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NCR Correctional Facility is now under prisoner control following a successful riot. Locals should avoid anyone who looks like they've done time.Mr. New Vegas

The New California Republic Correctional Facility, commonly abbreviated to NCR Correctional Facility or NCRCF, is a location in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas. When the New California Republic expanded into the vast deserts of the Mojave, they needed supply lines to keep the troopers fed, and needed a source of labor to build the railroads for those supply lines. Garrisoning the old prison, by the late 2270s, the republic began sending their prisoner population east, putting the convicts to work setting up rails and using dynamite to blow away obstructions. However, once the war effort against Caesar's Legion began dwindling the faculty's body count, the convicts, led by bomb-tossing anarchist Samuel Cooke staged a breakout in 2281, overthrowing the outmatched prison staff and taking control themselves. Once Cooke left, Eddie took the big seat and gathered the remaining convicts under him as the Powder Gangers, becoming a serious, if localized threat to the inhabitants of the surrounding wasteland.[Non-game 1]


Before the Great War, the structure was known as the Jean Conservancy,[Non-game 1] a low-security all-female state prison in Nevada.[Non-game 1][1]

A short time into the Mojave Campaign after 2253, the New California Republic Army commandeered the abandoned facility to house prisoners on a work-release program.[Non-game 1][2] The inmates were tasked with maintaining a railroad alongside the Long 15 under military supervision, keeping the vital link between the Boneyard and New Vegas alive.[Non-game 1] However, as the NCR's conflict with Caesar's Legion escalated, especially after the First Battle of Hoover Dam, more and more prison guards were redeployed to the Colorado River and the protection of Hoover Dam despite the warden's objections.[Non-game 1] As the convicts working on the railroads were provided with high explosives in their work and were predominantly composed of violent criminals jailed for serious crimes, this created ripe conditions for a prison break.[Non-game 1][3]

Under the lead of Samuel Cooke, an anarchist with a specialty in handling explosives, a small group of inmates gathered weapons and explosives in secret before instigating the rebellion.[Non-game 1] Blasting their way out of the cellblock, they quickly overwhelmed what little NCR personnel were still present at the site, killed the warden, and established their own rule.[Non-game 1]

The prisoner population dispersed, with some, including Philip Lem, following Cooke north to eventually settle in Vault 19, while others stayed with Eddie, forming a gang and calling themselves Powder Gangers. They soon established camps around the correction facility to ward off attempts by scavengers and the NCR to take back the facility.[Non-game 1] Some left both the facility and the Powder Gangers and embarked further south to cause mayhem along Interstate 15.[Non-game 1][3][Non-game 2]

The Powder Gangers turned the facility into a fortified stronghold with sentries and snipers set up in the watchtowers. The highly public breakout led to the facility being monitored by Brotherhood and NCR scouts alike.[4][5] From their fortress, the Powder Gangers have become a scourge on the inhabitants of the southern Mojave, attacking caravans along Interstate 15 and stealing supplies from settlers and workers. One of their biggest raids occurred on Sloan, where they stole an entire cache of dynamite used by the workers to mine Quarry Junction for the NCR's fortifications along the Colorado River.[6] The resulting decrease of activity in the quarry led to a pack of deathclaws settling into the quarry and plaguing the northern reaches of the Long 15, effectively shutting down caravan traffic from the Mojave Outpost to New Vegas.[7]


The prison has one main entrance, which is guarded by a Powder Ganger named Dawes. Snipers bolster the perimeter around the facility. Whether or not the Courier has provoked Powder Gangers elsewhere, the Powder Gangers here are not hostile unless the player character has established a negative reputation with the faction overall. Should the player character approach Dawes in disguise, he will notice that they are not an actual Powder Ganger and tell them so. However, he will continue in casual dialogue as long as one has a good reputation with the gang. He can unlock the door for a price of 100 caps. It is possible to pickpocket the key from him to avoid the fee. Unlike other items in his inventory, pickpocketing the key will never fail as long as the player character is hidden.

Two additional entrances can be opened if the player character betrays Eddie and helps the NCR retake the facility during I Fought the Law. One such gap in the fence is situated between the lookout tower and the visitors center and the other is located almost directly opposite it, along the eastern fence.

It is also possible to position the player character on the cliff at the southeast side of the facility and perform a running jump over the fence to avoid the entrance fee. Similar to this, one can "sit" in one of the outhouses in the southwest corner from outside the fence, effectively teleporting them inside the facility. In both of these cases, the entrance remains locked from the inside, however. To exit the facility, one must jump over the fence again using the guard tower stairs, use fast travel, or pickpocket the key from Dawes through the fence.

Visitors center[]

Upon entering the facility through the front door, one will find themself in the visitors center, a lounge-like area with tables, a desk, a first aid box and a counter with a broken terminal on it. There is also a fridge, a Sunset Sarsaparilla vending machine and a Nuka-Cola vending machine. A Powder Ganger wearing a guard uniform stands by the door. During the same scenario as above, it is confirmed that he will propose a truce, in which the player character stays away from the gang outposts and the gang leaves them alone. However, after hearing his offer, choosing to ignore it will not provoke any altercation.

The only named non-player character here is Meyers, who is relevant to My Kind of Town as an option for the position of sheriff in Primm. Since he is not considered part of the Powder Gangers faction, he will not attack even if the Powder Gangers in the room become hostile.

Prison yard[]

Through the back door of the visitors center, the player character can enter the main prison yard. A workbench can be found near the door along with an owned crate of explosives. Several Powder Gangers mill about the yard, and several are posted at the tops of the towers. Five of the six towers have Powder Gangers posted at the top, and each contains minor stealable loot, consisting of mostly ammunition and healing items. There are upwards of 40 empty whiskey bottles lying around in the prison yard.

Cell blocks[]

There are two cellblocks located within the courtyard. Cell block A contains two Powder Gangers and a few locked containers of explosives and uniforms. In cell block B, the Courier can find Carter, a small-time trader, who has set up shop in the cell block. He sells chems and a few odds and ends. A locked cell contains his "stash," consisting of bottle caps in an ammo container.

Administration building[]

In this building is where Eddie, the leader of the remaining Powder Gangers, has set up his headquarters on the top floor in the former warden's office. Scrambler, Hannigan and four unnamed Powder Gangers can be found in this building as well, acting as Eddie's bodyguards.

Eddie holds the key to the Average-locked room, which contains a substantial stash of ammunition and explosives. One of the boxes always produces a random skill magazine. The unlocked room next door has a copy of Lying, Congressional Style on the desk.


Notable loot[]

Related quests[]


This section is transcluded from Fallout: New Vegas endings. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

Narrated by Eddie


Slide Voice-over narration In-game condition
Powder Gangers end slide 01
After Hoover Dam, the leaderless Powder Gangers at the Correctional Facility vanished into the wastes, leaving the prison empty. The Correctional Facility became another abandoned ruin in the wasteland, its carcass occasionally picked over by enterprising prospectors. Eddie dies.
Powder Gangers end slide 03
With the Dam firmly in their grasp, the NCR turned its attention towards wresting the Correctional Facility from Powder Ganger hands. The Powder Gangers are no match for the battle-hardened troops of the NCR, and summary execution awaited the Powder Gangers who managed to survive. Do not kill Eddie and complete the endgame quest Eureka! for the NCR.
Powder Gangers end slide 02
Most Powder Gangers at the Correctional Facility fled into the wasteland rather than face the advancing forces of the Legion. Those brave or foolish to remain were killed or crucified by the merciless Legionaries. Do not kill Eddie and complete the endgame quest Veni, Vidi, Vici for Caesar's Legion.
Powder Gangers end slide 01
The NCR, battered by the loss of the Dam, were unable to devote any troops to retaking the Correctional Facility from the Powder Gangers. As a result, Powder Ganger raids on caravans became an unfortunate fact of life in the Mojave for years to come. Do not kill Eddie and complete either All or Nothing for Mr. House or No Gods, No Masters for an Independent New Vegas.


  • If the player character becomes Vilified with the Powder Gangers, they will not be able to enter the facility without its inhabitants turning hostile. If they are wearing Powder Ganger clothing, Dawes will still talk to them and accept a bribe, but he will turn hostile as the player character gets closer. They can kill him without incurring the wrath of other Powder Gangers and enter the facility. However, Carter and the Powder Ganger bodyguards in the warden's office will still be hostile.
  • In cell block B just above the outside entrance, a sign reads "cell block K → Z." Similarly, above the door of cell block A, a sign reads "cell block A → J."
  • Fast traveling to this location can result in a group of wild dogs spawning and attacking if the Courier does not have the Animal Friend perk.
  • The alarm will continue to sound even after one has helped the NCR retake the facility during I Fought the Law.
  • Wiping out every Powder Ganger in the facility may cause a prospector to appear here and remain indefinitely. This may only happen when wiping out the location without help from the NCR.
  • The facility can be an ideal place for player housing, particularly during Hardcore mode as there is an abundance of beds and storage containers as well as a water pump, campfires, and a workbench.
  • Stealing chems on the table in the warden's office gives the player character infamy with the Powder Gangers, even if they are all dead.
  • On the road northwest of the facility are six signs that read "NOTICE: Hitch hikers may be escaped prisoners" and include the Vault Boy image for the Cannibal perk, albeit re-skinned with black and white stripes.


The NCR Correctional Facility appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Each of the Powder Ganger snipers has an entry for CondVaultSecurityArmorHelmet in their inventories, but the list is legacy content from Fallout 3, and restoring the list would result in the snipers wearing Vault 101 security helmets.



  1. Sign seen near the prison
  2. The Courier: "What can you tell me about this place?"
    Carter: "This is where the NCR sent prisoners to 'reform' through hard labor. I never saw much reforming around here, myself."
    (Carter's dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 NCR Correctional Facility terminal entries, warden's terminal, [Guard transfers to the east.]
  4. Eyesight to the Blind
  5. I Fought the Law
  6. The Courier: "Tell me about the Powder Gangers."
    Chomps Lewis: "They're a bunch of escaped cons from down south. The NCR was using them to maintain the railways as part of their sentence. I don't know who screwed up, but the Powder Gangers are loose. It was one group that attacked us and took our entire supply of dynamite."
    (Chomps Lewis' dialogue)
  7. The Courier: "Where'd the Deathclaws come from?"
    Chomps Lewis: "They moved into the quarry after the Powder Gangers came through and made off with most of our dynamite. We shut the quarry down while we waited for the NCR to get us some more blasting sticks, but now the Deathclaws have shown up. The NCR's a no-show, and my men and I have got nothing to do but sit on our asses all day. It's damn frustrating."
    (Chomps Lewis' dialogue)


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition pp.43-44: "Powder Gangers
    The NCR Correctional Facility is the dominant location of the central Mojave Wasteland. In the distant past, it was the Jean Conservancy, a low-security all-female prison. Under recent NCR control, it was used to house prisoners on work release. The prisoners worked the railroad parallel to the Long 15 under NCR trooper supervision, maintaining the vital land link between the Boneyard and New Vegas. Eventually, prison guards (NCR troopers) were pulled away to run Colorado River border patrol. When the guard staff was low, the prisoners executed a daring and violent escape. Because the rail crews often used explosives (typically dynamite) to blast through rock or get rid of train cars that were locked/fixed to the line, the prisoners inevitably acquired small amounts that they hid in their cells. When they made their break, they blasted their way out. The interior of the prison was clearly the scene of a large riot where the prisoners used explosives, improvised weapons, and stolen NCR trooper equipment to break through multiple walls and scatter through the desert. A lot of the prisoners weren't in on the escape plan formally; they just got caught up in the moment. Consequently, a lot of them didn't really know where to go when the dust settled. A large contingent of Powder Gangers can be found in Vault 19 through many squatted in the prison and have been informally raiding since then."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide faction profiles)
  2. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition pp.406-407: "[5.15] NCR Correctional Facility
    Slightly ironically, after breaking out of this very facility, which used to be operated by the NCR, the dregs of humanity known as the Powder Gangers decided to form a Faction and stay in this heavily fortified place, with plans of expansion. They already established camps outside the prison (North [5.10], South [4.15], East [5.16], and West [4.13]), but infighting between the violent and possibly Chem-addled leadership has caused splinter groups to form. The NCR is still too widely stretched by the Legion to form a force that can take back the place."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)
NCR Correctional Facility