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Fallout Wiki

MrIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar Trick or Treat is a unique Mister Handy who may be encountered during Caravan: Skyline Drive in Fallout 76, introduced in the Milepost Zero update.


Mr Trick or Treat is a Halloween-themed robot who may be encountered along Skyline Drive during Caravan: Skyline Drive as one of the random events during the caravan. The Mister Handy will declare his intention of giving the Vault Dwellers a "trick" or "treat."

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 icon map event
This character is involved in events.

Caravan: Skyline Drive


  • Caravan: Skyline Drive - Mr Trick or Treat may appear as one of the random events, and an optional objective will appear to talk to him. He will randomly declare either "trick" or "treat." If he says "trick," he may self-detonate in a large explosion.[verification overdue]


Apparel Weapon Other items


Mr Trick or Treat appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Milepost Zero update.


PCPC If the brahmin in the event runs far ahead of Mr Trick or Treat before he gives out his "trick" or "treat," Mr Trick or Treat may suddenly disappear from the world before his interaction is resolved.[verification overdue]

