Moriarty's info on dad is a note in Fallout 3.
The note is added to the Lone Wanderer's Pip-Boy after reading the James (Vault 101) entry on Colin Moriarty's wall terminal in his office in Moriarty's Saloon.
So, out of nowhere, James came back to Megaton. Since he stayed here before he asked me where the hell he could get a lay of the land and find out what's going on in the world. I told him about Galaxy News Radio in the ruins of D.C., and that guy Three Dog. Then like that, he was gone again.
I remember the first time he showed up almost twenty years ago. I never expected someone to actually want to or be able to get INTO a vault, but he must have had his reasons. He had his kid with him, some baby that wouldn't shut the fuck up. Normally I would have kicked someone like that out of my place, but he had a way with words. Then, like that, he ducks into Vault 101 and he's gone for almost twenty years. Nice guy I guess, but never spends enough caps.