slight threat} Spent too many years looking for you - now, letting you come to me. 18
Neutral 50 Thought carrying that Chip would end you, no... you got lives in you, hard to kill. Storms, bullets... sand and wind, yet still you walk. For now. 19
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic001 How are you speaking through ED-E? Neutral 50 {Disgust} The idea of a machine bearing a message new to you? Thought that was how House relayed all his messages... {disdain} through his robots.{No sound file} 20
Last I heard, Legion didn't use machines as mouthpieces to hide from their enemy. Neutral 50 {"You're hiding behind a machine," and Ulysses isn't sure what the player means at first} The machine... the robot. No, not Legion... less history than that.{No sound file} 21
How are you speaking through ED-E? Neutral 50 {Frowns} The robot with {emph} you... {Beat, explains, disgust, hates ED-E} all of them are machines - radios, Old World tech reshaped with new hands. Historians. Couriers, carrying messages.{No sound file} 22
Neutral 50 Seen them as I've walked the Divide, tending other machines. {Frowns} That one... sealed inside the Hopeville silo. {Beat to himself} Sign America is waking up. 23
Anger 50 {Cold, authoritative, hates ED-E} It will follow you, obey you. {Beat, low} Carry it until we are face to face, then there'll be no more need for it to carry {emph} my words. 24
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic002 The damage here looks like it was caused by underground detonations - on a scale I've never seen. Neutral 50 {DUPE} [SUCCEEDED] America sleeps in the Divide - giants, beneath the earth. You saw one locked in the silo beneath you. {Beat, cold} There's more.{No sound file} 25
Neutral 50 {DUPE} Only takes a few of them, locked below ground, to tear apart the earth... and cast dust, sand... ash... into the skies above. 26
There's something left down there? Town looks like it was bombed. Neutral 50 {DUPE} [FAILED] Wasn't always like this. Old World wreckage's nothing new... after that, something you had your hand in - you'll walk it soon enough.{No sound file} 27
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic003 What is this place? Neutral 50 The Divide... this place is a slice of it. Old military. Can still smell the pride - and the fear.{No sound file} 28
Neutral 50 {Introspective} Hope of the Old World, wrapped in fencing, covered in storm. Got new inhabitants now other than ghosts, more recent... recruits. 29
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic004 Are those the bodies I saw in the silo? The soldiers that look like they'd been flayed? Neutral 50 If you saw their corpses, you saw mercy. Got what they deserved, coming to the Divide.{No sound file} 30
Neutral 50 The Bear and Bull - NCR, Legion - came in waves. Before. And after. Right into the invisible fires... the wind, ground... collapsing beneath them. 31
Neutral 50 Once under different flags, now they are equal in their hatred of the trespassers. You and I. 32
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic007 Enough talking. You went to a lot of trouble to lure me here, so let's get on with this. Neutral 50 {Cold, introspective} America sleeps ahead of you, its nightmares filled with quakes, storms. You'll need to find your own path.{No sound file} 33
Neutral 50 That means waking America's spears up from their slumber. There's ways - warheads set off the collapse, {beat} warheads could open the gates again. 34
Neutral 50 {Challenge} You're resourceful. {Disgust for machine} That machine, robot with you - can help you find the warheads you need to destroy... {a little slower, quest object} and their trigger, the detonator. 35
Neutral 50 The way ahead is below. The tools are there. The rest - up to you. 36
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic009 What were the creatures in the underpass? Neutral 50 Tunnelers. Predators that make their own roads beneath the ground here.{No sound file} 37
Neutral 50 {Somber} Divide broke their sky, showed them the world above - and the scent of new prey. 38
Neutral 50 Be a slower death for the Mojave than bombs and fire... but they'll come for its people, from where they least expect - below. 39
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic010 I'm not planning to go into the Divide after you. Neutral 50 No Courier would go to the Divide... but you will. And that's what sets us apart - we walk roads no other Courier will walk.{No sound file} 40
Neutral 50 And for you... you'll want to see your home one last time, see what happened. 41
Neutral 50 You're curious. You walk, leave ruin in your path... you can't leave alone. Still, the choice is yours... what I offer, it's the last I offer you. 42
Neutral 50 I don't care if you walk the Divide. Turn, walk the Mojave, fight beneath the flags... but you'll wonder. 43
Neutral 50 If you don't, the Divide will come to you, and the Mojave. That will be my message to you, like the message you had for me. 44
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic011 Fine. I'll find this trigger - then I'll come find you. Neutral 50 The Divide will send its worst against you - it may break you. We'll see if you're stronger.{No sound file} 45
Neutral 50 Road gets rougher from here... {slight disdain} Courier. Left marks for you, colors'll tell the way - if you're smart. 46
Neutral 50 They'll lead you to your home one more time, lead to the ending of it - {slow, cold} maybe remind you why you wander. 47
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic012 [Legion] Those Legionnaires in Hopeville wore Legion armor - and strange masks and blades. Neutral 50 {Quieter} You haven't seen enough of the Legion yet to see what they worship... what they hold on to, even after what happened to them.{No sound file} 48
Those Marked Men in Hopeville - some had strange masks and blades I'd never seen before. Neutral 50 They bear false versions of Legate Lanius' mask, the one Caesar fashioned for him. Thought it was an insult at first.... {to himself} know better now.{No sound file} 49
Neutral 50 It's shaped from Divide metal, not with care and strength, but with hate. Keeps them anchored. 50
Neutral 50 Crude, effective - like the blades they carry, distant mirrors of their Legate. A symbol they can hold on to - while the Divide tears at them. 51
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic013 [NCR] Those soldiers in Hopeville... were once NCR, I'm sure of it. Why were they with the Legion? Neutral 50 {Quieter} You see true. Not scavengers... it's what they wore {slight beat} before this all happened.{No sound file} 52
Some of the flayed Hopeville soldiers looked like NCR... but fought beside others in Legion armor. Neutral 50 Pain makes for strange allies... the hate the Bear and Bull shared across the battlefield, now turned against the Divide. Few survived... intact.{No sound file} 53
Neutral 50 Many NCR were already here when the destruction happened. Keeping the route East open, in fear of Caesar. Fear of the Legion. 54
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic014 If this is the High Road... where does it lead? Neutral 50 At the end of the High Road lies Ashton - its silo. 55
Neutral 50 {Disgust, hates ED-E} That {emph} machine with you, it can open it, wake it up, {quieter} like it did the one in Hopeville. 56
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic015 When you say, "slower death for the Mojave," you mean they're spreading out from the Divide. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Nod} Death'll come from below. {Frowns} In the Divide, need to watch the sky {emph} and ground... {Dismissive, shakes head} Mojave'll be easy prey for them. 57
What did you mean, "slower death for the Mojave?" Neutral 50 [FAILED] Mojave needs to survive itself first... does that, Tunnelers will be next on the list. 58
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic017 You wouldn't have recorded those messages if they didn't matter to you. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Hesitant} Maybe not. {Beat} Who's to say. 59
Neutral 50 {Answers his own question, more to himself} You, perhaps. Found them, heard them after I cast them aside - maybe there was purpose in that. 60
Neutral 50 {Quiet, downnote} If they matter... if history matters... we'll see at the end of the road. 61
So... what, they weren't that important then? Neutral 50 [FAILED] {Dismissive} Words lost to history. {Beat, to himself, as if trying to convince himself of this} Wouldn't have left them on the road otherwise. 62
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic018 I was never a Legion agent. Neutral 50 I know that now. Doesn't change what was done. The Legion who died here. 63
Neutral 50 Even if you were Legion, you would answer for those deaths by Caesar's law. 64
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic019 I haven't listened to them all. If there's time, I will. Neutral 50 As I said before... it's of no consequence. Never intended you to find them, never intended you to {emph} hear them. 65
Neutral 50 Questions in those tapes I still haven't found answers to. You won't be the one to give them. 66
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic020 If you saw this happen, then how did you survive? Neutral 50 {Disgust, bitter, implication is that he wanted to die there} Should've died there... but now that I know you live... {bitter} the machines here... {implied quotes} saved me. I was the only survivor, {to himself} or thought I was. 67
Neutral 50 Your package, the message inside, awoke medical machines... close to the one that shadows you... began to build themselves, then others. 68
Neutral 50 They only take what parts they find in the Divide, never roam beyond it - can't even leave the silos without a human to shadow, like hounds. 69
Neutral 50 Maybe they saw the flag on my jacket, thought I was of America. If so, history saved me. A sign. 70
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic022 This canyon is miles long - maybe longer. Where can I find you? Neutral 50 At the end of the Divide, through the trenches and wreckage - that's where you'll find me. My new home, here, amongst dead men.{No sound file} 71
Neutral 50 You and that {slight sneer at 'machine'} machine, keep your eyes on the tower that cuts the horizon... you'll find your way. Made it this far... not much farther to go. 72
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic023 What happened here? Neutral 50 You delivered a package. Had markings that matched those in the Divide. Not all... but enough. 73
Neutral 50 Military markings, from some place the Bear had savaged in the West. {Beat, trying to draw player out here} Maybe seeing those markings on it reminded you of home... made you carry it. 74
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic025 Forget this. What do you want? Neutral 50 An ending. To this road, you and I. First, you need to find your way. At the end, I'll be waiting.{No sound file} 75
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic026 Inhabitants? It doesn't look like anyone's alive down there. Neutral 50 These new inhabitants... not natives... most of them. Came with duty, purpose... ready to kill each other. {Beat, a little quieter} The Divide was stronger.{No sound file} 76
Neutral 50 {Introspective, cont} Left marks on them, too. Not Bear, not Bull - now... radiation's marked them, made them equal in history's eyes. 77
Neutral 50 As vicious as the storms are, these shadows of Legion, of NCR - {"they are"} silhouettes of things to come. 78
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic027 [NCR] Those bodies in the silo were NCR soldiers... some special forces. Neutral 50 Might have been. Once. To the Divide they came... in the Divide, they rest.{No sound file} 79
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic028 [Legion] The dead in the silo, some were Legion Frumentarii, scouts. Assassins. Neutral 50 Might have been. Once. To the Divide they came... in the Divide, they rest.{No sound file} 80
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic029 You were supposed to carry the Chip? Neutral 50 Meant to? No. Never. {Emph} Your burden.{No sound file} 81
Neutral 50 Weigh you down long enough to let death catch up to you... but you survived. 82
Neutral 50 There was death in that package, and while the Chip is important to Old World ghosts... no, you are more dangerous than that Chip ever could be. 83
Neutral 50 {Reflective} Maybe why you found each other, little piece of the Old World, speaking to you, waiting for you to wake something else up with it. 84
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic030 We've never spoken before - I'd remember your voice. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Words aren't the only way couriers meet... sometimes it's the paths we walk. But no... we've never spoken before now.{No sound file} 85
It sounds like you know me, but I've never met you. Neutral 50 [FAILED] {Disgust, slight dismissive} I know you. What we have in common, though, isn't in the words we traded.{No sound file} 86
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic031 So you refused to deliver the Chip - what, to set me up to die? Neutral 50 {Cold} We {emph} all have death following us, only a question of how close. You dodged it - for a time. {Disdain} You're good at that, talent for it.{No sound file} 87
Neutral 50 With that Chip weighing you down... a burden, lets death move a little faster without me pulling the trigger. 88
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic032 If you wanted me dead, why did you wait? Neutral 50 Promises to keep. To others. And the Mojave's dangerous enough - left to the land, the land has its way.{No sound file} 89
Neutral 50 If I wanted you dead, we would have met sooner. Not sure that's the way this ends. 90
Neutral 50 {Quieter} Might be that history needs to have its say. If not, then messages will do. 91
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic035 I've never seen corpses mutilated like that. Neutral 50 Even as the fires here burned them from within... the winds of the Divide tore their skin, exposed them... screaming... to the sky.{No sound file} 92
Neutral 50 And just as the Divide tears at them, so they tear at each other, for sport - like some tribal scarification. {Beat, to himself, referring to Legion origins} Falling back to their history, maybe. 93
Neutral 50 {Quieter} No matter what they suffer... {Reflective} the radiation, fire of the Divide, sustains them. Makes them stronger. 94
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic038 If they've become ghouls, the radiation would strengthen them. Heal their wounds - not the scars. Neutral 50 {DUPE} [SUCCEEDED] {Nods, agreeing} There's truth in your words, {and} in what I've seen of their tactics, movements - recovery. Those wounds - they couldn't live otherwise.{No sound file} 95
Neutral 50 {DUPE} The Divide winds have torn the skin from many of them - {beat} may be the radiation is the only thing keeping them walking. 96
Neutral 50 {DUPE} Make camp near silos... warheads. {Thinking to himself} No way to cleanse the radiation - makes them hard to kill there, have to draw them out. 97
The rads in this place seem like they would do more damage to them. Neutral 50 {DUPE} [FAILED] They're more beasts than men now. They clutch at their pain as they clutch at their weapons... anchors them.{No sound file} 98
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic039 Radiation may keep them alive in areas so physically punishing, it would kill others - even ghouls. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Nods, agreeing} There's truth in your words, {and} in what I've seen of their tactics, movements - recovery. Those wounds - they couldn't live otherwise.{No sound file} 99
Neutral 50 The Divide winds have torn the skin from many of them - {beat} may be the radiation is the only thing keeping them walking. 100
Neutral 50 Make camp near silos... warheads. {Thinking to himself} No way to cleanse the radiation - makes them hard to kill there, have to draw them out. 101
Why would they want to stay here if this place is killing them? Neutral 50 [FAILED] They're more beasts than men now. They clutch at their pain as they clutch at their weapons... anchors them.{No sound file} 102
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic040 Area looks like it was hit with earthquakes... or underground detonations. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] America sleeps in the Divide - giants, beneath the earth. You saw one locked in the silo beneath you. {Beat, cold} There's more.{No sound file} 103
Neutral 50 Only takes a few of them, locked below ground, to tear apart the earth... and cast dust, sand... ash... into the skies above. 104
Neutral 50 {Slight accusation} You'll see the extent - the miles of it, soon enough. You need to see it... walk it. 105
What's here? This place looks wrecked. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Wasn't always like this. Old World wreckage's nothing new... after that, something you had your hand in - you'll walk it soon enough.{No sound file} 106
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic043 Other Marked Men had NCR gear - and they weren't carrying masks or blades. Neutral 50 For the two-headed Bear... NCR... they don't have symbols in the same way Legion does.{No sound file} 107
Neutral 50 They revere their mines and explosives, guns... {emph} that is their religion - {disgust} death from afar, take pride in it. 108
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic044 So you're the one who sent the radio message - Ulysses. Neutral 50 {Conceding to player's request, a little less challenging. "My name is..."} Not my given name, close enough.{No sound file} 109
Neutral 50 Took it from history, found it in a book. It's an Old World name. 110
Neutral 50 Ulysses lived a long time ago, long before the Old World set fire to itself. He made a mark without being myth. 111
Neutral 50 Had to fight during a time when his world had two flags, and he had to make them one. 112
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic045 "Ulysses." Not the myth. You're honoring history, not stories. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Conceding to player's request, a little less challenging. "Is this about history?"} History. Yes.{No sound file} 113
Neutral 50 Ulysses walked a hard road. A general, like Caesar and Oliver. He was Brahmin-stubborn, gave him strength on the battlefield. 114
Neutral 50 He led his side to victory, turned two flags into one. {Frowns} That's when {emph} he lost - when the fighting was done, the sickness took hold. 115
Neutral 50 Lesson there, if history's to be believed. One you should heed. 116
Ulysses... that sounds like a Legion name... a Legion hero? Neutral 50 [FAILED] {Disdain} Search history, might find meaning in it.{No sound file} 117
Neutral 50 It's just a name - you have {emph} no idea who I am. {Beat, dismissive} You'll know by the end. 118
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic046 You chose Ulysses because of the "two flags" reference - is that tied to the war in the Mojave? Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Conceding to player's request, a little less challenging. "This is about the war, right?"} War. Call it that. {Correcting, Emph} Our part in it.{No sound file} 119
Neutral 50 Ulysses wasn't made for the flag he followed. He wasn't made for peace. That's the lesson. 120
Neutral 50 If you follow a symbol to the end, ask yourself what that means. More important, ask what happens {emph} after the end. 121
So... this is about fighting? Or...? Neutral 50 [FAILED] {Emph} Fighting? {Disdain} Yes... but different weapons than you're used to.{No sound file} 122
Neutral 50 You're wasting time. Stalling. Won't help you. 123
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic047 You brought me here to talk. If you wanted to kill me, you'd have waited until I came for the Chip. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Slight sneer} No... no, I couldn't. And I'm thinking you can't kill me, either. If you did, you'd answer for it, just as I would.{No sound file} 124
Neutral 50 {Cold} Let the land do the killing for you, that's one of the things you taught me. 125
Neutral 50 Killing is personal - so's vows, promises. Last bit's more important to me than the first. 126
Look, we don't need to fight about this - we can talk this out, right? Disgust 50 [FAILED] {Disgust, dismisses player} Talking... words won't settle this. The Road will. And the end.{No sound file} 127
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic048 Wait... so you swore not to kill me? Why? Neutral 50 {Smile/sneer} What kind of world would this be if Courier killed Courier.{No sound file} 128
Neutral 50 You've got enough distance ahead of you - save your breath for the road, don't waste it on words. 129
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic050 Forget your name. Back to the job you refused. Disgust 50 {Disdain, dismissive} All right... Courier. If the why of it matters to you.{No sound file} 130
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic051 Brothers? So - you're Legion, too. Neutral 50 I hold Legion to be my brothers... even as misguided as they are. And you... more so than most.{No sound file} 131
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic052 A woman in the Legion surprise you? Neutral 50 It's not Legion - the Legion I know, but they change, even in small ways as they march West, with every tribe they break. 132
Disgust 50 {Dismissive} But yes... last I heard, you needed a weapon between your legs to carry one for Caesar. 133
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic053 Is that why you're not Legion anymore, then? Neutral 50 {Slight surprise} What do you m... {"mean," then chuckles} I see the way of it. Have fight in you, at least. Save it for the road ahead.{No sound file} 134
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic055 Is New Vegas's power a threat to you? Disgust 50 {Dismissive} Power isn't strength. Power can wall off someone, when they {slight emph} believe it's freed them.{No sound file} 135
Neutral 50 House's power... {Beat, lets it go} you've seen the wall around Vegas. He gains more power, that wall will grow. The Mojave'll become Vegas. 136
Neutral 50 {Little quiet, as if speaking of a haunted graveyard} But it's more lights than strength. You'll see the way of it soon enough. 137
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic057 You have a lot of hate for NCR. That kind of hate isn't new in the Mojave. Neutral 50 No... not new. And not new among all those in the shadow of the Bear.{No sound file} 138
Neutral 50 {Frowns} You know their flag, a bear with two heads. Symbol's an Old World one, had one head then, better off for it. 139
Neutral 50 Their flag speaks to their spirit. They're split like any two-headed animal, trying to go in different directions, ending up nowhere. 140
Neutral 50 In the Mojave, that'll only get you sand between your fingers - or over your grave. 141
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic058 You've got a better way? Neutral 50 Yes. And any Courier could tell you the same, see it everywhere. The Bear...{No sound file} 142
Neutral 50 ...Bear's too busy carving up the Mojave with knives, roads, borders, and how things {emph} should be to see how it {emph} is. 143
Neutral 50 They're stretched thin, can't protect their frontlines, their towns, think paper's power, radio means control - all of it, useless. 144
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic059 At least they're trying to help the Mojave. Neutral 50 Trying doesn't hold much weight with me. Legion doesn't {emph} try to kill people, they do it. The Bear kills people trying to {emph} protect them.{No sound file} 145
Disgust 50 Irony's sharp. And Legion... their flag may be old, but it's not at war with itself. 146
At least they're trying to help the Mojave. Neutral 50 No matter now. Bear couldn't hold the Divide. 147
Neutral 50 You and that machine, are all that remains of NCR here... {quieter, to himself} rest fell to radiation, fire... and what burrows below. 148
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic060 We're too far from Vegas to argue perspective on it. Neutral 50 {Judging} Maybe that's why you chose Vegas... the lights can blind, make people forget themselves. Their convictions - vows. {No sound file} 149
Neutral 50 Not going to waste time trying to make the blind see. {Beat} Took a chance coming here - same as I did. Now we'll see how it plays out. 150
I'm not interested in your politics. Neutral 50 Maybe not. Maybe that's why you fell in with the Bear in the first place - can't see what you're following. 151
Neutral 50 Not going to convince a deaf man with words. Shown strength coming in here - if strength's what you respect, then you belong East of the Colorado. 152
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic061 As obsessed as you are about history, the future's what I prefer. Neutral 50 {Disdain} Your future with House has two roads. The road the tribals in Vegas walked... their spirits crushed... 153
Neutral 50 ...or your face on a robot servant, smiling forever in a dead casino. There's future in neither. 154
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic063 What do you have against Vegas? Neutral 50 Vegas is Old World, filled with Old World ghosts. {Beat, slightly ominous} And ghosts need the living to do their work. 155
Neutral 50 That's why the families are there, why the Bear stumbles there to lose itself. It's a dance, I don't know its purpose. 156
Neutral 50 You've been, you've seen the Wall. It's what's inside that worries me. 157
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic065 What did you mean before, "it's a dance?" Neutral 50 {Frowns} That's the wrong word. "Theater" is better - the families, the Bear all on a stage. 158
Neutral 50 House. He's the one watching. {Suspicious} The why... you'd know better than I would. If you don't - you will. 159
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic066 Vegas is one of the safest places in the Mojave, and that gives me hope. Neutral 50 You've been, you've seen the Wall. Safe? No... what's inside - that's what worries me. 160
Neutral 50 Inside, Old World's waking up. No facts or history I've heard tells me that city ever went to sleep, and that makes me think. 161
Neutral 50 The blue of the Mojave skies - isn't like the rest of the world. Don't hear a Geiger ticking there, more to fear from predators than rads. 162
Neutral 50 The city - the whole Mojave, wasn't hit by bombs. Been my call, Vegas would be one of the first pieces of the Old World to burn. 163
Neutral 50 Someone protected it. Wasn't chance, wasn't luck. Something larger - yet they let the rest of the world suffer. And they'll do it again. 164
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic067 Tribes? You mean the Vegas families? Neutral 50 Families of Vegas were once tribes. Got drunk on the Vegas lights, the spirit bled out of them. Old World history, under a different flag. 165
Neutral 50 Whatever traditions or rituals they had, most likely squeezed out of them by now, turned into something else. 166
Neutral 50 {To himself} And if not, then I'm afraid what's going to happen when they come creeping back. 167
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic068 House is more pragmatic than you might think. Neutral 50 {"I"} Believe that. Vegas runs, I've seen what it's done to those who oppose it. And I've seen its messengers. 168
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic069 I doubt you've ever met House. Neutral 50 No... only seen his works. Those he's broken with light and gold. His messengers. 169
I doubt you've ever met House. Neutral 50 But everything in Vegas speaks of someone who can't let go. 170
Neutral 50 House takes a shovel to history's graves, props up the dead, then puts words in their mouths. The tribes don't even know how they were broken. 171
Neutral 50 {Cold, ominous} Not a world I want to be part of, going through motions until we're all smiling faces on some robot's screen. 172
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic071 The Mojave is behind us. I want to know what's ahead. Neutral 50 The High Road... not the Divide yet, many more miles to walk. But you got this far. {Disgust, hates ED-E} You and that machine that shadows you. 173
Neutral 50 Wasn't sure if both of you'd make it - above, then below the underpass.{No sound file} 174
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic072 If we share history, then before going forward, I want to know the past. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Smiles} "Who are you, who do not know your history?" 175
Neutral 50 You came all this way for answers. Only currency I have, nothing else to be gained - {you} could turn around, walk away at any time. 176
Neutral 50 If history matters to you... you'll need to earn it. {To himself, this is a hint} Any logs of mine I have already cast away in the Divide, they're lost to you. 177
Wait... there's more I wanted to talk about. About... all this. Neutral 50 [FAILED] {Dismissive} You want to know more, keep walking. 178
Neutral 50 I'll give answers as you go. {Beat, warning} Not before. 179
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic074 [Legion] You've been to Denver? That's Legion territory. Neutral 50 Mojave and the Divide aren't the only places I've walked. 180
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic075 Denver hounds? Denver's far to the East - Legion territory. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Mojave and the Divide aren't the only places I've walked. 181
Denver? What's that? Neutral 50 [FAILED] Another city fallen to nations, in the east... not important. {Dismissive, player isn't much of an outdoorsman} Doubt you'll ever walk that far, you'd need the land to sustain you. 182
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic076 Radiation from the War might have created them. Then detonations, quakes, caused them to surface? Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Nod} Makes sense. Truth favors that, matches the history of this place. 183
Neutral 50 {Reflective} Were signs they were here for a long time, before Marked Men, before what happened to the Divide cracked their sky. 184
Neutral 50 If so, they were buried deep. Might have been born the day America's embers started to settle. {To himself} Seen worse things twisted by radiation. 185
Are you saying... they were here before all this destruction? Neutral 50 [FAILED] {Dismissive} Don't know the history of them - only their patterns, how they hunt. 186
Neutral 50 {Dismissive} Still, takes a long time for such patterns to develop. A longer history than what happened here. 187
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic078 You keep saying that, as if you know where I was born - you don't. Neutral 50 Home isn't where you're born into this world. You taught me that. Part of your message, whether you meant it or not. 188
Neutral 50 {Reflective} Can be a place of mind, a moment where you know who you are, the history of it. {Beat, back to player} And they can be places you breathe life into. 189
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic079 Neutral 50 Never would have known the Divide had it not been for you. {Deliberate, slow, little anger here} The road you made with your tracks, again and again. 190
Neutral 50 {Thinking} You were the only one willing to make the journey to and from here... a hard road. Kept the land before the Divide alive through seasons, storms... 191
Neutral 50 {trying to convince himself} {emph} ...can't have been just a job. {Accusing} Was something more to you. Don't feel for a place that hard unless it's home. 192
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic080 The why of it? You're the one who needs to answer that - why are you doing this? Neutral 50 {Slow anger, being cagey here, doesn't want to show hand} Want to hear the answer of it. Not just history's answer... your answer for what happened here. 193
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic081 I've walked a lot of hard roads, Mojave and before. Doesn't mean anything. Neutral 50 {Anger} It means {emph} everything - even if you {emph} deny it, cast it aside, that speaks to what you are, {emph} proves what happened here. 194
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic083 You're crazy. Your head's messed up worse than the Divide. Neutral 50 {Cold, judging, low} And you've forgotten. Forgotten everything. {Beat, emph} Careless, as careless with futures then as you are now in the Mojave. 195
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic084 Whatever you believe happened, you have it wrong. Disgust 50 {Raises an eyebrow, contempt} Wrong? {Beat} No, I know the truth of it. 196
Whatever you believe happened, you have it wrong. Neutral 50 It was you walking that road that kept the Divide alive. It grew from what you did. Settlers... camps... filling that Old World city. 197
Neutral 50 {To himself} Chance for a new nation, new beginning. New way of thinking. 198
Neutral 50 {Bitter} Could've breathed new life into the Mojave, bridging East, West. Like Hoover Dam... but not Old World, something {emph} you made. Road was a supply line. 199
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic085 You're still making assumptions about all this. Neutral 50 No, recounting history. 200
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic086 There is no other supply line to the Mojave beyond the Long 15. Neutral 50 {Scoffs} Not any more. If one existed, the two-headed Bear would have claimed it. And it tried to. 201
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic087 Maybe you should tell me what happened. Neutral 50 NCR saw the worth in that road you made. {Disgust} Staked a claim, whether it was wanted there or not - {just like it’s} true elsewhere in the Mojave. 202
Neutral 50 And where the Bear tries to cling to life, the Legion comes... bearing messages. Some brought by blade. Others... by Couriers. 203
Neutral 50 You knew what was coming, as sure as I know what's coming for you. 204
Neutral 50 This time {emph} you carry the burden. {Beat} Walk west into the sun, and keep walking until it dies. {Beat} There - I'll be waiting. 205
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic088 You've been to Denver? That's Legion territory. Neutral 50 {DUPE} Mojave and the Divide aren't the only places I've walked. 206
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic090 You said I brought it from the West? Neutral 50 {Let a little bit of rage creep in here, this is what he hates} It was a device, a detonator. One I'd never seen before - {little quieter, to himself} or heard before. 207
Neutral 50 {Emph} You carried that thing to the Divide. I know because I followed you as you walked the road, watched you do it. 208
Neutral 50 You brought it here, to the community you built. And you are responsible for what happened after - when the device opened, started to speak. 209
Neutral 50 When it did, the Divide answered back. {Beat} Those missiles you've seen, buried in their silos. 210
Neutral 50 They exploded beneath the ground, cracked the landscape. Sand, ash... the dead... the Divide skies became a graveyard. 211
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic091 This package... I don't recall it. Neutral 50 It was from the West. From deep in NCR. Whether made by them or not... it came here. Through your hands. 212
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic093 I'm not to blame for Ashton, the Chip, or the Divide. Neutral 50 {Slow, building anger} All these roads, {emph} you walked. These packages you carried. Think it wasn't your choice? 213
I'm not to blame for Ashton, the Chip, or the Divide. Neutral 50 {Snarls} Of course it was your choice. {Beat} You could have stayed in the Mojave. But you {emph} chose to come, couldn't let be - not in you to let go. 214
Neutral 50 Came for no other reason than you were curious, restless - always have been. {Beat} Had to know the why of it - {Beat} now, I'll show you. 215
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic094 I'm not responsible for this, there's no way I could have known. Neutral 50 {Emph} If you had been there when it happened. {Beat, quieter} If you had {emph} seen the Divide break, you would know it. 216
Neutral 50 You carry death wherever you go - if the Mojave doesn't know it yet, it will. 217
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic095 You can't be sure it was me. Neutral 50 No... I'm certain. What I hadn't known was that you still {emph} lived after the Divide. 218
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic096 I don't understand how a package could have done this. Neutral 50 You will. I'll show the Mojave, Bear and Bull the way of it. How Couriers can break nations. 219
I don't understand how a package could have done this. Neutral 50 What happened here... can happen again. {Quiet, slight smug} You've already proved it, what you did in Ashton. The silo there. 220
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic097 I had no idea the silo was active until the missile was in the air toward Hopeville. Neutral 50 Didn't stop you, though. Like carrying the Chip to Vegas, Old World death in your hand. 221
Neutral 50 Pieces of the Old World like that just need someone careless enough to take them where they need to go, to do their killing. 222
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic099 I've had enough of this - whatever your game, I'm done. Neutral 50 {Cold} No, {emph} you are. Cut off your retreat, {emph} your supply line. Ashton missile, turned Hopeville into a furnace. 223
Neutral 50 You could walk back. Still can - {slow} but the Divide will mark you, sickness will set in. 224
Neutral 50 Not immediate, maybe, but in time. Slow burn, a little faster than before. 225
I've had enough of this - whatever your game, I'm done. Neutral 50 The way ahead and below - leads to the heart of the Divide. 226
Neutral 50 And there... you and I, we'll have an ending to things. 227
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic101 There's nothing to keep me from walking out of here and letting you rot. Neutral 50 Spent years looking for you. If you head back to the Mojave, it's like nothing's changed. Can live with that. Had to. 228
Neutral 50 Wasn't sure if history would matter to you. If it doesn't, that answers my question. 229
Neutral 50 If you turn your back on your home, so be it. I'll remain here in the Divide for you to return. And you will. 230
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic102 You wanted me to come to the Divide, I'm here. Now what? Neutral 50 Your road's not done. Haven't walked it full yet, not nearly enough. 231
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic103 On the High Road, you mentioned NCR and Legion fought here... before and after the Divide? Neutral 50 The two-headed Bear made its claim, dug its claws into the trail you made. For once, it seemed like it might succeed - cut a route to the Mojave. 232
Neutral 50 Couldn't let NCR stay in the Divide. Trade route, road the military could use... can't have two roads into the Mojave. 233
Neutral 50 {To himself} Not after the work we'd done to cut off New Canaan, other routes, killing caravans... all we'd done to make the West bleed. 234
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic104 I'm not done talking to you yet, there's more I want to know. Neutral 50 Already heard you once, long ago and loud enough for history to hear. Tired of your messages. 235
Disgust 50 {Slight snide} Still - curiosity drove you this far. Let's see what else it can do. 236
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic105 That's what made the Legion come to the Divide. Neutral 50 {To himself, echoing Caesar’s orders} Caesar’s orders. {Emph} Every supply line gets cut, every community that feeds the Bear... cut its throat, starve the Mojave. 237
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic106 So you are part of the Legion. One of their scouts? Assassins? Disgust 50 {Echo, insulted} Assassin? {Beat, low anger} If killing needs to be done, I'll face my victims... not kill from a distance, like you. 238
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic107 This is the first I've heard of Legion coming this far West of the Colorado. Neutral 50 No, when they come this far, they aren't Legion. They walk as Couriers. Like we do. 239
Neutral 50 And the Divide is the reason no Legion has been seen. None belong to Caesar. Not in this place. 240
This is the first I've heard of Legion coming this far West of the Colorado. Neutral 50 {Quieter} The ones that came... were following orders. 241
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic108 So what happened? Neutral 50 Bear made its shadow felt here, more than I could handle. Heavy guard, watchful. I watched, waited. 242
Neutral 50 And as I watched, studied the people. The flag, markings. Thought perhaps... if I got rid of the Bear... what you had given life to might come again. 243
Neutral 50 Waited too long. Hesitated. A Courier isn't meant to stay in one place for long. And then you came, with the package. History. 244
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic109 I'm not interested in the history of this, we're done talking. Neutral 50 All right. Done with words, then, won't get you where you need to go. 245
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic111 So the Legion doesn't know what happened here? Neutral 50 No, they don't know the history of it. So send others to find out, more to die... at the hands of their brothers the Divide has claimed. 246
Neutral 50 {Bitter} It doesn't matter, the Bear's reach was cut off. Now only the Long 15 remains. Once that's finished, Mojave will be under the flag of the Bull. 247
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic112 How were you planning to attack the Divide? Neutral 50 Didn't know, but Couriers can travel anywhere. They make roads into places no one else will go, guarded or not. Was going to watch, see. 248
Neutral 50 The Legion... thought it might get into the community through me, just as I'd found the way by following you. 249
Neutral 50 But you struck first, shattered the ground, and let your home burn instead. Nearly killed me. And everyone here, walking or still. 250
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic113 I found some recordings from you on the road. Neutral 50 {DUPE} The tapes... {Shrugs} didn't think those would be found... weren't worth the words anyway, not like I'd forget what happened. 251
Neutral 50 {DUPE} Had the tech from the Big Empty, recorder a woman gave me... on its last legs, didn't survive the road. Cast it and the tapes aside. 252
Neutral 50 {DUPE} If you heard them... they're of no consequence. Ramblings, reminders for a man who doesn't need them. 253
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic114 You wouldn't have recorded those messages if they didn't matter to you. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Hesitant} Maybe not. {Beat} Who's to say. 254
Neutral 50 {Answers his own question, more to himself} You, perhaps. Found them, heard them after I cast them aside - maybe there was purpose in that. 255
Neutral 50 {Quiet, downnote} If they matter... if history matters... we'll see at the end of the road. 256
So... what, they weren't that important then? Neutral 50 {DUPE} [FAILED] {Dismissive} Words lost to history. {Beat, to himself, as if trying to convince himself of this} Wouldn't have left them on the road otherwise. 257
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic115 In the logs... you mentioned a tribe called the Twisted Hairs - your tribe? Anger 50 {Anger} Twisted Hairs are dead, lost at Dry Wells, died in Vulpes' smile. Won't discuss their fate with you, not now - their past is {emph} mine to keep. 258
Neutral 50 Walk farther, see me face to face - you might earn more. Now, let the words keep you without me adding to them. 259
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic116 The logs of the Big Empty mentioned you'd spoken to history. Neutral 50 {Slow, thinking back} I had, did. It was madness... asked them a question in anger. {Beat} Got an answer, more than I expected. 260
Neutral 50 {Quiet, to himself} Answer told me what happened here at the Divide, the how of it, and that was enough. 261
Neutral 50 {Resolved, closing this up} The tape has the telling of it, don't need me adding to the questions already there. 262
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic117 I found some recordings from you in Hopeville. Neutral 50 {Surprised} The tapes... {slightly impressed} didn't think those would be found... you know the Divide better than I thought. 263
Neutral 50 Had tech from the Big Empty, recorder a woman gave me... didn't survive the road, on its last legs. 264
Neutral 50 Cast it and the tapes aside... weren't worth the words anyway, not like I'd forget what happened. 265
Neutral 50 If you heard them... nothing but ramblings, reminders for a man who doesn't need them. {To himself} Probably more, lying from here to the Divide. 266
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic118 When we first spoke in Hopeville, you mentioned you'd sworn not to kill me. Why? Neutral 50 {Frowns, slight testing} You know the why of it. If you don't - I do, and that's enough. {To himself, quieter} Shows trust only walks so far West. 267
Neutral 50 {Beat, gives in} Earned more than that, though, getting this far. {Beat} We walk the same road, carry the same colors. Can't break that by making the road red. 268
Neutral 50 Want more than that, walk the Divide. Answers'll come, closer you get to home... you and that machine. 269
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic119 I found more recordings from you on the road. Neutral 50 {A little uncomfortable} You scavenge words. Things I have no need of, no history there worth recounting. 270
Neutral 50 Scour the Divide, claw at it for meaning - but my words will give you no answer. 271
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic120 No, there's a pattern. The more I hear, the more I understand your history. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Cold, final} They won't help you understand what happened here. 272
Neutral 50 {Quiet, slight anger} And they won't help you understand me. {Disdain} Keep them, listen, study them - they won't help you here in the Divide. 273
I... think they tell me... where you were. Things you did. Neutral 50 {DUPE} [FAILED] {Dismissive} Words lost to history. {Beat, to himself, as if trying to convince himself of this} Wouldn't have left them on the road otherwise. 274
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic121 You're going after the Long 15? That's more miles than Legion can hold. Neutral 50 {Sneers, contempt} Won't {emph} hold it. Divide taught me you don't need to - just cut it off. 275
Neutral 50 Then the Mojave will fall, Bear will starve, its flag will burn. It's spent too long dying, the Long 15 will end it. 276
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic122 I found some recordings from you on the road. Neutral 50 {DUPE} The tapes... {Shrugs} didn't think those would be found... weren't worth the words anyway, not like I'd forget what happened. 277
Neutral 50 {DUPE} Had the tech from the Big Empty, recorder a woman gave me... on its last legs, didn't survive the road. Cast it and the tapes aside. 278
Neutral 50 {DUPE} If you heard them... they're of no consequence. Ramblings, reminders for a man who doesn't need them. 279
I want to talk more about your recordings I found here in the Divide. Neutral 50 {A little uncomfortable} You scavenge words. Things I have no need of, no history there worth recounting. 280
Neutral 50 Scour the Divide, claw at it for meaning - but my words will give you no answer. 281
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic123 You wouldn't have recorded those messages if they didn't matter to you. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Hesitant} Maybe not. {Beat} Who's to say. 282
Neutral 50 {Answers his own question, more to himself} You, perhaps. Found them, heard them after I cast them aside - maybe there was purpose in that. 283
Neutral 50 {Quiet, downnote} If they matter... if history matters... we'll see at the end of the road. 284
{DUPE}So... what, they weren't that important then? Neutral 50 {DUPE} [FAILED] {Dismissive} Words lost to history. {Beat, to himself, as if trying to convince himself of this} Wouldn't have left them on the road otherwise. 285
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic124 I've been collecting them. Listen to you talk about history enough, maybe I'll understand. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Cold, final} They won't help you understand what happened here. 286
Neutral 50 {Quiet, slight anger} And they won't help you understand me. {Disdain} Keep them, listen, study them - they won't help you here in the Divide. 287
{DUPE}I... think they tell me... where you were. Things you did. Neutral 50 {DUPE} [FAILED] {Dismissive} Words lost to history. {Beat, to himself, as if trying to convince himself of this} Wouldn't have left them on the road otherwise. 288
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic125 Before I go any farther, I deserve some answers. Neutral 50 {Acknowledging, slow} You've seen the Divide, walked it - farther than I thought you would. {Beat, to himself} Not sure how much farther you have in you. 289
Neutral 50 If you need answers, speak. You've earned them... {to himself} even if only you and I can carry them from here. 290
There's more I need to know. Neutral 50 {Frowns} If I have the answers, you've earned them. 291
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic126 I want to know more about this package I delivered. Neutral 50 {Disdain} You know what it was. {Remembering} Had the symbols of America on it. New markings. From after the Great War. 292
Neutral 50 {To himself} Thought it might be America come again. {Beat} Promise of another future. Another flag. 293
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic127 What's our history? How do you know me? Neutral 50 I knew {emph} of you, your name. Your road, to and from the Divide, what that meant for the Legion. 294
Neutral 50 We never spoke, knew you through your actions. Knew you'd walked the West as I'd walked the East. Learned different lessons. 295
Neutral 50 And I would never have discovered the Divide without you. 296
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic128 [Legion] You didn't kill me in Primm because you still thought I was Legion. Neutral 50 {To himself} Promises to keep. 'Courier shall not kill Courier.' Always - let them live, spread the word. 297
You said you made a promise not to kill me. Why? Neutral 50 Caesar's orders. Some time before I realized the why of it. {Beat} Wasn't just you. {Emph} All couriers. 298
Neutral 50 No telling how many were Legion. Maybe all of them. 299
Neutral 50 Wasn't sure about you. Until the Divide... all the NCR burning... that much death, it bears the mark of a Legion hand. 300
Neutral 50 {Frowns} But you killed like NCR. Like Hanlon, with mines, bombs... missiles. Killed Legion along with the Bear. Like a coward, kills from a distance. 301
Neutral 50 If you were Legion, then NCR beat you, the West changed you. 302
I don't understand why you didn't kill me in Primm. Neutral 50 {To himself} Promises to keep. 'Courier shall not kill Courier.' Always - let them live, spread the word. 303
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic129 But what was it? Neutral 50 {Slightly dismissive, like not important} It was a piece of machinery... military, holding memories, codes, maybe. {Frowns} When it woke, made these sounds... words. 304
Neutral 50 {Somber remembering} When it spoke, the Divide became fire, the ground... tore apart like the skies. {Beat, this is the punchline} Through it all, kept calling out - maybe calling for home. 305
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic130 You have a lot of hate for the robot with me. I can hear it in your voice. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Hate? No. There's nothing to hate in metal... steel, gold. {Bold} Or platinum. 306
Neutral 50 {Disdain} Your machine... it's just a tool, made of wreckage of the Divide... {to himself} all that was brought here. 307
Something wrong? You sound... mad... at my robot. Neutral 50 [FAILED] {Disgust} When I speak in anger, {emph} Courier, you'll know it. {Dismissive, trying to play this down} Your machine? Worth no more hate than any {emph} other machine. 308
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic131 What do you mean, "when it woke?" Neutral 50 Machine couldn't speak by itself. Needed a terminal to access it... like the terminals in the silos here, or the machine with you. 309
Neutral 50 {Quiet} When it was connected, it started speaking. And the Divide answered. 310
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic132 [NCR] NCR would have needed this supply line open to reinforce the Mojave - and Hoover Dam. Neutral 50 {Agreeing} The Dam. That Old World Wall. 311
[Legion] The Legion would want to cut this road off if it had been a supply line to Hoover Dam. Neutral 50 {DUPE} {Agreeing} The Dam. That Old World Wall. 312
What do you mean? Neutral 50 {DUPE} {Agreeing} The Dam. That Old World Wall. 313
What do you mean? Neutral 50 The why of it. Hoover Dam. 314
What do you mean? Neutral 50 The Bear, NCR, couldn't be allowed to reach it easily. Long 15... Canaan... both bad enough. 315
Neutral 50 {Disgust} Kimball, Caesar, House... you'd think their whole world was that wall, cutting the Colorado. {To himself} If I'd never laid eyes on it, never spoke of it... 316
Neutral 50 ...but once found, it was all Caesar could see. That, and the flag beyond it, another symbol, big enough to challenge him. 317
Neutral 50 And the Divide, one of the roads to it - Legion was tasked with cutting that artery. If you can't kill the Bear in one stroke, bleed it, starve it. 318
Neutral 50 That kind of murder... it's what any of the {emph} Legion would have done. Now... the Divide belongs to history. 319
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic134 So you blame me for this? An accident? Neutral 50 {Anger, sneer} Blame? Accident? The names you hang on this... Courier... you carry death wherever you go, Mojave knows - or will. 320
Neutral 50 I'll see you answer for this. The road doesn't end here, there's more to come, I swear to you. 321
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic136 So you're angry because I accidentally brought an explosive to the Divide? Anger 50 {Anger} Accident? Ignorance is a {emph} choice. The Chip - a choice. 322
Neutral 50 {More to himself} As for anger... it is what I carry for the dead, and all that come here. 323
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic137 This is revenge for nearly killing you, then. Neutral 50 Not the name I'd give it. Not the name the dead would give it. 324
Neutral 50 Soldiers of the Bear died here... Legion died, too, my brothers. Still dying, both of them, all around us. 325
Neutral 50 None of the people that lived here survived... yet all of the West and the East, they hold on as the Divide tears at them. 326
Neutral 50 Revenge isn't the message I have for you. More than that... Courier. 327
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic138 This package... you said it had markings? What was it? Neutral 50 Machinery. Simple on the outside, computer parts. Inside... more complicated. 328
Neutral 50 Was the only time I'd heard a machine speak in the Divide, the only machine with a voice. 329
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic139 Why would I have brought it here? Neutral 50 I've walked the East. {Accusing} You've walked the West, more than I have. 330
Neutral 50 Circle Junction. Reno. Vault City. Word of you at Fort Aradesh... Fort Abandon. Even further West than that, Brahmin drives on the Big Circle. 331
Neutral 50 Whatever you saw out there, wasn't enough to make you stay. {Beat} Maybe the markings on the package reminded you of the road home. 332
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic140 Where is the package now? Neutral 50 {Slightly coy, knows where it is} Buried in the Divide. Part of it now. 333
Neutral 50 Wherever it is, it's been silent... if it spoke again, we'd know. 334
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic141 [Legion] I didn't side with the Legion until the Mojave. Neutral 50 {DUPE} I know that now. Doesn't change what was done. The Legion who died here. 335
Neutral 50 {Slight threat} Legion doesn't know your history. I do. They find out what happened here, how many of their own died... {"they'll want justice"} they'll want an answer. 336
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic142 [Legion] I'll see that you answer for it. Neutral 50 {Disgust} Then Legion kills Legion. Farther you walk from the flag of the Bull, the more West creeps into you. 337
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic143 I'm no traitor, and when I walk, I don't hide my presence. Neutral 50 Legion wears many colors, East and West. You... maybe blinded by Vegas's light, or the promise of that Chip. 338
Neutral 50 Or maybe you walked so far West, the Bear's sickness crept into you. We'll see. Your offenses before Caesar, the least of the crimes here. 339
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic145 Then you learned the wrong message. Neutral 50 {Smug, confident} Really. Who's to say the truth of it. You? No. You walked {emph} from this, turned your back on it. Now you and others will answer for it. 340
Neutral 50 I'll start with the West. Let that burn. Then... if the East falters after, I'll bring the Divide there as well. 341
Neutral 50 {Quiet} Burn away the flags. {Beat} Begin again. 342
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic146 You want the robot? Why? Neutral 50 {Taunt, derisive} It's a messenger. Like us... and it shares our history. 343
Neutral 50 {Taunt, then cold, he's enjoying this} If you feel its loss... remember you could have turned away at any time. Gone back home, and none of this would have happened. 344
Neutral 50 {Taunt, edged} But you had to make one last delivery, and that's why I knew you'd come, Courier. Couldn't stay away, it's who you are. 345
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic147 What's so important about him? Neutral 50 What's {emph} inside that machine - that's all that mattered. All the machines here, made of wreckage from the Divide... and all that was brought here. 346
Neutral 50 Inside its frame, it carries the message you brought here... and it'll do what it was programmed to do: {slow, pace this} whatever it can to get home. 347
Neutral 50 The giants here will listen to it. I'll bring the Divide to your home, your nation. Let its flag burn, just like you let the Divide burn. 348
Neutral 50 {Speaking to console} Big Mountain access code... Ulysses. Command override... 349
Neutral 50 {Beat, quiet, like saying "launch" nukes} Navarro. 350
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic148 This road leads nowhere. There's nothing in the Divide. Neutral 50 Many in the Mojave think the Divide's nothing but canyon and storm. {Beat} Wasn't always. 351
Neutral 50 {Starts getting nostalgic} There was life, a town, farther West... not talking about an Old World town like Hopeville... more recent. Something you saw in your lifetime. 352
Neutral 50 {Nostalgia increases} It had the name "the Divide," too. But rather than cracks in the earth, it was a road from the West into the Mojave, a supply line. 353
Neutral 50 {Comes back to present} Took a Courier to make that road. {Beat} You. Back then, you saw the road with eyes facing East. This time... the Divide's in the other direction. 354
Neutral 50 And if your eyes try to make sense of it when you reach it... {cold, downnote} home's not what it was. 355
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic149 What makes you think this leads home? Neutral 50 All roads lead back to one's home. Not your birthplace maybe, but home. 356
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic150 What? ED-E? Neutral 50 {Derision} You gave it a name. What was it to you? Companion? Slave... weapon? All of that, nothing compared to its primary function. 357
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic152 If you think you can take it from me, try. Neutral 50 {Cold} The machine you brought is mine now, it's coming home. {Snarling, talking about torturing the robot} I'll reduce it to parts, just enough to function, to be aware of what's happening. 358
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic155 The Divide explosion... what, did I kill your family? Your wife - children? Neutral 50 {Derisive, echoes player's comment} My family? My tribe lives... {but} its history? Died long ago, fell under the shadow of the Bull... consumed by another symbol. 359
Neutral 50 No, this isn't about family - or any common blood. It's blood shared by {emph} acts, not by chance. 360
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic157 When you speak of the dead - you mean the Marked Men? The Legion and NCR? Neutral 50 {DUPE} {Derisive} The soldiers of the Bear? They were dead already, their symbol... diseased. Deserved to die as my brothers did at Boulder City, mines, bombs. 361
Neutral 50 {DUPE} {Sneers} I carry nothing for them. Their deaths here were a mercy - compared to the ones that still walk the Divide. 362
Neutral 50 {Quiet, respectful} As for my brothers in the Legion... they deserved to die in battle, as do all beneath the flag of the Bull. 363
Neutral 50 {DUPE} {Quiet} But no... the dead number more than my brothers. 364
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic158 [NCR] The dead? You mean the Republic troops who were here? Neutral 50 {Derisive} The soldiers of the Bear? They were dead already, their symbol... diseased. Deserved to die as my brothers did at Boulder City, mines, bombs. 365
Neutral 50 {Sneers} I carry nothing for them. Their deaths here were a mercy - compared to the ones that still walk the Divide. 366
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic159 [Legion] The dead? You mean your brothers in the Legion - our brothers. Neutral 50 {Respectful for dead} The Legion who died here... they didn't deserve to die, like those that died in the fires of Boulder City... {sneering to self} bombs, Hanlon's gifts. 367
Neutral 50 {Respectful} Their deaths were mercy compared to those who still walk. Any who die beneath the flag of the Bull... their death should be in battle. 368
Neutral 50 {Quiet} But no... the dead number more than my brothers. 369
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic162 If you're Legion, are you angry because I destroyed the Divide supply line instead of you? Neutral 50 {Echoing player} The supply line - the artery for the West? {Disdain, player's missing the point} I have seen the blood of NCR at Legion hands many times. 370
Neutral 50 {DUPE} {Quiet, accusing} I carry no hatred for duty... if that's what this was. The Divide was more than that. Its people, more than that. 371
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic163 [Legion] Killing NCR, cutting off their supply line at the Divide serves Legion, as do we all. Neutral 50 {Echoing player's statement} Serves the Legion? 372
Neutral 50 {Quiet, accusing} I carry no hatred for duty... if that's what this was. The Divide was more than that. Its people, more than that. 373
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic164 If you blame me for what happened here at the Divide - why do you care? Neutral 50 {Reflective, Ulysses is getting to the core of the reason of why he's doing all this} The community that was once here... and the package you brought... both had markings of the Divide. Markings of America. 374
Neutral 50 {Quiet, reminding the player} You've seen the marks, the symbol. As early as the Hopeville silo, maybe. Carried it etched on your weapons. 375
Neutral 50 The Divide, its buildings, its people, were built around those same markings, surrounded them here... 376
Neutral 50 ...markings like the flag on my back. When I {emph} followed your road to the Divide those years ago, I saw the symbol I wore all around me. 377
Neutral 50 An Old World symbol. Strong, to survive here - its people, strong. {"Maybe," low} Outlast the Bear, outlast the Bull. Promise of something better. 378
Neutral 50 Caesar was right to want it dead. NCR was right to want to rake their claws in it. 379
Neutral 50 Seeing it... changed me, just as seeing Hoover Dam changed Caesar and the NCR. 380
Neutral 50 {Quiet} Seeing it end changed me, too. 381
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic167 So you believed in this place. What it once was. Neutral 50 {Bitter} There was hope here, another chance. A new nation, stirring to life. {Beat} A place I could have set my flag. 382
Neutral 50 Not the America of old. But something larger than the tribes of the East, something larger than the houses of the West. Something better. 383
Neutral 50 The Divide... could have bridged both, like Hoover Dam. {Anger, dismissive} Now like the Dam, it's too covered in blood to see what it could have been. 384
Neutral 50 {Slow, accusing} You gave life to this place. I followed your road here, saw the Divide. You {emph} led me here, so that I could see. 385
Neutral 50 {Bring it down} Then, you brought it to an end. 386
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic170 And that's why you want me dead. Neutral 50 {Slight sympathy for the player, doesn't get it} My history isn't revenge, or hate. The road that brought us {emph} both here - isn't about that. 387
Neutral 50 It's about the {emph} message you carried. The one in that package, whether you knew it or not. 388
Neutral 50 {Slow, ominous} The message that {emph} one can kill a nation. Can kill a symbol. And all that gather beneath its flag. 389
Neutral 50 {Slow} I don't blame you for the Divide. {Beat, punchline} I blame you for what you made me see. 390
Neutral 50 {Death sentence} Now you will see what you brought to the Mojave, and that will be {emph} my message to {emph} you. 391
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic173 I don't understand. What message? Neutral 50 The nations of the Mojave. Cracked and broken as the Divide... its people, the same. 392
Neutral 50 I have walked at Caesar's command, across the East, into the West. Far enough to know Caesar's word did not drive me. Far enough to see the end. 393
Neutral 50 You've seen it. No Courier, whatever their flag can ignore it. Why you didn't stay in the West. Why you wandered. 394
Neutral 50 There is no future in the Bear or Bull. The Bear is diseased, barely clings to life. 395
Neutral 50 And the Bull... when the Legion reaches the sea, it will turn on itself and die. 396
Neutral 50 Killing one will end both. And you made me see how one could do it. Your ignorance, carelessness - can be used with a purpose. 397
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic174 Keep talking like that, I'll see you dead. Neutral 50 You already tried once, won't give you another chance. 398
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic175 At least I don't hide behind a machine like a coward. Neutral 50 Machines... bombs, things of NCR, are your tools, not mine. When we meet, this machine won't keep me from you. 399
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic176 [Legion] Legion doesn't kill Legion. Caesar's orders? Neutral 50 {DUPE} {Smile/sneer} What kind of world would this be if Courier killed Courier.{No sound file} 400
Neutral 50 {DUPE} You've got enough distance ahead of you - save your breath for the road, don't waste it on words. 401
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic177 [Legion] You said you'd sworn not to kill me. If you're Legion, why are we at odds? Neutral 50 {Frowns, slight testing} You struck first. Not just at me... at the Legion. Or so I thought. Not sure of the history of it now. 402
Neutral 50 Whatever flag you follow, or followed then... either way, you got too much of the Bear's sickness in you to live. Divide's proof of that. 403
Neutral 50 Want more than that, walk the road. Answers'll come, closer you get to home... you and that machine. 404
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic178 [Legion] If I destroyed the NCR in this place, why do you care? Neutral 50 {Emph} Legion died here as well. {Beat, but...} What you did... that's not {emph} all that cuts at me. 405
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic179 [Legion] Are you angry that this explosion undermined the Legion's plans? It was an accident. Anger 50 {DUPE} {Anger} Accident? Ignorance is a {emph} choice. The Chip - a choice. 406
Neutral 50 {DUPE} {More to himself} As for anger... it is what I carry for the dead, and all that come here. 407
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic180 [Legion] Seeing this place. It meant more to you than the Legion? Neutral 50 Yes. And it did to you once, I'm sure of it. 408
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic181 [Legion] So... when you called me traitor in Hopeville, that title belongs to you. Neutral 50 {Angry} No, it is a title {emph} you earned. Legion or not, you have betrayed more than you know. 409
NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04UlyssesTopic182 [Legion] Legion does not kill Legion - but you're not that anymore. I'm going to kill you. Neutral 50 If that's all that drives you, it won't last. The Legion... it won't last either. 410
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic000 The Divide couldn't stop me, the Mojave couldn't kill me - you don't have much chance. Neutral 50 I'll finish history's work. If the Divide couldn't kill you... perhaps these spears of the Old World can. 411
Neutral 50 Let's end this, Courier, you and I. Here, with the Old World flag as witness. 412
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic001 I still don't understand - why are you doing this? Anger 50 {Cold} You've answered your own question. And you'll die with that question on your lips. 413
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic002 What about the Marked Men? Neutral 50 That's part of why I'm here. Watch them - if they attack me, try to enter the Mojave, I answer. {Little quieter} Not looking to kill them... save them, if I can. 414
Neutral 50 There might be something saving in them. {Quieter, to himself} If not, then what I do is mercy, not murder. 415
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic003 Neutral 50 416
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic005 Was hoping you could help me shape something. Neutral 50 {Nods} Let's see what gifts the Mojave has for us. 417
Was hoping you could help me shape something. Neutral 50 {Looking at player's inventory} Let's make something new from the old. 418
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic006 What are you doing here? Neutral 50 A question one could have asked you not long ago, before walking the road West into the storms. 419
Neutral 50 Need to be here, see what was done. It's custom of the Bear to never see the marks it claws in the land... not {emph} my custom. 420
Neutral 50 Maybe that's why you've come, too - need to see where the missile from Ashton touched ground down below, in Hopeville... the Courier's Mile. 421
Can you tell me again what you're doing here? Neutral 50 Need to be here, see what was done. In the Divide, in Hopeville... the Courier's Mile. 422
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic007 I wanted to hear more about Hoover Dam. Neutral 50 Old World wall, run red with blood of Bear and Bull. It'll bleed more before the sun sets on the Mojave. 423
Neutral 50 That place and I have a past, owe it a debt - and it owes me. If your path takes you there, know you're not the only one. 424
Neutral 50 It's the wall by which this age will be measured, the gravestone of the Mojave. Old World never meant it as such. 425
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic008 Dry Wells is destroyed - that was your birthplace? Neutral 50 No, opposite of that. It's where my tribe was taken. Where another history was put to the blade, lesson taught. 426
Neutral 50 It is where we realized Vulpes did not approach us as equals. Where we realized the wolf had come, and we watched our history die. 427
Neutral 50 Now it belongs to Legion... and all the death there now belongs to them as well. Not revenge... just the way of things when you {emph} own them. 428
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic009 The Long 15 is no more. The main supply line into NCR is cut. Neutral 50 No damage done, not yet. Maybe in years. Keeps the Bear fenced... if Caesar can't drive it back, fire might. 429
Neutral 50 Only delays the end for the Bull, a new wall for them to scale and cross... once they're done with the Mojave. And Hoover Dam. 430
Neutral 50 Never again do you or any other courier and caravan need walk that route. Let the Mojave breathe without that asphalt scar raking it. 431
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic010 I'll let your words answer it, from the tapes you left along the road to the Divide. Neutral 50 {Slow, surprise} My words? {Beat, contempt} And what do {emph} my words teach you. 432
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic011 Who are you, who do not know your history? Neutral 50 {Surprised} That question... {Beat, chewing it over} either you walked the Big Empty... {beat, nods} you found the last of the holotapes. 433
Neutral 50 {Cold, not sure where the player is going with this} The words are mine. Whatever... "answer" you think they hold, you're wrong. It was a question, nothing more. 434
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic012 The Divide's irradiated... are you sure you want to stay here? Neutral 50 The invisible fires burn here, true enough. Still... to have helped carry out such an act, then not face it... 435
Neutral 50 Not my way. If my life burns out here, so be it... until then, I wait and watch, see what the road brings. 436
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic013 I had other questions. Neutral 50 {Matter-of-fact} Questions have a habit of making others. 437
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic014 Is this where you're making camp? Neutral 50 Not a camp - vigil, maybe. Never claimed it as mine. {More a question} If anyone owns the Divide... {"well..."} your claim is stronger than mine. 438
Neutral 50 Don't feel like adding a campfire to the ones that already burn below. {Beat, making offer} If you brought Mojave gifts, might be able to shape something for the road. 439
Any recipes you can teach? Neutral 50 Depends what history has to say about them. There's a lot the land can provide... if you know the road that led to it. 440
Neutral 50 Mojave's got ways of healing most ills - if not, some tribe's usually found a way you didn't expect. 441
Neutral 50 Like Healing Powders. Tribes back West only use Xander and Broc flower. There's a way the Twin Mothers in the East used to brew it, though. 442
Neutral 50 Called it Bitter Drink, mixed up the Xander and Broc in a bottle, added some kick to it so your head doesn't get all clouded. 443
Any more recipes.. or histories... you can teach? Neutral 50 {Thinking} Antivenom's helpful around the Mojave with the Bark Scorpions. Even one sting can kill you. {Beat} Tunneler bite can be just as bad. 444
Neutral 50 My tribe, Twisted Hairs, had a better way than Antivenom, if you act fast. 445
Neutral 50 Snakebite Tourniquet - cuts off the venom, no need to scavenge glands and blood. {Himself, slight disgust} Or drink that mess. 446
Neutral 50 Part of the reason we wore our hair like we did, {corrects self} like I do now. 447
Neutral 50 Here's some for the road - trick to making it's not hard. {Beat} Get bit, hook and twist it. Fast as blinking, doesn't give poison time to sink in. 448
Any more recipes you can teach? Neutral 50 Nothing more than I've already shared. We'll have to keep with what we know. {Beat} Tired of history's lessons, anyway. 449
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic017 Find anything in the dust of Hopeville? Neutral 50 Nothing but wind, sand... ash. More may reveal itself in time, not now. 450
Neutral 50 If you're determined, return, might be something new surfaces. 451
Find anything in the dust of Hopeville? Neutral 50 Wind and blood has uncovered more beneath the soil. 452
Neutral 50 If you want these Old World relics, they're yours... better you carry them than the Marked Men. 453
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic018 What's the Courier's Mile? Is that where the Ashton missile hit? Neutral 50 My name for it. If you have a better one, you grant it - my choice in names won't carry past you and I. 454
Neutral 50 Lies along the road, running from the Hopeville silo... straight on to where the ground burns, and wind howls even stronger than here. 455
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic019 [Legion] Being Frumentarii kept you from killing me in the past. You have no such defense now. Neutral 50 I believed in what I followed then. Kill no Courier, Caesar's words. I honored them. 456
Neutral 50 Other Couriers could have been Legion - like me. Now, our allegiances are reversed. 457
If you meant to kill me, you should have done it long ago. Neutral 50 Not if you believe in what you follow. Kill no Courier, Caesar's words. I honored them. 458
Neutral 50 Other Couriers could have been Legion - like me. The truth is, you serve nothing, believe nothing. Killing you... meaningless. 459
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic020 (Speech>=90) I need to know why you're doing this - not for my sake, for history's sake. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Thinking} The why of it... you taught me the why of it. 460
Neutral 50 If you believe in something enough, you must be willing to let it burn, lest it claim you. 461
Neutral 50 These governments of the two-headed bear... the Legion... they carry Old World ideas into an age that no longer needs them, where they cannot live. 462
(Speech<90) So... you think dropping bombs on the Mojave is going to solve things? Neutral 50 [FAILED] Yes, that is what you proved to me at the Divide - what is here, what you showed me... it is enough. 463
Neutral 50 You don't understand. {Beat} You will. 464
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic021 Your tapes prove you've walked the Mojave, yet learned the wrong lessons. Neutral 50 Comes down to perspective, how far one's walked, and what they've left behind. 465
Neutral 50 {Challenging} If you challenge this moment, let's hear your perspective. If my words are all you have, let's hear them. 466
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic022 I believe destroying the symbol is never the answer. Changing it - that's something else. Neutral 50 {Chewing it over, slight hope here} It may be... that as much destruction has been written in the earth here... 467
Neutral 50 One buried this place, yet it lived on between us. One may build it again - build others. Your history has proven this, here. 468
Neutral 50 There is truth in your words. But even if there is hope in change... it may not matter. The Divide still stands against us. 469
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic023 (Speech=100) I'm not talking about NCR or the Legion, I'm talking about our history. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Slight confusion} Our history... {frowns} the Divide. That history has been written, its lessons learned. 470
Neutral 50 There is nothing more to be dug from these cracks in the earth, no more fury to be torn from its sky. 471
(Speech<100) I don't think that's what's important here. Neutral 50 [FAILED] If those are your last words, they are weak ones. Actions would have had more voice. 472
Neutral 50 There is nothing more to be said between us. No words of yours will change what is about to happen. 473
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic024 The Legion doesn't abide traitors. What made you turn from the East? Neutral 50 {Echoing, mocking, shaking head} Even after the road you've walked, you only see a traitor {emph} before you. 474
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic026 I don't care what happens to NCR, but I can't allow you to harm the Legion. Neutral 50 Not all the East will burn. The Legion does not need to be destroyed, only... contained within new borders. 475
Neutral 50 After that, it will fall as any culture bred on war, on forward momentum. It will falter, collapse. 476
Neutral 50 I will start with their camp at Dry Wells... once my homeland. Justice of a sort. 477
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic027 Is this how it must end between us? You followed the East once, you can do so again. Neutral 50 I cannot go back. I wandered too far, far enough to know my home was lost to me. 478
Neutral 50 {Resigned, a little sad} I could no more go back than you could return to the West. {Disgust} To NCR, and all its sickness. 479
I'm heading back to the Mojave to settle some things.
I'm heading back to the Mojave to settle some things. Neutral 50 {As player is about to leave} Can hear the weight in your feet - you’re bound for that Old World wall. Hoover Dam. Maybe not now - in time. 480
You've wasted enough of my time. Get ready to die.
I've heard enough. You're a Legion traitor, and now you'll die. Neutral 50 {DUPE} I'll finish history's work. If the Divide couldn't kill you... perhaps these spears of the Old World can. 481
Neutral 50 {DUPE} Let's end this, Courier, you and I. Here, with the Old World flag as witness. 482
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic035 Have you been to Hopeville since the Ashton missile hit? Neutral 50 {Reflective} Walk there sometimes, keep the walks short. Still... it's important to see. Something else to answer for. 483
Neutral 50 Occasionally sift through the dust, the buildings... see if I can find some history. Marks of America. 484
Neutral 50 If you want them, keep them... you've earned it. Nothing to be gained by me holding them, and more will surface in time. 485
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic036 What's the history of it? Neutral 50 {Smiles, "you want to know the history of it?"} History? Cures a wound, leaves the bitterness that caused it. {To himself, scorn} The Twin Mothers were always about lessons. 486
Neutral 50 Caesar taught them the last one, though, so that's it for them. Recipe still exists, Legion uses it on forced marches with wounded soldiers. 487
Neutral 50 Wouldn't have made it through Crimson River Trail a few years back without it - losing so much blood early on, was a Cazador feast. 488
Neutral 50 Enough Xander root and Broc flower along the trail though, the Legion was able to keep pace and get where they were going. 489
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic037 Can you share the recipe with me? Neutral 50 Can do that and one better... {looking around} just enough around to mix some. Here - might make the Twin Mothers' history live a little longer, you carrying it. 490
Neutral 50 {Warning} When you drink it, down it all in one shot, or your stomach's not going to want to keep going after the second drink. 491
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic039 Caesar is dead, I killed him. Neutral 50 {Thinking, slow} Name's died twice to history. If the West thanks you... the East won't, in time. Fall apart, back to the tribes, maybe. 492
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic040 Caesar is dead, died on the operating table. Neutral 50 {DUPE} {Thinking, slow} Name's died twice to history. If the West thanks you... the East won't, in time. Fall apart, back to the tribes, maybe. 493
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic041 Neutral 50 {Slightly doubtful} Too soon to tell what will happen, let history weigh what you’ve done, if it gets that far. 494
Neutral 50 {Delivered as if "still" at beginning} Unless you do the same for the Legate that comes, you'll get no thanks from me. When {emph} that Monster arrives, he's not going to have a leash. 495
Neutral 50 {Quiet} Caesar could command him. Not now. The Bear's going to burn, and burn slow. 496
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic042 Are you angry at all? Neutral 50 {Shrugs} He let another hold a knife to him. If he was weak enough to allow the knife so close to his neck, maybe it needed to be his ending. 497
Are you angry at all? Neutral 50 {Emph} Caesar would be history's hypocrite if he was angry about what happened. I'm not one for it, either. 498
Neutral 50 Seems you just proved his philosophy to him. If he'd been stronger, he'd be alive, and we wouldn't be talking. 499
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic043 I wasn't sure how you'd take it. Neutral 50 {Shrugs} Done with blame, and Caesar was big on strength making right. Seems to me you proved that philosophy to him. 500
Neutral 50 If he was too weak to stop you, too weak to defend himself, then he needed to die with his beliefs. 501
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic044 I could care less about history - and even less about Caesar. Neutral 50 Wasn't his time, and wouldn't have been how he wanted to die. 502
Neutral 50 {Himself} Not how most would've wanted him to die, either, Bear or Bull. 503
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic045 I reached Vegas, and I dealt with House. Neutral 50 {Choosing his words carefully} House spoke, acted through machines. Sometimes can judge a man by his messengers. {Referring to player} Sometimes the messengers judge him. 504
Neutral 50 Wonder what happens to Vegas now. The tribes - families. We'll see. 505
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic046 You don’t sound happy. Neutral 50 {Shakes his head, regretful, but player did right thing, "No..."} What you did was for the best. The Old World died long ago. Anyone who believes they can make it return and everything will be as it was... 506
Neutral 50 ...it is a dangerous belief. {Beat} Needs to be silenced before their belief spreads. 507
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic049 Neutral 50 {Quiet, bring this to a close} If you saw House, you didn’t see a man. An Old World spirit, perhaps - filthy, diseased. If so, killing him was mercy, not cruelty. 508
Neutral 50 {Quiet, reverent, bring this to a close} Let House sleep in his chamber. Let him dream of the Old World {emph} he remembers, and keep those memories where they belong, in his head. 509
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic050 Neutral 50 {Reflective} Bear and Bull shed too much blood there to let it go. {Beat, "but..."} Can't stop you from going, wouldn't. 510
Neutral 50 A warning, though - the Legate, Lanius. Whether Caesar stands or not, Lanius will come. 511
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic051 Who is Legate Lanius? Neutral 50 Lanius... the "Butcher." {Somber, recognizes name} Monster, Terror of the East. 512
Neutral 50 Not even his slaves have seen his face - struck them blind so they can't. Wears a mask, don't even know if it's the same man. 513
Neutral 50 He put Colorado to the sword, broke the Hangdogs by throwing their hounds upon the flames, so they might burn forever in the afterlife. 514
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic052 Enough. Whatever waits at Hoover Dam, I'm ready. Neutral 50 {Farewell} Then there is nothing more to be done. {Beat} The Mojave awaits. 515
{DUPE}Enough. Whatever waits at Hoover Dam, I'm ready. Neutral 50 {DUPE} {Farewell} The Divide belongs to history now. {Beat} The Mojave awaits. 516
Enough. Whatever waits at Hoover Dam, I'm ready. Neutral 50 {DUPE} {Farewell} The Divide belongs to history now. {Beat} The Mojave awaits. 517
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic054 He's just one general. I can handle him. Neutral 50 Lanius carries all the terrors of the East with him. He's the myth, the weapon the Legion needs. 518
Neutral 50 When he arrives, he'll fall on Hoover Dam like a hammer, {quiet} break the Bear in two. 519
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic056 Why is he coming West? Neutral 50 To take Hoover Dam, Legion will need something as big as the Old World itself - another symbol, forged by history. 520
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic057 Any idea on how to beat him? Neutral 50 {Slow, reflective} Nineteen tribes could not do it. All the lights in Vegas cannot. 521
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic058 He must have a weakness. Neutral 50 His strength lies in his title - and it is his weakness. He will not fight a losing battle and destroy what he represents. 522
Neutral 50 Put the idea of loss in him. Convince him the Bear will not be the twentieth tribe beneath his heel, it will make him pause like nothing on earth. 523
Neutral 50 You do not need to convince him alone. Draw upon history. The past of other Legates are not filled with victories. Remind Lanius of this. 524
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic060 Other Legates? Neutral 50 {DUPE} There are other Legates, and the one before Lanius couldn't take Hoover Dam for Caesar. 525
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic061 Other Legates? You mean Graham. Neutral 50 Yes. Graham was broken on the wall of the Dam. 526
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic062 I got your final message. Neutral 50 {Slightly amused} Didn't think I'd be breathing to hear you say that. {Beat, “Still...”} Message isn't important, meaning is. 527
Neutral 50 Had to speak of it, in case the words got lost in paper, ink, or other's voices. Maybe even yours, in time. 528
Neutral 50 Still, meant for you. Courier to Courier. {Beat} Belongs to you now, or history. Doesn't matter. 529
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic063 What do you mean? Neutral 50 There are other Legates, and the one before Lanius couldn't take Hoover Dam for Caesar. 530
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic064 Neutral 50 That Legate's mistake is he didn't die trying. His name was Joshua - Joshua Graham. Answered for his failure - twice, some say. 531
Neutral 50 Caesar had him burned and cast into the earth, into the largest canyon you've ever seen. Watched the flames trail all the way to the bottom. 532
Neutral 50 Somehow Joshua walked away from that, went beyond Caesar's gaze. His footsteps trailing fire, walking from one hell - maybe to another. 533
Neutral 50 {Thinking about self and player} When one is ruined like Graham was... sometimes home is the only place left. If so, he went to New Canaan, Caesar's anger written on him like a book. 534
Neutral 50 Caesar's orders to the Frumentarii were to watch for him, find Graham. Kill him. {Beat} Didn't try. Could've, no good would have come of it. 535
Neutral 50 {Quiet, introspective} Graham earned his life, and his nature... it'll kill him more surely than any blade of the Legion. 536
Neutral 50 {Quiet, like let it rest} So if you've heard word of it or seen sign of him, let it keep. {Beat, downnote} Let his history keep. 537
I'll remember that.
{DUPE}I'll remember that. Neutral 50 {DUPE} {Farewell} The Divide belongs to history now. {Beat} The Mojave awaits. 538
We'll leave it to history, then.
{DUPE}We'll leave it to history, then. Neutral 50 {DUPE} {Farewell} The Divide belongs to history now. {Beat} The Mojave awaits. 539
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic067 In the logs of the White Legs, you mentioned your tribe, and its past. Neutral 50 My tribe? That log... {disgusted at White Legs} no, it concerned the White Legs, training them to kill. For Caesar. 540
Neutral 50 There is no meaning there beyond the road to New Canaan. The history of the murder of its people. And Caesar's past. 541
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic069 [NCR] Even if you have no faith in the NCR, I do. My actions have proven it. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Hesitant} Your actions have carried strength. 542
[Legion] The Legion is stronger than you know. If you would judge them, hear me first. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Hesitant} There is conviction in your words, enough to rival a Legate, perhaps Caesar. You believe what you say. 543
[Vegas] Even if you have no faith in Vegas, I do... and my actions have proven it. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Hesitant} Your actions have carried strength. More importantly, not for House, but for the families on the Strip. 544
[NCR] You might not believe in nations. I do. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Words are not enough to bear the weight of your flag - {disdain} if you follow anything at all. 545
Neutral 50 Speeches are things of NCR, words without strength. Your actions have shown nothing. {Beat} Your flag will burn. The Mojave will follow. 546
[Legion] You might not believe in nations. I do. Neutral 50 [FAILED] You came from the West, walked there. You carry its sickness East to the Legion - and do not believe their cause enough to honor them. 547
Neutral 50 What I give the Legion is a swifter death than the disease you bring. You have not the strength to bear a Legion standard. 548
[Vegas] You might not believe in nations. I do. Neutral 50 [FAILED] You serve Vegas ghosts, not the tribes Vegas devoured. House is not the people of Vegas - you have walked the Strip, yet have seen nothing. 549
Neutral 50 Your carelessness for the paths you walk - it has destroyed the city you serve. {Beat} NCR will burn. Then the walls of Vegas will follow. 550
[Rep] You might not believe in nations. I do. Neutral 50 [FAILED] {Cold} Yet you follow nothing at all. 551
Neutral 50 You have walked the Mojave, let the shadow of flags fall upon you, yet walk carelessly, no allegiance. Your words - empty as your actions. 552
You might not believe in nations. I do. Neutral 50 If you speak for the two-headed Bear, I'll hear your words. Even if I will be the only one to hear them. 553
Neutral 50 If you believe it should not die this day... then answer me why. 554
You might not believe in nations. I do. Neutral 50 {Suspicious} If you feel I do not know the Legion's strength - then I will listen. 555
You might not believe in nations. I do. Neutral 50 If the ghosts of Vegas have come from behind their wall to speak for the West, I'll hear their words. 556
Neutral 50 If you believe that Vegas does not deserve to die as the Bear does... then answer me why. 557
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic070 Nothing more to say, I've already won. Everything you hate about me, you've become. Neutral 50 {Frowns} If you seek to anger me, words won't be enough. Your moral ground is weak here in the Divide. 558
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic071 If you blame me for the Divide, then let me answer for it, not others. Neutral 50 {Scoffs} Blame you? No, {emph} learned from you. Both the weapon to kill a nation, and the strength to do it. 559
Neutral 50 You showed me a road, a way to carry my message. {Beat, slight snide} You've already answered for what you've done. {Cold} Now the flag you follow will answer for it. 560
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic072 What happened at the Divide, what I did, was an accident. What you're doing - it's madness. Neutral 50 {Angry, low} No, now there is {emph} purpose. {Disgust} I believe you when you say you were... careless. The Divide... the Chip... the machine you brought here... 561
Neutral 50 {Emph} Many messages can be taken from that, intended or not. What I do now is an act of conviction. 562
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic073 So, what - you intend to bomb the Mojave? Neutral 50 No, the West. The East. It doesn't matter - the death of either one kills the other, Vegas along with it. {Beat} The West shall answer first. 563
So, what - you intend to bomb the Mojave? Neutral 50 No, not the Mojave. The West, all that's been built since America died. Same symbols as before the war, now a flag carried by a tribe of children. 564
So, what - you intend to bomb the Mojave? Neutral 50 You walked the West, didn't stay. You know the reason... the Bear grows without structure, follows a symbol without knowing its history. 565
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic075 This is between you and me, not anyone else. Neutral 50 No... the paths we've walked. The roads, and the flags above them, carry equal blame. 566
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic076 You can go home again, Courier. Not a message for me, for you. Neutral 50 {Cold} My home in the East, Dry Wells, is no more. It is part of the Legion. 567
Neutral 50 The only other home... the chance of a home... was what you built at the Divide. Then you destroyed it. 568
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic077 Neutral 50 And knowing that you believe in the Bear's sickness and have given it strength... then that gives more reason to lay waste to your homeland. 569
Neutral 50 The sickness of the Bear already lies within you, even if you uphold the East. If there were time, I would let you kill the Legion. 570
Neutral 50 But no, the Legion will burn as well. Without the West to challenge it... its shore will be closer than before. It will feed on itself, die. 571
Neutral 50 Without NCR to support it, Vegas will fall to the Legion. That grave of lights, back to dust and ghosts, as was meant. 572
Neutral 50 After this, only one flag will remain over the Mojave. Let that one fly, or destroy itself. 573
Anger 50 You don't see, listen - even when it's all around you, no matter if I nailed it into your head like a gift from Caesar. 574
Neutral 50 You brought the Divide to life, Courier. You walked the road. Brought the Bear, then the Bull, brought me, following your tracks. 575
Neutral 50 And when I saw the Divide you made, I saw a second chance, a new way of thinking. {Beat} My world - no longer the East. 576
Neutral 50 Then you brought the West in that package. Destroyed it all. Nearly killed me, flesh and spirit. 577
Neutral 50 You destroyed something larger than the Bear, greater than the Bull. And even when you could have turned away, you brought it again, in that machine. 578
Neutral 50 You destroyed a nation taking its first breath. {Low} A place that could have been my {emph} home. {Beat} Now, I'll destroy yours. 579
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic078 You can't destroy the West, even with all the missiles here. Neutral 50 {Scoffs} No need to destroy the Bear, just cut its throat. 580
Neutral 50 You taught me that at the Divide - only need to cut off the supply line, the road, to watch something greater die. 581
Neutral 50 I'll turn the Long 15 into miles of fire, cut off the Mojave. NCR will fall back, lose Hoover Dam... and leave their throats exposed to the Legion. 582
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic079 Do you think I care if you fire missiles at NCR? Go ahead. Neutral 50 You destroyed your own homeland. Seeing a nation burn? Didn't think that would matter any more to you. 583
Neutral 50 There's a strength in that... lack of attachment. Still, you're here now. If there's no more answers you want, then we'll end this. 584
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic080 One can build a community, make it stronger. You saw it at the Divide, even blamed me for it. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Reluctant} History has proven this. Our history. 585
Neutral 50 {Slight disdain} And you think that you have this strength? Enough for {emph} all of NCR? 586
Neutral 50 {Prove it} The West is not the Divide, and nothing you can do can prevent the missile's launch. {Testing, slow in the middle} Convincing me - changes nothing. 587
Because it should be given a chance? Its people don't deserve what's about to happen. Neutral 50 [FAILED] No... your answer is not enough. 588
Neutral 50 {Cold} They deserve what comes... and should answer for it, as you should. The Bear is a thing of the people that gather to it, as are all symbols. 589
Neutral 50 You believe. Yet... you believe in the wrong symbol. {Slightly sympathetic} Let it give you what strength it can... soon, it will be no more. 590
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic081 When all seemed lost, you asked it even though you feared the answer. Neutral 50 Fear? No. Anger. 591
When all seemed lost, you asked it even though you feared the answer. Neutral 50 {Derisive, player failed} If you've heard my words and that's all you've taken from them, then I was right to cast them aside. 592
Neutral 50 {Disgust} If you ever had any ability to hear anything beyond your own footsteps... the Divide silenced it. Now, its voice will end you. 593
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic083 Well, I just said all that because I'm betting you have some way to stop all this. Neutral 50 {Cold} So... you resort to trickery. You were hoping that you could deceive me, reveal that somehow I can {emph} stop all this. 594
Well, I just said all that because I'm betting you have some way to stop all this. Neutral 50 {Cold, player blew it} Fire will rain on the West and the East, as intended, and the last words of the messenger of the Bull - nothing but lies. 595
Well, I just said all that because I'm betting you have some way to stop all this. Neutral 50 {Cold, player blew it} The West will burn, as intended, and Vegas will follow. The last words of its messenger, were not for the people of the city, but lies and deceit. 596
Well, I just said all that because I'm betting you have some way to stop all this. Neutral 50 {Cold, player blew it} Your nation will burn, as intended, and the last words of its messenger, were not for its people, but to beg for mercy. 597
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic084 I believe that one person can make... or break... a nation. You already know this. Neutral 50 {Chewing it over, slight hope here} It may be... that as much destruction has been written in the earth here... you may build something else, as you built the Divide. 598
Neutral 50 You have spoken truly. There is a shadow of a nation behind you, the hope of a people... yet it may not matter. The Divide still stands against us. 599
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic085 Even if the missiles launch, and I die here - if I can convince you, that's enough for me. Neutral 50 {Player has convinced him, nods, slow, quiet} It is... enough. 600
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic086 The Divide? What do you mean? Neutral 50 {Thinking, resolved to die} Our enemies gather outside... shadows of the Bear and Bull... they will have found their way in, just as you did. 601
Neutral 50 {Quiet, rueful} It was always my intention - in case I could not kill you, the Marked Men would flood this place, cut off your escape. 602
Neutral 50 {This is the end sequence} If we cannot prevent what comes, then let us make our stand here. {Beat, final, somber} Two Couriers, together, at the Divide. 603
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic089 You told me once I gave life to the Divide. I can do it again, and give life to Vegas. Neutral 50 {DUPE} [SUCCEEDED] {Reluctant} History has proven this. Our history. 604
Neutral 50 {Slight disdain} And you think that you have this strength? Enough to hold up NCR, long enough so that Vegas may live again? 605
Neutral 50 {Prove it} Even if you speak for Vegas and its ghosts, nothing you can do can prevent the missile's launch. {Testing, slow in the middle} Convincing me - changes nothing. 606
Vegas earned its right to survive, its people don't deserve what's about to happen. Neutral 50 {DUPE} [FAILED] No... your answer is not enough. 607
Neutral 50 {Cold} They deserve what comes. Vegas is born of the corrupt, the blind, lost, that gather to it. Without them... it would fall dark. 608
Neutral 50 You believe. Yet... you have been blinded by the wrong symbol. {Slightly sympathetic} Let its light give you what strength it can... today marks its end. 609
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic091 It was all you could say to prevent from being killed. That's what I'm hoping for here. Neutral 50 When I asked that question, death was certain. I wasn't begging for mercy. 610
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic092 There is no honor in murder from a distance, NCR or Legion. You know this from the Divide. Neutral 50 {DUPE} [SUCCEEDED] {Reluctant} History has proven this. Our history. 611
Neutral 50 {Slow, considering} You seek to use your own crimes to prevent mine. There... is a strange honor in that. Perhaps the shadow of the Bull does walk with you. 612
Neutral 50 {Prove it} The West, the East - they are not the Divide, and nothing you can do can prevent the missile's launch. {Testing, slow in the middle} Convincing me - changes nothing. 613
If you bomb the West and East... is this how things should end? Neutral 50 [FAILED] {Scoffs} You answer me with questions. {Sneers} Doubt. You were strong enough to come here - but not strong enough to speak for all the Legion. 614
Neutral 50 {Cold} This is the ending they deserve... a flag is a thing of the people that gather to it, as are all symbols. 615
Neutral 50 {Acknowledging player's strength, but...} You believe. Yet you do not see that killing a symbol with its own weapon carries justice of its own... just as it will when the East dies as well. 616
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic095 You were trapped, needed to escape, and needed the distraction. It was the key. Neutral 50 I never sought to escape. I went to them to get an answer or die. 617
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic096 The question reminded the ones you spoke to of their purpose, why they cared. Neutral 50 {Cold, appraising} I spoke those words in anger, and I did not expect an answer. All was lost... I thought it was the end. 618
Neutral 50 {Reflective} Past their graves of failed technology, they had cared about the flag they had followed... and the people beneath it. Even with them dead and gone. 619
Neutral 50 {Rallying} But there's no answer in that. I do this because I care, because I believe it must be done. 620
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic097 Do you really think these missiles can kill everyone? Neutral 50 Kill them - no. The symbol they follow? Yes, as surely as you did at the Divide. 621
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic098 If you believe the destruction of the Divide was just, then I cannot stop you. Neutral 50 {Anger, "Justice"} Just? {Beat, spits this out} There was no justice in it, it was an act of carelessness, a coward. Killing an idea, before it had a chance... 622
Neutral 50 {Stops, realizing} I see your meaning. You're tying this to {emph} our history... but it is different. The symbol I destroy, it has already proven itself wrong. 623
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic099 You said in the logs yourself that technology's a dead road. These missiles will solve nothing. Neutral 50 Those are my words. After what happened with the Brotherhood... talking with them. 624
Neutral 50 Then with the rulers of the Big Empty. {Beat, rallying} But it is their philosophy that was flawed - their weapons, used with new perspective... 625
Neutral 50 Those weapons can be used to kill a symbol that has already proven itself wrong. 626
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic100 You said a home is a place you breathe life into, a moment where you know who you are. Neutral 50 {Weighing the player's words} There is truth in that. History has proven it. 627
Neutral 50 {Frowns, player's throwing words back at him} But Mojave's proof that no homeland is sacred... until the larger symbols are destroyed. 628
Neutral 50 Whatever is built, the Bear, Bull... even Vegas... will tear it apart, convert it, either with purpose, or by accident. 629
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic101 By your standards? Or history's? Neutral 50 Both. {Snarls} Why do you care. 630
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic102 It hasn't proven itself wrong. That's why the Legion and NCR conflict must continue. To test it. Neutral 50 Test it. As you test me? As if you believe there is some other road here. 631
It hasn't proven itself wrong. That's why the Legion and NCR conflict must continue. To test it. Neutral 50 Nothing can prevent what comes. The missiles will launch. {Beat} These questions - your words, or mine - what do they matter to you. 632
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic103 Any symbol deserves a chance to defend itself, by words or acts - not... this. Neutral 50 As you defend it now? 633
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic104 But your tribe was New Canaan. Neutral 50 {Disdain, player has it wrong} New Canaan? My tribe? 634
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic105 The White Legs might as well have been your people. Neutral 50 {Disdain, player has it wrong} The White Legs? To even claim they were shadows of the Twisted Hairs... 635
Neutral 50 No, whatever words you heard, they were not mine. 636
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic106 I'm talking about the past, in the respect they showed you. Neutral 50 {Slight confusion, doesn't understand what the player meant} Respect...? 637
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic108 In the log, you said they were shadows, in the way they wore their hair. Neutral 50 {Recognition} The braids I wore. They took that from me, thought it made them more like me, more willing to have Caesar listen. 638
Neutral 50 They didn't know what the braids meant, the mark of my tribe before Caesar came... before Vulpes came for them at Dry Wells. 639
Neutral 50 There was death in that meeting, even while Vulpes smiled - asked for our help against the other tribes. 640
Neutral 50 All the while, they were looking to cast our history on the fire. And did. Another tribe, consumed by the Bull - nothing left. 641
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic109 In the death of that history, another was born, and you grew to respect the White Legs. Neutral 50 {Disdain} Respect the White Legs? That tribe of jackals? Never. 642
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic110 But the Twisted Hairs survived, even after Caesar. Neutral 50 No, they didn't. They were ended, completely. Became part of history's march. 643
But the Twisted Hairs survived, even after Caesar. Neutral 50 If you feel there is meaning in the White Legs taking the braids of my tribe... what they did... insult, not respect. 644
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic111 So you carry two symbols then - the mark of America and the Twisted Hairs, neither dead. Neutral 50 {Frowns} Both... both survived, pieces of them. Remnants, nothing more. 645
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic112 It's proof that killing a symbol is going to be harder than you thought. Neutral 50 Back to symbols and history, then. Hard to kill... like Couriers. 646
It's proof that killing a symbol is going to be harder than you thought. Neutral 50 You're saying when the meaning gets lost - that what happens here, can make things worse. {Beat} Happened in the Mojave. Flags of the Bear and Bull. 647
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic116 You're planning to kill a nation from a distance, just like NCR - just like you accused me of. Neutral 50 {Frowns} What do I care for your perspective. You walk blindly, foolishly into death, your own and others. 648
Neutral 50 You do not rule my actions, and do not mistake my acts for yours. 649
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic119 If my words won't change your mind, what about the messages in the Eyebot? Neutral 50 The machine made from the parts of Navarro? It had only one message in its core - to get home, at any cost. 650
Neutral 50 It echoes its master... and soon the missiles here will as well. 651
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic120 The Divide survived in you. If it felt like something fighting for, you can rebuild it. Neutral 50 {DUPE} Nothing can prevent what comes. The missiles will launch. {Beat} These questions - your words, or mine - what do they matter to you. 652
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic121 Look, just the fact we're talking should mean you don't want to do this. Neutral 50 No. You are wrong. Words will not bridge this. 653
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic123 Don't even suggest we're equals. You couldn't have done this without me bringing you what you need. Neutral 50 {Sneers, anger, player's getting to him} You were tricked. Still, you take pride in it. 654
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic124 No danger there. You skipped past where you build the community, moved onto killing one. Neutral 50 {DUPE} Nothing can prevent what comes. The missiles will launch. {Beat} These questions - your words, or mine - what do they matter to you. 655
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic125 I want you to die knowing you're wrong, and that's what history will remember. Neutral 50 {Cold} We fight over how we will be remembered, then. 656
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic126 It has history inside it. The logs of what's left of "America." Neutral 50 {Slight anger, what is this nonsense} There is nothing inside the machine except the means to awaken the missiles in the Divide. {Emph} That is its only message. 657
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic127 Its logs tell of a place where America survived... may still exist. And it's falling apart. Neutral 50 {Frowns, suspicious} You lie. There was only one message in the machine, only one message in the package you brought. 658
Neutral 50 The Divide bore the symbol of America... as did the package from Navarro. The origins of the machine is... of no importance. 659
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic129 The package I brought was from Navarro, the Divide scanned ED-E's logs from the Mojave. Neutral 50 {Angry} What do you seek to gain by telling me this. If you think that the symbol I wear is a weakness... 660
NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic131 I believe the missiles can't be stopped. If you believe me, though, we might get through this. Neutral 50 If we must survive to carry its message... then that is what shall be done. I will not let America die here. 661
Neutral 50 But... it may not matter. Even if we lay down our weapons, the Divide... it still stands against us. 662
NVDLC04EDEUlyssesTopic001 {Ulysses Cut-In 1} Disgust 50 {NCR Opening} There's your signal... faint, but there. {Beat, slight condemnation} Just like NCR - voice without fire, without strength, sick.{No sound file} 663
Anger 50 Heard tales of you walking the Mojave. Giving the two-headed bear strength. Giving hollow men like Kimball, like Crocker, half the life Hanlon had. 664
Disgust 50 Now... let's test that strength. That... "conviction." {Disgust} Courier. 665
{Ulysses Cut-In 1} Disgust 50 {Legion Opening} There's your signal... faint, but there. {Beat, slight condemnation} A woman in Caesar's service. Looks like the Bear has had its victory, after all.{No sound file} 666
{Ulysses Cut-In 1} Disgust 50 {Legion Opening} There's your signal... faint, but there. {Beat, slight condemnation} Charging ahead, like the rest of our brothers, blood in your eyes.{No sound file} 667
{Ulysses Cut-In 1} Disgust 50 {Vegas Opening} Taking your chances, coming here. {Disgust} Just like bringing the lord of Vegas his tribute, bending your knee to Old World ghosts.{No sound file} 668
Anger 50 You and that Chip - deserve each other, twenty-nine less coins than other traitors have carried, if history's true. 669
Disgust 50 Now see the road the Old World paves... and what the lights of New Vegas promise, if they haven't blinded your eyes. 670
{Ulysses Cut-In 1} Disgust 50 {Normal Opening} There's your signal. Faint, but there. {Beat, matter-of-fact} You came, good. Curious, maybe.{No sound file} 671
Anger 50 You walked the Mojave without a flag on your back. That'll end soon, can't walk the Long 15 and not have a nation's shadow fall on you. 672
Disgust 50 Maybe you just need to be tested. Or you believe in nothing. {Cold accusing} We'll see. 673
NVDLC04EDEUlyssesTopic002 {Ulysses Cut-In 2} Neutral 50 {Contacting player through radio} There you are, you went quiet for a time... knew killing the Bear wouldn't prove easy... {slight disgust, hates ED-E} you and your machine, you survived. 674
Neutral 50 There's a lesson here, in the Divide. Old World history about paving and intentions could teach the Republic a thing or two - if they listened. 675
Neutral 50 They have an idea of trying to do what's right, never quite getting there. Maybe you've seen it - Nipton, elsewhere. 676
{Ulysses Cut-In 2} Neutral 50 {Contacting player through radio} Picking up the signal from your machine... was quiet for a time, thought the Road had claimed another of the Legion.{No sound file} 677
Neutral 50 Too many of the Bull have already fallen here... to radiation, fire... and what burrows below. 678
{Ulysses Cut-In 2} Neutral 50 {Contacting player through radio} There you are, you went quiet for a time... thought you might have returned to Vegas, its comforts. {Slight disgust} Maybe you took that machine with you.{No sound file} 679
Neutral 50 There's a lesson here, in the Divide. Old World history about holding on to something so tightly it breaks... or falls apart. 680
Neutral 50 May have seen the cracks in Vegas's walls already. If so, they'll grow, in time, no matter how much you back House. 681
{Ulysses Cut-In 2} Neutral 50 {Contacting player through radio} There you are, you went quiet for a time. {Beat, slight disgust for machine} Then that signal came in strong from your machine, like a heartbeat.{No sound file} 682
Neutral 50 Made your way through Old World towns, the tunnels that join them... now, the High Road. 683
Neutral 50 For all you've seen behind you - {quieter} there's worse along this stretch. Deathclaws - hunt the Marked Men, {even quieter, for emphasis} and they also hunt what burrows below. 684
NVDLC04EDEUlyssesTopic003 {Ulysses Cut-In 3} Neutral 50 Hopeville, High Road, Ashton... tiny cracks in the Earth, {emph} nothing compared to the road carved ahead.{No sound file} 685
Neutral 50 Before you... this is the {emph} edge of the Divide. Ahead lies your work, the history you burned in the earth. {Beat, emph} What you brought to the people here. 686
NVDLC04EDEUlyssesTopic004 {Ulysses Cut-In 4} Neutral 50 {Cold} Thought that explosion, that building falling deep in the Divide might have been your work... wouldn't kill you, maybe close. {AUDIO: Need more distortion here, Ulysses just cut in.} 687
Neutral 50 Knew you'd survive... but no need to go any farther. You've brought me what I need - that machine with you, sealed in the Hopeville silo. 688
Neutral 50 Needed someone to unlock it - bring it home. {Cold} Now the signal's strong enough, no need for you to carry it anymore. I can call your machine to me. 689
NVDLC04EndingSlideDivide01 NVDLC04EndingSlideDivide0 Neutral 50 {Narration} {Male} As for the Courier... he turned his back on his home for the second time and made his way back, navigating the treachery of the Divide. 690
NVDLC04EndingSlideDivide0 Neutral 50 {Narration} {Female} As for the Courier... she turned her back on her home for the second time and made her way back, navigating the treachery of the Divide. 691
NVDLC04EndingSlideDivide02 NVDLC04EndingSlideDivide02 Neutral 50 {Narration} Tunnelers and the Marked Men... avoided the lone figure, as if recognizing the Courier's right to passage... or out of fear. 692
NVDLC04EndingSlideFinale NVDLC04EndingSlideFinale Neutral 50 {Narration} {Draw it to a close} And this road - has reached its end. 693
NVDLC04EndingSlideSingleMissileLaunch01 NVDLC04EndingMissileLaunchNCR01 Neutral 50 {Narration} {Target: NCR} ...missiles fell on NCR and the Long 15 caravan route beyond the Mojave Outpost, the road the Courier had been walking when the tale began. 694
Neutral 50 {Narration} Caravans and NCR outposts along the route were reduced to ash, an Old World gift from the Divide. 695
NVDLC04EndingMissileLaunchNCR01 Neutral 50 {Narration} {Target: Legion} ...missiles fell on the East and the Legion encampment at Dry Wells... where the Twisted Hairs had allied, then been betrayed by Vulpes and Caesar. 696
Neutral 50 {Narration} Legion soldiers died, their silhouettes blasted into the ground and earth, the last word of the last of the Twisted Hairs. 697
NVDLC04EndingSlideSingleMissileLaunch02 NVDLC04EndingMissileLaunchNCR02 Neutral 50 {Narration} {Target: NCR} As catastrophic as the damage was for NCR, the act made the Courier stronger for having no history, and no retreat. 698
Neutral 50 {Narration} It was an ending to things - a way of erasing the road that had led to this point and the history that had walked with it. 699
NVDLC04EndingMissileLaunchNCR02 Neutral 50 {DUPE} {Narration} {Target: Legion} It was an ending to things - a way of erasing the road that had led to this point and the history that had walked with it. 700
NVDLC04EndingSlideStart NVDLC04EndingSlideStart Neutral 50 {Narration} {Wild Wasteland} {Target: Both Factions} The Couriers finally, really did it. They blew up the lands West and East of the Mojave... damning them all to hell. 701
Neutral 50 {Narration} The act was discovered 200 years later, as other Couriers explored the Mojave wastes. 702
Neutral 50 {Narration} There, they saw NCR relics, reminders of their once proud history. 703
NVDLC04EndingSlideStart Neutral 50 {Narration} {Target: Both Factions} The Divide erupted in fire, violent, red, as the last message of the two Couriers arced into the sky... 704
Neutral 50 {Narration} The missiles rained like spears down on the land, burning flags and communities alike... destroying all they struck. 705
Neutral 50 {Narration} The history of the West was erased for the second time, thorough and complete... and America slept once more. 706
NVDLC04EndingSlideStart Neutral 50 {Narration} {Target: One Faction} The Divide erupted in fire as the flame trail of the two Couriers' last message arced into the sky... 707
NVDLC04EndingSlideSunset01 NVDLC04EndingSlideSunset01 Neutral 50 {Narration} It's said war - war never changes. 708
NVDLC04EndingSlideSunset02 NVDLC04EndingSlideSunset02 Neutral 50 {Narration} {Male - correcting the previous statement} Men do, through the roads they walk. 709
NVDLC04EndingSlideSunset02 Neutral 50 {Narration} {Female - correcting the previous statement - war never changes} Women do, through the roads they walk. 710
NVDLC04EndingSlideUlyssesAlive01 NVDLC04EndingUlyssesAlive01 Neutral 50 {Narration} Hopeville burned lightless in the night, invisible fires of radiation scorching it from within and without. 711
Neutral 50 {Narration} It is said a man still walked its streets, with a tattered jacket, an Old World flag etched on the back... 712
NVDLC04EndingSlideUlyssesAlive02 NVDLC04EndingUlyssesAlive02 Neutral 50 {Narration} He remained there, perhaps as punishment for the scars he left on the wastes - or a reminder of a history he could not forget. 713
Neutral 50 {Narration} For Ulysses... his journey was over. The Courier had been the end of {"emph" refers to Ulysses} his road. 714
NVDLC04EndingSlideUlyssesDead01 NVDLC04EndingUlyssesDead01 Neutral 50 {Narration} At the end of the struggle, only one Courier remained in the heart of the Divide. The {emph} true Courier, Courier Six. 715
Neutral 50 {Narration} The Courier tore the ancient flag of the Commonwealth from its cables, and cast it over the corpse... 716
NVDLC04EndingSlideUlyssesDead02 NVDLC04EndingUlyssesDead02 Neutral 50 {Narration} ...though whether done as a sign of respect, or in anger for what had been endured to reach this moment - that is unknown. 717
Neutral 50 {Narration} Interpretation is something best left to history, and only the surviving Courier would ever know for certain. 718
NVDLC04EndingSlideVista01 NVDLC04EndingMissileLaunchLegion01 Neutral 50 {Narration} {Male} The Courier walked until he stood again upon the edge of the Divide, the last road he would walk before the second battle for Hoover Dam. 719
Neutral 50 {Narration} {Male} There, beside his feet, was a final package, from one Courier to another - a footlocker, bearing a gift, and a message. 720
NVDLC04EndingMissileLaunchLegion01 Neutral 50 {Narration} {Female} The Courier walked until she stood again upon the edge of the Divide, the last road she would walk before the second battle for Hoover Dam. 721
Neutral 50 {Narration} {Female} There, beside her feet, was a final package, from one Courier to another - a footlocker, bearing a gift, and a message. 722
NVDLC04EndingSlideVista02 NVDLC04EndingMissileLaunchLegion02 Neutral 50 {Narration} {Knowingly, confidentially} But that message - it is something for Couriers to carry, and for them alone. 723
Neutral 50 {Narration} {Bring it to a close} The lights flickered across the Divide, reminders that the Old World histories persist, and find meaning in the present. 724
NVDLC04UlyssesBigMT1HolotapeNote NVDLC04UlyssesBigMT1HolotapeNote Neutral 50 ...back again. Left that crater behind. Got a few holotapes left, ones from the medical center. 725
Neutral 50 The woman... she fixed the recorder. Said it wouldn't last, repayment for me fixing her. She doesn't like debts, can respect that. 726
Neutral 50 Payment enough, just to hear someone who believes in the Brotherhood of Steel. Not Elijah. Different view. Same madness. 727
Disgust 50 She answered me on their philosophy, their way of seeing - the roads they walk. {Disgust} Dead-ends. Empty... as if technology can solve anything. 728
Neutral 50 {Quiet, reflective} Big Empty's proof where that road leads. {Beat} Just like the Divide, and all the roads that lead to it. 729
NVDLC04UlyssesBigMT2HolotapeNote NVDLC04UlyssesBigMT2HolotapeNote Neutral 50 Big Empty - there's something hidden there, a crater, past wind and sand - so deep in the desert, there's no turning back. 730
Neutral 50 Finding the crater was an accident, was following the weather patterns - the Divide sky torn like that, man's violence, not nature's. 731
Neutral 50 That violence in the sky, had a source. Tracked it. Like following a river current. 732
Neutral 50 Left the colors to mark my way, like always, case someone finds them, learns the pattern - the Courier might. 733
Neutral 50 When I thought sand and wind would never end... came to the crater. 734
Neutral 50 And there... there was an Old World facility, a weather station, at the edge, still raking the sky with electricity and generators. 735
Neutral 50 And beyond it... saw the rest of the Old World hell there, all carved up like garden plots. Had to see what was there, couldn't leave it be. 736
Neutral 50 {Slight irritation} Things sleep in the Big Empty, the Brotherhood woke them up - can't move quiet, any more than the two-headed Bear can. 737
Neutral 50 And when they woke up, it was like all of history waking up at once. Almost didn't make it out. {Beat, quiet} Almost. Left with answers I never intended. 738
NVDLC04UlyssesBigMT3HolotapeNote NVDLC04UlyssesBigMT3HolotapeNote Neutral 50 Have you ever wanted to speak to history - just to know the why of it? {Beat} I don't. Not any longer. 739
Disgust 50 There's old stories about gods and men, past history, into myth - where the gods, they're like children... petulant, cruel. 740
Neutral 50 {Emph} Those were the voices of the Big Empty, the past. Couldn't leave well enough alone, had to ask. Had to ask the why of it. 741
Neutral 50 {Slight frustration} Their answers were madness. And power, stronger than me, would take a hundred Elijahs... someone tougher than him or I to best them in their Dome. 742
Neutral 50 They didn't know why they were there, what had led to that point, their names - like serpents devouring themselves, cannibalizing their own thoughts. 743
Neutral 50 When all seemed lost, thought it was the end - my anger gave me strength to ask them my last question. 744
Neutral 50 {Echoing the question he asked the Think Tank} "Who are you, that do not know your history?" 745
Neutral 50 {Slight reverence} And they awoke. For... a short time. 746
Neutral 50 The flag you wear, they said. We remember. America. 747
Neutral 50 It wasn't just a flag to them... it was a place, an idea they had {emph} cared for. Once. 748
Neutral 50 They told me what it was like to grow in that world... all they had done to lift it up... protect it. They... didn't know it was gone, that... 749
Neutral 50 ...yet they had cared once. Before forgetting their history. 750
Neutral 50 As they were talking... kept seeing the Courier's shadow behind them, giving each their words weight. History cast aside... a home, left behind. 751
Neutral 50 I listened. I asked. Was there anything left? {Emph} Anything that still carries America's voice? 752
Neutral 50 And they told me I had already been there. I and one other, walking right out of history deeper than we knew. 753
Neutral 50 They told me what lies in the heart of the Divide, what can be found there. And the words to awaken it - and the one to speak them. 754
NVDLC04UlyssesCombatEyebotDestroyed01 NVDLC04UlyssesCombatEyebotDestroyed01 Neutral 50 {Dismissive/contempt} Destroying my machines won't help you. This facility will make more. 755
NVDLC04UlyssesCombatEyebotDestroyed02 NVDLC04UlyssesCombatEyebotDestroyed02 Disgust 50 {Dismissive contempt, under his breath} Don't need Old World medicine to kill you. 756
NVDLC04UlyssesCombatEyebotsAllDestroyed NVDLC04UlyssesCombatEyebotsAllDestroyed Neutral 50 {Slightly surprised, player destroyed all his robots} Didn't think you'd outlast the machines. {Slightly pleased, they can settle things personally} Good. 757
NVDLC04UlyssesCombatEyebotsDisabled01 NVDLC04UlyssesCombatEyebotsDisabled01 Neutral 50 {Ulysses Fighting Eyebots have been disabled, matter-of-fact} Just you and me, then. {Slight beat, firm} Always was. 758
NVDLC04UlyssesCombatEyebotsDisabled02 NVDLC04UlyssesCombatEyebotsDisabled02 Neutral 50 {Ulysses Healing Eyebots have been disabled, dismissive} Can't stop the Old World's return, Courier. 759
NVDLC04UlyssesCombatEyebotsHostile01 NVDLC04UlyssesCombatEyebotsHostile01 Surprise 50 {Ulysses Fighting Eyebots have been turned against him, slight surprise} Took my machines? {To himself} Hnh. Underestimated you. 760
NVDLC04UlyssesCombatEyebotsHostile02 NVDLC04UlyssesCombatEyebotsHostile02 Anger 50 {Ulysses Healing Eyebots have been turned against him, slight anger} Machines might keep you alive, but they won't save you. 761
NVDLC04UlyssesCombatMarkedMenAllDead NVDLC04UlyssesCombatMarkedMenAllDead Neutral 50 {All the Marked Men have died.} No more echoes of the Bull and the Bear. The rest will share their fate. 762
NVDLC04UlyssesCombatMarkedMenEnter NVDLC04UlyssesCombatMarkedMenEnter Neutral 50 {Marked Men enter the temple, dismissive} The dead men of the New World... they've come for you. 763
NVDLC04UlyssesCombatMarkedMenKilled01 NVDLC04UlyssesCombatMarkedMenKilled01 Anger 50 {Marked Men have been killed, cold contempt} Kill as many as you want - the Divide will birth more. 764
NVDLC04UlyssesCombatMarkedMenKilled02 NVDLC04UlyssesCombatMarkedMenKilled02 Disgust 50 {Marked Men have been killed} Killing them is mercy. 765
NVDLC04UlyssesCombatTaunt01 NVDLC04UlyssesCombatTaunt01 Anger 50 {Taunt, snarl} I'll end you - and your history. 766
NVDLC04UlyssesCombatTaunt02 NVDLC04UlyssesCombatTaunt02 Disgust 50 {Taunt, dismissive} Come all this way - to die alone. 767
NVDLC04UlyssesCombatTaunt03 NVDLC04UlyssesCombatTaunt03 Neutral 50 {Grim, taunt} Running out of time, Courier. 768
NVDLC04UlyssesFinalMsgHolotape NVDLC04UlyssesFinalMsgHolotape Neutral 50 Last tape, last message. In case... you best me. If you're hearing this, you have, through blood or word. 769
Neutral 50 This message, and all that lies with it - it is for you, Courier. If you want to know the... why of things. 770
Neutral 50 This world, I've walked a good part of it... I stopped only because of you. What you did - gave me pause. 771
Neutral 50 Long ago, I crossed the Colorado, the first among the Legion to see Hoover Dam in all its glory... an Old World wall, yet bridging two sides. 772
Neutral 50 {Quieter} And beyond it, a symbol of a two-headed Bear, an idea great enough to challenge Caesar himself. 773
Neutral 50 Might kill him, taking it, whether he won or lost. The Bull needs to fight, needs the challenge, without it... it falters, dies in the dust. 774
Neutral 50 {To himself} Might be a lesson there, in you and me. {"I'll"} Leave the thought behind the message to you. 775
Neutral 50 My message is this - the destruction that has been wrought, at the Divide - or elsewhere, if you couldn't stop me... 776
Neutral 50 It can happen again. It will {emph} keep happening. 777
Neutral 50 If war doesn't change, men must change, and so must their symbols. {Beat, quiet} Even if it is nothing at all, know what you follow, Courier... 778
Neutral 50 ...just as I followed you, to the end. Whatever your symbol... 779
Neutral 50 ...carry it on your back, and wear it proudly when you stand at Hoover Dam. 780
NVDLC04UlyssesForceGreetDUPLICATE001 NVDLC04UlyssesForceGreet Anger 50 {Irritated, player hasn't given up} Even in this place, NCR's shadow falls. {Beat} Or is it just, you, {speaking title} Courier, without the Bear's corpse to weigh you down. 781
NVDLC04UlyssesForceGreet Anger 50 {Irritated, player hasn't given up} So you came, {disgust} Frumentarii, {beat, title} Courier - whatever you are now. {Slight mocking} Come to carry out Caesar's law? His voice carries no weight here. 782
NVDLC04UlyssesForceGreet Anger 50 {Irritated, player hasn't given up - hates Vegas} Your city, Vegas, lies in the other direction... with the rest of its slaves. {Beat} Or is it just, you, {speaking title} Courier, without the lights and ghosts. 783
NVDLC04UlyssesForceGreet Anger 50 {Irritated, player hasn't given up} So you came, {disgust} Courier, to what - watch your homeland burn one last time. Kill me, perhaps. 784
NVDLC04UlyssesForceGreet Disgust 50 {Beat, disgust, a little quieter - notices player's got ED-E with him} Judging by your shadow... maybe you can't let your machine go. Doesn't matter now. 785
Neutral 50 Either way, the Divide giants are awakening. The missiles here, on their way home. {Cold} There is no way to stop them. 786
NVDLC04UlyssesForceGreet Neutral 50 You are too late. The Divide is awakening - the package, and the message within, have come full circle. 787
Neutral 50 The sequence has begun, just as before. Except this time, the missiles will touch the sky instead of being locked beneath the ground. 788
NVDLC04UlyssesFriendMMUsesStealthboy NVDLC04UlyssesFriendMMUsesStealthboy Neutral 50 {A Marked Man uses a stealthboy} Watch the shadows - the beasts cloak themselves in Old World tech. 789
NVDLC04UlyssesFriendMMWithSatchelCharge NVDLC04UlyssesFriendMMWithSatchelCharge Neutral 50 {A Marked Man is throwing satchel charges} Watch the floor. Mines. {To himself} Tactics of the Bear. 790
NVDLC04UlyssesFriendMarkedMenAllDead NVDLC04UlyssesFriendMarkedMenAllDead Neutral 50 {All the Marked Men are dead, combat is over.} We've broken them. The Bear and the Bull have no more shadows to throw at us. 791
NVDLC04UlyssesFriendMarkedMenEnter NVDLC04UlyssesFriendMarkedMenEnter Neutral 50 {Marked Men enter the Temple, combat starts} They come for us, East and West alike. 792
NVDLC04UlyssesFriendMarkedMenHalfDead NVDLC04UlyssesFriendMarkedMenHalfDead Neutral 50 {Half of the Marked Men have died, combat is half over} We've shown them fear, but not enough. More will come. 793
NVDLC04UlyssesFriendSentryDies01 NVDLC04UlyssesFriendSentryDies01 Neutral 50 {To himself, robot is destroyed} Another Old World soldier falls. 794
NVDLC04UlyssesFriendSentryDies02 NVDLC04UlyssesFriendSentryDies02 Neutral 50 {To himself} Old World's running out of machines. 795
NVDLC04UlyssesFriendTaunt01 NVDLC04UlyssesFriendTaunt01 Neutral 50 {Dismissive} Beasts from the Divide. To the Divide, they return. 796
NVDLC04UlyssesFriendTaunt02 NVDLC04UlyssesFriendTaunt02 Neutral 50 Mercy killings - let them rest. 797
NVDLC04UlyssesFriendTaunt03 NVDLC04UlyssesFriendTaunt03 Neutral 50 You have forgotten all you were, traded glory for savagery. {Thoughtful} Fitting. 798
NVDLC04UlyssesWhiteLegs1HolotapeNote NVDLC04UlyssesWhiteLegs1HolotapeNote Neutral 50 {Studying weather, log to himself, thinking back} Emptiness here - like the sands of the Great Salt Lake, echoed. {Beat} The beating in the Divide sky... like storm drums of the White Legs. 799
Neutral 50 {Introspective} Ran with them on the salt beds, at Caesar's command - {recalling Caesar's orders, echoing them} cut the throats of the two-headed Bear, cut all communities off. 800
Neutral 50 Use storm, sky. Disease. Fire, starvation... and the violence of the ignorant to ruin all who {emph} could... might stand against him. 801
Neutral 50 But the White Legs... they couldn't live on their own, like most scavengers. So gave them purpose - turned their hunger into a weapon. 802
Neutral 50 The wall of New {CANE-in} Canaan... too high for Caesar. Too proud, maybe - {quiet} or maybe something there, from his past, that needed killing. Memory of Graham. 803
Neutral 50 Helped them dig out Canaan supply caches, and other secrets the sands hid - bunkers, filled with powered weapons even the Brotherhood might desire. 804
Neutral 50 They called these new weapons "storm drums" in the firing of shells. Taught them the power in the casings... to channel the spirits in their guns. 805
Neutral 50 Me... they called me the Flag-Bearer. Glory in my hand, in my staff that still bore the weight of the Old World just as the symbol on my back did. 806
Neutral 50 I learned their weapons as a means of respect. And when it came their turn to pay respect to me... history came rushing back. 807
Neutral 50 {Quiet, bring to a close} Can't escape what's been done. History's there... no matter how far you walk. 808
NVDLC04UlyssesWhiteLegs2HolotapeNote NVDLC04UlyssesWhiteLegs2HolotapeNote Neutral 50 I walked the Great Salt Lake as Caesar's eye, then his hand. 809
Neutral 50 Mongrels there, two-legs and four. Saw the walls of New Canaan the scavengers circled... hadn't the strength or fire to take. Too high, too strong. 810
Neutral 50 White Legs, they were born for war, they run to it, hungry for battle... yet their hunger is to be a part of history, something larger. 811
Neutral 50 Like the Legion. As always, brought them a message - from Caesar. 812
Neutral 50 {Paraphrasing message from Caesar} If New Canaan burns, Caesar might {emph} see them. {Scoffs} "Might." Even the chance was a lie. 813
Neutral 50 To honor Caesar - destroy the {emph} history of New Canaan, and the way they {emph} carry it - in their generations and family. 814
Neutral 50 Caesar respects such strength, I told them. That - that was truth, even if "strength" wasn't the word. {Correcting} Obedience. 815
Neutral 50 You must be willing to kill {emph} anyone, children, mothers, the weak, elders... if these New Canaanites value the generations, that is what you must kill. 816
Neutral 50 It was like Vulpes was speaking through me. Use the night, silence, and fire to change their words to pleas, to screams. 817
Neutral 50 No need for bombs when hate will do. 818
Neutral 50 I... asked the White Legs to destroy a people with ancestry, going back thousands of years - another death of history, lost to time. 819
Neutral 50 The New Canaanites... they supplied medicine. Food, traded with others. Civilization, a hand from the past, not history... 820
Neutral 50 ...but maybe a past deeper, farther than that to a place where this... {beat} God really exists. 821
Neutral 50 {Dismissive} If so, his handiwork and people belong elsewhere, not in this place. Another symbol, like Bear and Bull, with no meaning in the present. 822
NVDLC04UlyssesWhiteLegs3Holotape NVDLC04UlyssesWhiteLegs3HolotapeNote Neutral 50 The White Legs... meant to show respect, bribe me for Caesar's favor, echoing mannerisms and words... 823
Neutral 50 Showed them tech caches, taught them the workings of chamber and powder, spoke of Caesar's {emph} pride in those that used such things... lies. And... 824
Neutral 50 {quiet disgust} ...and then... they tried to honor {emph} me - not the Legion. 825
Neutral 50 They brought me before the campfire one night, showed me how they changed themselves, how they wore their hair now. 826
Neutral 50 It was like my entire dead tribe in the firelight, teeth grinning red in the dark - eager corpses, blood-covered ghosts. 827
Neutral 50 They... had taken my braids, the way of the Twisted Hairs, as if it showed they were {emph} like me, {emph} of me... 828
Neutral 50 ...while every knot in their braids spoke of raping, violence - and ignorance of what the knots {emph} meant. They thought to show respect... defiled it. 829
Neutral 50 Lost myself in trying to read the braids they wove, when I remembered they had put no meaning in it. They had no history of what it meant. 830
Neutral 50 They didn't even know the insult in the twists, knots... and Dry Wells came rushing back, the White Legs circled like that... 831
Neutral 50 It was like looking at the dead of my tribe, reborn as ghosts - hateful, hungry, bowing to Caesar. {Quiet, bring to a close} Another history... gone, carried by me alone. 832
PLAYERFIREWEAPON PLAYER FIRE WEAPON Neutral 50 Clearing the chamber? 833
PLAYER FIRE WEAPON Neutral 50 Better off saving ammo. 834
PLAYERINIRONSITES PLAYER IN IRON SITES Neutral 50 {Player pointing gun at him} Fire, and I won't take it lying down. 835
PLAYER IN IRON SITES Neutral 50 {Player pointing gun at him, grim} Better be sure. 836
PLAYERLAYMINE PLAYER LAY MINE Neutral 50 {Sees a player lay a mine, scorn} A tactic of the Bear. 837
PLAYER LAY MINE Neutral 50 {Scorn, player laid a mine, "Hanlon's" a famous mine-layer} Worthy of Hanlon. 838
PLAYERTHROWGRENADE PLAYER THROW GRENADE Neutral 50 {Player threw a grenade} Watch the blast! 839
PLAYER THROW GRENADE Neutral 50 {DUPE of AvoidThreat: Player threw a grenade} Explosive! 840


Nothing more to say. I'll be going. Neutral 50 {Farewell} The Divide belongs to history now. {Beat} The Mojave awaits. 841
HELLO Hello Neutral 50 {Acknowledging} Courier. 842


AcceptYield AcceptYield Neutral 50 {Warning} Watch yourself. 843
AcceptYield Neutral 50 Next time, you won't get mercy. 844
Assault Assault Neutral 50 {Angry} If that's what you wish. 845
Assault Neutral 50 {Firm} Then let's settle this. 846
Attack Attack Neutral 50 {Attack grunt} 847
Attack Neutral 50 Let's see what you stand for. 848
Attack Neutral 50 The Divide'll be your grave. 849
Attack Neutral 50 Let's have an ending to this. 850
AvoidThreat AvoidThreat Neutral 50 {Scorn} Bombs won't save you. 851
AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Explosive! 852
Death Death Neutral 50 {Death sound} 853
Death Neutral 50 {To himself} So it's to be my ending, then. 854
Death Neutral 50 {To himself} End of the road. 855
Death Neutral 50 {To himself} My flag rests here. 856
FireExplosive FireExplosive Neutral 50 I'll answer fire with fire. 857
FireExplosive Neutral 50 {Snarl} Gift from the Divide. 858
Flee Flee Neutral 50 {To himself} Need to get some distance. 859
Flee Neutral 50 {To himself, about player} Stronger than I thought. 860
Hit Hit Neutral 50 <grunt.> 861
Hit Neutral 50 <grunt.> 862
PowerAttack PowerAttack Neutral 50 {Power Attack Sound 1} 863
PowerAttack Neutral 50 {Power Attack Sound 2} 864
Steal Steal Neutral 50 {Disgust} Scavenger. 865


AlertIdle AlertIdle Neutral 50 {To himself} Something's here. 866
AlertIdle Neutral 50 {Keeping voice down, to himself} Checking for movement. 867
AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Neutral 50 {Spotted player} Movement. 868
AlertToCombat Neutral 50 {Spotted player} Found you. 869
AlertToCombat Neutral 50 {Spotted player} There. 870
AlertToNormal AlertToNormal Neutral 50 Comes back, I'll be ready. 871
AlertToNormal Neutral 50 Courier'll show soon. 872
CombatToLost CombatToLost Neutral 50 {Quiet, to himself} Must've taken cover. 873
CombatToLost Neutral 50 {Quiet, to himself} Gone to ground. 874
CombatToNormal CombatToNormal Neutral 50 {To himself} Gone. 875
CombatToNormal Neutral 50 {To himself} Must've took off. Won't leave - not yet. 876
LostIdle LostIdle Neutral 50 {Himself} Don't see anything. 877
LostIdle Neutral 50 {Himself} Can't be far. 878
LostToCombat LostToCombat Neutral 50 {Grim, determined} Won't lose you again. 879
LostToCombat Neutral 50 Didn't walk through ash and hell to lose you now. 880
LostToNormal LostToNormal Neutral 50 {Quiet} Whatever it was, gone now. 881
LostToNormal Neutral 50 {Quiet} Comes back, we'll deal with it then. 882
NormalToAlert NormalToAlert Neutral 50 {Quiet} Something nearby. 883
NormalToAlert Neutral 50 {To himself} Hear something. 884
NormalToCombat StartCombat Neutral 50 {Got a target} Got you. 885
StartCombat Neutral 50 {Going to} End you. 886
StartCombatResponse StartCombatResponse Neutral 50 Got you. 887
StartCombatResponse Neutral 50 Let's end this. 888
StartCombatResponse Neutral 50 {To player} End of the road. 889
StartCombatResponse Neutral 50 We'll see what you stand for. 890