Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

A library of functions for displaying icons on pages or within other templates. For best performance, a chain of icons (sit in a row with nothing between) should be done with a single call.


This module relies on the exists() and trim() contained within Module:Util. All function calls from this module are prefixed with util e.g. util.exists().


This function is internal only and the main workhorse for p.Icons() and p.innerIcon(). This function builds the function list. The first task is determining the size of the icons.

    if util.exists(iconSetting)  then 
    	iconSetting = util.trim(iconSetting)
        if util.exists(iconSize[iconSetting]) then
            iconSetting = iconSize[iconSetting]
        iconSetting = iconSize["medium"]
    -- This is for calls from other Lua modules as the above will result in nil
    if util.exists(iconSetting) == false then
    	if util.exists(iconSize) then
			iconSetting = iconSize
			iconSetting = iconSize["medium"]

In wikitext mark up the rough equivalent would be:

{{#ifeq:{{{iconSetting}}}|medium|{{#switch:{{{iconSetting}}}|a = x14px |b = 16px| c= 20px|...|#default = {{{iconSize|x14px}}}}}}}

The next step is to break the comma separated lists into a table:

    if util.exists(iconLinks) then
        iconLinks = mw.text.split(iconLinks, ",")
    if util.exists(tipOverride) then
        tipOverride = mw.text.split(tipOverride, ",")
    if util.exists(iconClass)then
    	iconClass = "|class=" .. tostring(iconClass);
    	iconClass = ""

This would be the equivalent of using multiple {{#explode:}} functions and variables to store each item as its own.

Once the data has been pre-processed a loop is used to run through each item in the list to generate the icon collection:

    for k, v in ipairs(iconList) do
        newIcon = iconData[util.trim(v)]
        if util.exists(newIcon) then
            currentIcon = newIcon.icon
            if util.exists(tipOverride, k) then
                currentTip = tipOverride[k]
                if util.exists(iconLinks, k) then
                    currentTip = iconLinks[k]
                    currentTip = newIcon.tip
            currentIcon = "Icon question.png"
            currentTip = "Unrecognized icon name"
            result = result .. "[[Category:Modules with invalid parameters]]"
        --Create wikitext icon
		dataLine = '[[File:' .. currentIcon .. '|' .. iconSetting
        if util.exists(iconLinks, k) then
            dataLine = dataLine .. '|link=' .. iconLinks[k]
            dataLine = dataLine .. '|link='
        if currentTip ~= nil then
            dataLine = dataLine .. '|' .. currentTip

        dataLine = dataLine .. iconClass .. ']]'

		createTip = mw.html.create('span')
        	createTip:addClass( 'va-icon' )
        	:attr('title', currentTip)
        result = result .. tostring(createTip)
        if k < table.getn(iconList) then
        	result = result .. " "

Line 2 checks the data list at Module:Icons/data for the data relating to the icon short code and returns a result or nil (does not exist) Depending on if a result was found the code continues, if there is no match a dummy icon is supplied at lines 14/15 and a maintenance category added at line 16.

If a match is found, the next task is to check if the tooltip is being overwritten, if it isn't being overwrite, it will then check if an page alternative link has been supplied, otherwise fall back to the default tooltip.

The wikitext equivalent would be


Now the correct icon, tooltip and link have been obtained, lines 21-31 build the image file in the format [[File:<icon>|<size>|link=<link>|<tooltip>|class=<class>]].

Lines 33-37 create the <span /> which contains the icon and inserts the icon inside. When rendered this will appear as <nowik><span class="va-icon" title="<tooltip>">icon</nowiki>.

Finally lines 39-41 check if the item being created is the last in the list to be created. If not it will add a space at the end of the string so there is space between the icons on the page once completed.

Invocation parameters

The invocation parameters are passed through from p.Icons(frame) or p.innerIcon(iconList, iconSetting, iconLinks, tipOverride, iconClass, iconSize). The variables align between these three functions and the below should be taken as an explanation for all three.

Label Parameter Variable Description Required Example
Icons 1 iconList A string list of icon short code(s) passed through to the module. For multiple codes being passed these should be split by a comma (,). Yes fo76,ww
Icon Size 2 iconSetting The image size to be passed to all icons in the list. A custom size can be set (e.g. x26px) or one of the standard sizes can be applied:
  • small = x10px
  • medium = x14px
  • normal = x14px
  • big = x20px

To ensure all icons are consistent in size, it is recommended to control on the height (e.g. x14px) rather than the width (e.g. 14px)

No - Defaults are built in
Link 3 iconLinks The page(s) the icon(s) links to. For multiple pages, article names are split with a comma (,) No Fallout 76,Wild Wasteland
Tooltip 4 tipOverride The tooltip(s) shown when hovering over the icon(s), for multiple icons, the tooltips can be split with a comma (') No - Defaults are built in Fire, EMP
CSS Class 4 iconClass CSS classes to be applied to the icons. If this is set it will apply to all icons in the group. Classes are written without the class= component. No va-icon va-icon-blue

p.Icons() and p.innerIcon()

These two functions are pass through functions to _generate(). Before passing through the list of icons supplied is split.

The differences between the functions is where they should be used and that p.innerIcon() doesn't pass through a table of icon sizes, just a predetermined size and can only be called from other lua modules. p.Icons() is for all other namespaces and cannot be called from another module.

Invocation parameters

Due to the close nature of these two functions and _generate() the invocation parameters are the same as listed above.


p.platforms() uses the same data set as the other functions, but only returns results for icons that have been marked as being a platform in the data set. In addition to this, it also uses Semantic Mediawiki so the data returned can be queried in Special:Ask.

Once the function has confirmed the icon in the list is a valid platform, it will create a hidden <span /> holding the semantic tag advising of the platform assigned from the default tooltip [[Has platform::<platform>]]. The code then largely follows that of _generate() to create the icon, with a blank link attribute. The two spans are then joined together before checking for the next platform.

If no platforms are found the code will return <sup>[Platforms needed]</sup>[[Category:Platforms needed]].

Invocation parameters

The only parameter taken by this function is the iconList parameter, holding the string of short codes.


p.documentation() is self generating documentation to display the icon produced by each short code. It first takes all the datasets available and sorts them into alphabetical order and creates a table header allowing for 3 icons in a row. For each short code it will put the short code in the first, third or fifth column and the icon in the second, fourth or sixth column based on where in the sorted dataset it resides.

Due to the ever expanding icon list, this function does run the risk of becoming oversized with time. If the character size is exceeded it may need splitting into two functions.

Invocation parameters

As a self contained function, there are not parameters that can be passed through.

Available icons

Script error: The function "documentation" does not exist.

In addition, all abbreviations supported by {{Abb}} can be used to produce an icon for the corresponding game.

local p = {}
local iconTip = {
    ["ability"]         = "Ability",
    ["ac"]              = "Armor class",
    ["acid"]            = "Acid",
    ["action"]          = "Action points",
    ["amber"]           = "Uncorroborrated fact",
    ["ammo"]            = "Ammunition",
    ["android"]         = "Android OS|platform",
    ["ap"]              = "Action points",
    ["apple"]           = "Apple iOS|platform",
    ["AR"]              = "All Roads",
    ["armorwb"]         = "Armor workbench",
    ["atom"]            = "Atom",
    ["attack"]          = "Attack",
    ["big gun"]         = "Big Gun, direct fire",
    ["bigger gun"]      = "Big Gun, area of effect",
    ["blade"]           = "Bladed melee weapon",
    ["bleed"]           = "Bleed",
    ["blunt"]           = "Blunt melee weapon",
    ["bonus effect"]    = "Bonus effect",
    ["boss"]            = "High level character",
    ["bronze"]          = "Bronze",
    ["bugged unav"]     = "Bugged",
    ["caravan"]         = "Plays caravan",
    ["cards"]           = "Cards",
    ["chance"]          = "Armor class",
    ["check"]           = "Armor class",
    ["checkbrown"]      = "Armor class",
    ["chemst"]          = "Chemistry station",
    ["companion"]       = "Companion",
    ["confidence"]      = "Confidence",
    ["cookst"]          = "Cooking station",
    ["craft"]           = "Crafting",
    ["crit dmg"]        = "Critical damage",
    ["crit effect"]     = "Critical effect",
    ["crit"]            = "Critical damage",
    ["cross"]           = "No",
    ["crosshair"]       = "Attack",
    ["cut"]             = "Cut content",
    ["D20"]             = "Fallout Pen and Paper d20",
    ["dam/ap"]          = "Damage per action point",
    ["damage"]          = "Damage",
    ["dap"]             = "Armor class",
    ["dead"]            = "Dead",
    ["defense"]         = "Defense",
    ["detect"]          = "Detection",
    ["detection"]       = "Detection",
    ["dial"]            = "Dialogue",
    ["dialogue"]        = "Dialogue",
    ["dislike"]         = "Dislike",
    ["distance"]        = "Distance",
    ["doctor"]          = "Doctor",
    ["dps"]             = "Damage per second",
    ["dr"]              = "Damage resistance",
    ["dt"]              = "Damage threshold",
    ["effect"]          = "Effect",
    ["electrical"]      = "Electrical",
    ["emp"]             = "EMP",
    ["energy"]          = "Energy",
    ["enslave"]         = "Can be enslaved",
    ["essential"]       = "Essential",
    ["experience"]      = "Experience points",
    ["explmill"]        = "Explosives mill",
    ["explosion"]       = "Explosion",
    ["eye"]             = "Detection",
    ["facebook"]        = "Facebook",
    ["FB"]              = "Fallout Bible",
    ["FBG"]             = "Fallout: The Board Game",
    ["FBGNC"]           = "Fallout: New California",
    ["FILM"]            = "Fallout (film)",
    ["fire"]            = "Fire",
    ["fist"]            = "Fist",
    ["FNV"]             = "Fallout: New Vegas",
    ["FNVCS"]           = "Courier's Stash",
    ["FNVDM"]           = "Dead Money",
    ["FNVGRA"]          = "Gun Runners' Arsenal",
    ["FNVHH"]           = "Honest Hearts",
    ["FNVLR"]           = "Lonesome Road (add-on)",
    ["FNVOWB"]          = "Old World Blues (add-on)",
    ["fnvww"]           = "Wild Wasteland",
    ["FO1"]             = "Fallout",
    ["FO2"]             = "Fallout 2",
    ["FO3"]             = "Fallout 3",
    ["FO3BS"]           = "Broken Steel",
    ["FO3MZ"]           = "Mothership Zeta (add-on)",
    ["FO3OA"]           = "Operation: Anchorage (add-on)",
    ["FO3PL"]           = "Point Lookout (add-on)",
    ["FO3TP"]           = "The Pitt (add-on)",
    ["FO4"]             = "Fallout 4",
    ["FO4AUT"]          = "Automatron (add-on)",
    ["FO4CC"]           = "Creation Club",
    ["fo4chain01"]      = "Four key chain",
    ["fo4chain02"]      = "Five key chain",
    ["fo4chain03"]      = "Five key chain",
    ["FO4CW"]           = "Contraptions Workshop",
    ["FO4FH"]           = "Far Harbor (add-on)",
    ["fo4gencard"]      = "Generic keycard",
    ["fo4holo"]         = "Holotape",
    ["fo4key01"]        = "Quantum key",
    ["fo4key02"]        = "Toy rocketship key",
    ["fo4key03"]        = "Vault Boy key",
    ["fo4note"]         = "Note",
    ["FO4NW"]           = "Nuka-World (add-on)",
    ["fo4vaultid"]      = "Vault ID card",
    ["FO4VR"]           = "Fallout 4 VR",
    ["FO4VW"]           = "Vault-Tec Workshop",
    ["FO4WW"]           = "Wasteland Workshop",
    ["FO76"]            = "Fallout 76",
    ["FO76WA"]          = "Wild Appalachia",
    ["FO76NW"]          = "Nuclear Winter",
    ["FO76WL"]          = "Wastelanders",
    ["FOBOS"]           = "Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel",
    ["FOBOS2"]          = "Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 2",
    ["foodpr"]          = "Food processor",
    ["FOS"]             = "Fallout Shelter",
    ["FOT"]             = "Fallout Tactics",
    ["FOT2"]            = "Fallout Tactics 2",
    ["FOX"]             = "Fallout Extreme",
    ["frost"]           = "Frost",
    ["FWW"]             = "Fallout: Wasteland Warfare",
    ["FWWRPG"]          = "Fallout: Wasteland Warfare Roleplaying Game",
    ["gamerscore"]      = "Gamerscore",
    ["gas"]             = "Gas",
    ["gold"]            = "Gold",
    ["green"]           = "Reliable fact",
    ["grenade"]         = "Grenade",
    ["group"]           = "Group",
    ["gun"]             = "Gun",
    ["hate"]            = "Hate",
    ["healing rate"]    = "Healing rate",
    ["healing"]         = "Healing rate",
    ["health"]          = "Health points",
    ["heart"]           = "Health points",
    ["hp"]              = "Health points",
    ["image"]           = "Image",
    ["info"]            = "Information",
    ["instagram"]       = "Instagram",
    ["ios"]             = "Apple iOS|platform",
    ["JES"]             = "J.E. Sawyer's Fallout RPG",
    ["jury"]            = "Jury Rigging",
    ["laser"]           = "Laser",
    ["level"]           = "Level",
    ["LH"]              = "Lionheart",
    ["like"]            = "Like",
    ["link"]            = "Food processor",
    ["linkedin"]        = "Linkedin",
    ["love"]            = "Love",
    ["mac"]             = "Macintosh Classic or Mac OS X|platform",
    ["macclassic"]      = "Macintosh Classic (≤ MacOS 9)|platform",
    ["mag"]             = "Magazine capacity",
    ["melee"]           = "Melee",
    ["mentioned"]       = "Mentioned",
    ["merchant"]        = "Merchant",
    ["mine"]            = "Mine",
    ["mod"]             = "With mods",
    ["myspace"]         = "Myspace",
    ["neutral"]         = "Neutral",
    ["neutralface"]     = "Neutral",
    ["no"]              = "No",
    ["nukamix"]         = "Nuka-mixer station",
    ["optional"]        = "Optional",
    ["PA"]              = "One Man, and a Crate of Puppets",
    ["parmorst"]        = "Power armor station",
    ["pbgame"]          = "Pip-Boy game",
    ["pc"]              = "PC|platform",
    ["percent"]         = "Chance",
    ["pistol"]          = "Gun",
    ["plasma"]          = "Plasma",
    ["platinum"]        = "Platinum",
    ["poison"]          = "Poison",
    ["ps3"]             = "Playstation 3|platform",
    ["ps4"]             = "Playstation 4|platform",
    ["PV13"]            = "Project V13",
    ["question"]        = "Question mark",
    ["radiation"]       = "Radiation",
    ["range"]           = "Range",
    ["rarity"]          = "Rarity",
    ["ratio"]           = "Ratio",
    ["red"]             = "Unreliable or incorrect statement",
    ["repair"]          = "Repair",
    ["repeat"]          = "Repeat",
    ["required"]        = "Required",
    ["rifle"]           = "Rifle",
    ["robotwb"]         = "Robot workbench",
    ["semi-required"]   = "Sometimes required or at least one required",
    ["semi"]            = "Sometimes required or at least one required",
    ["sequence"]        = "Sequence",
    ["shieldbronze"]    = "Armor class",
    ["shieldgold"]      = "Damage threshold",
    ["shieldsilver"]    = "Damage resistance",
    ["shotgun"]         = "Shotgun",
    ["sic"]             = "In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar",
    ["silver"]          = "Silver",
    ["smg"]             = "Submachine gun",
    ["sound"]           = "Sound",
    ["spawn"]           = "Spawned",
    ["spread"]          = "Spread",
    ["switch"]          = "Nintendo Switch|platform",
    ["TAR"]             = "Project V13",
    ["temp"]            = "Temporary",
    ["text"]            = "Text",
    ["TORN"]            = "TORN",
    ["tumblr"]          = "Tumblr",
    ["twitch"]          = "Twitch",
    ["twitter"]         = "Twitter",
    ["unarmed"]         = "Unarmed",
    ["VB"]              = "Van Buren",
    ["weapwb"]          = "Weapons workbench",
    ["weight"]          = "Weight",
    ["wild wasteland"]  = "Wild Wasteland",
    ["WIKI"]            = "Nukapedia",
    ["windows"]         = "Windows Phone|platform",
    ["workshop"]        = "Workshop",
    ["ww"]              = "Wild Wasteland",
    ["xbox360"]         = "Xbox 360|platform",
    ["xboxone"]         = "Xbox One|platform",
    ["xp"]              = "Experience points",
    ["yes"]             = "Yes",
local gameIcon = {
    ["ability"]         = "Icon ability.png",
    ["ac"]              = "Icon shield bronze.png",
    ["acid"]            = "Icon acid.png",
    ["action"]          = "Icon action.png",
    ["amber"]           = "Icon amber.png",
    ["ammo"]            = "icon ammo.png",
    ["android"]         = "icon android.png",
    ["ap"]              = "Icon action.png",
    ["apple"]           = "icon appleios.png",
    ["ios"]             = "icon appleios.png",
    ["AR"]              = "gametitle-AR.png",
    ["armorwb"]         = "Fo4_Armor_Work_Icon.png",
    ["atom"]            = "Icon Fo76 Atom.png",
    ["attack"]          = "Icon attack.png",
    ["big gun"]         = "Icon heavy weapon.png",
    ["bigger gun"]      = "Icon big gun.png",
    ["blade"]           = "Icon blade.png",
    ["bleed"]           = "Icon bleed.png",
    ["blunt"]           = "Icon blunt.png",
    ["bonus effect"]    = "Icon bonus effect.png",
    ["boss"]            = "FoS Boss.png",
    ["bronze"]          = "Bronze.png",
    ["bugged unav"]     = "Radroach.png",
    ["caravan"]         = "Icon cards.png",
    ["cards"]           = "Icon cards.png",
    ["chance"]          = "Icon chance.png",
    ["check"]           = "Icon check.png",
    ["checkbrown"]      = "Icon check temp.png",
    ["chemst"]          = "Fo4_Chem_Work_Icon.png",
    ["companion"]       = "Icon companion.png",
    ["confidence"]      = "Icon confidence.png",
    ["cookst"]          = "Fo4_Cook_Work_Icon.png",
    ["craft"]           = "Icon crafting.png",
    ["crit effect"]     = "Icon crit effect.png",
    ["crit"]            = "Icon critical damage.png",
    ["cross"]           = "Icon cross.png",
    ["crosshair"]       = "Icon attack.png",
    ["cut"]             = "Icon cut.png",
    ["D20"]             = "gametitle-D20.png",
    ["damage"]          = "Icon damage.png",
    ["dap"]             = "Icon dap.png",
    ["dead"]            = "Icon dead.png",
    ["defense"]         = "Icon shield silver.png",
    ["detect"]          = "Icon eye.png",
    ["detection"]       = "Icon eye.png",
    ["dial"]            = "Icon dialogue.png",
    ["dialogue"]        = "Icon dialogue.png",
    ["dislike"]         = "Dislike.svg",
    ["distance"]        = "Icon range.png",
    ["doctor"]          = "Icon doctor.png",
    ["dps"]             = "Icon dps.png",
    ["dr"]              = "Icon shield silver.png",
    ["dt"]              = "Icon shield gold.png",
    ["effect"]          = "Icon effect.png",
    ["electrical"]      = "Icon electrical.png",
    ["emp"]             = "Icon EMP.png",
    ["energy"]          = "Icon electrical.png",
    ["enslave"]         = "Icon cage.png",
    ["essential"]       = "Icon essential.png",
    ["experience"]      = "Icon XP.png",
    ["explmill"]        = "Icon fo4cw builder.png",
    ["explosion"]       = "Icon explosion.png",
    ["eye"]             = "Icon eye.png",
    ["facebook"]        = "FacebookIcon.png",
    ["FB"]              = "gametitle-FB.png",
    ["FBG"]             = "gametitle-FBG.png",
    ["FBGNC"]           = "gametitle-FBGNC.png",
    ["FBGWW"]           = "gametitle-FBGWW.png",
    ["FILM"]            = "Film.png",
    ["fire"]            = "Icon fire.png",
    ["fist"]            = "Icon fist.png",
    ["FNV"]             = "gametitle-FNV.png",
    ["FNVCS"]           = "Gametitle-FNV CS.png",
    ["FNVDM"]           = "gametitle-FNV DM.png",
    ["FNVGRA"]          = "gametitle-FNV GRA.png",
    ["FNVHH"]           = "gametitle-FNV HH.png",
    ["FNVLR"]           = "gametitle-FNV LR.png",
    ["FNVOWB"]          = "gametitle-FNV OWB.png",
    ["fnvww"]           = "Perk wild wasteland.png",
    ["FO"]              = "gametitle-FO1.png",
    ["FO1"]             = "gametitle-FO1.png",
    ["FO2"]             = "gametitle-FO2.png",
    ["FO3"]             = "gametitle-FO3.png",
    ["FO3BS"]           = "gametitle-FO3 BS.png",
    ["FO3MZ"]           = "gametitle-FO3 MZ.png",
    ["FO3OA"]           = "gametitle-FO3 OA.png",
    ["FO3PL"]           = "gametitle-FO3 PL.png",
    ["FO3TP"]           = "gametitle-FO3 TP.png",
    ["FO4"]             = "gametitle-FO4.png",
    ["FO4AUT"]          = "gametitle-FO4 AUT.png",
    ["FO4CC"]           = "gametitle-FO4 CC.png",
    ["fo4chain01"]      = "icon Fo4 chain01.png",
    ["fo4chain02"]      = "icon Fo4 chain02.png",
    ["fo4chain03"]      = "icon Fo4 chain03.png",
    ["FO4CW"]           = "gametitle-FO4_CW.png",
    ["FO4FH"]           = "gametitle-FO4_FH.png",
    ["fo4gencard"]      = "icon Fo4 gen keycard.png",
    ["fo4holo"]         = "icon Fo4 holotape.png",
    ["fo4key01"]        = "icon Fo4 key01.png",
    ["fo4key02"]        = "icon Fo4 key02.png",
    ["fo4key03"]        = "icon Fo4 key03.png",
    ["fo4note"]         = "icon Fo4 note.png",
    ["FO4NW"]           = "gametitle-FO4_NW.png",
    ["fo4vaultid"]      = "icon Fo4 vaultid.png",
    ["FO4VR"]           = "gametitle-FO4VR.png",
    ["FO4VW"]           = "gametitle-FO4 VW.png",
    ["FO4WW"]           = "gametitle-FO4 WW.png",
    ["FO76"]            = "gametitle-FO76.png",
    ["FO76WA"]          = "gametitle-FO76 WA.png",
    ["FO76NW"]          = "gametitle-FO76 NW.png",
    ["FO76WL"]          = "gametitle-FO76 WL.png",
    ["FOBOS"]           = "gametitle-FOBOS.png",
    ["FOBOS2"]          = "gametitle-FOBOS2.png",
    ["foodpr"]          = "Icon fo4cw builder.png",
    ["FOOL"]            = "PV13.png",
    ["FOS"]             = "gametitle-FOS.png",
    ["FOT"]             = "gametitle-FOT.png",
    ["FOT2"]            = "gametitle-FOT2.png",
    ["FOW"]             = "gametitle-FOW.png",
    ["FOX"]             = "gametitle-FOX.png",
    ["FPB"]             = "gametitle-FPB.png",
    ["frost"]           = "Icon effect.png",
    ["FWW"]             = "gametitle-FWW.png",
    ["FWWRPG"]          = "gametitle-FWWRPG.png",
    ["gamerscore"]      = "Gamerscore.svg",
    ["gas"]             = "Icon gas.png",
    ["gold"]            = "Gold.png",
    ["green"]           = "Icon green.png",
    ["grenade"]         = "Icon grenade.png",
    ["group"]           = "Icon group.png",
    ["gun"]             = "Icon gun.png",
    ["hate"]            = "Hate.svg",
    ["healing rate"]    = "Icon healing.png",
    ["healing"]         = "Icon healing.png",
    ["health"]          = "Icon heart.png",
    ["heart"]           = "Icon heart.png",
    ["hp"]              = "Icon heart.png",
    ["image"]           = "Icon image.png",
    ["info"]            = "Icon info.png",
    ["instagram"]       = "Instagram icon.jpg",
    ["JES"]             = "gametitle-JES.png",
    ["jury"]            = "JuryRigging.png",
    ["laser"]           = "Icon laser.png",
    ["level"]           = "Icon level.png",
    ["LH"]              = "gametitle-LH.png",
    ["like"]            = "Like.svg",
    ["linkedin"]        = "Linkedin icon.png",
    ["love"]            = "Love.svg",
    ["mac"]             = "Icon mac.png",
    ["macclassic"]      = "Icon mac.png",
    ["mag"]             = "Assault carbine extended magazines.png",
    ["melee"]           = "Icon melee.png",
    ["mentioned"]       = "Icon mentioned.png",
    ["merchant"]        = "Icon merchant.png",
    ["mine"]            = "Icon mine.png",
    ["mod"]             = "Icon plus.png",
    ["myspace"]         = "Myspace icon.png",
    ["neutral"]         = "Icon neutral.png",
    ["neutralface"]     = "Neutral.svg",
    ["no"]              = "Icon cross.png",
    ["nukamix"]         = "Icon Nuka-mixer station.png",
    ["optional"]        = "Icon optional.png",
    ["PA"]              = "Penny Arcade.gif",
    ["parmorst"]        = "Fo4_Power_Work_Icon.png",
    ["pbgame"]          = "Fo4_Pip-Boy game.png",
    ["pc"]              = "Icon pc.png",
    ["percent"]         = "Icon chance.png",
    ["pistol"]          = "Icon gun.png",
    ["plasma"]          = "Icon plasma.png",
    ["platinum"]        = "Plat.png",
    ["poison"]          = "Icon poison.png",
    ["ps3"]             = "Icon ps3.png",
    ["ps4"]             = "Icon ps4.png",
    ["PV13"]            = "PV13.png",
    ["question"]        = "Icon question.png",
    ["radiation"]       = "Icon radiation.png",
    ["range"]           = "Icon range.png",
    ["rarity"]          = "Icon rarity.png",
    ["ratio"]           = "Icon ratio.png",
    ["red"]             = "Icon red.png",
    ["repair"]          = "Icon repair.png",
    ["repeat"]          = "Icon repeat.png",
    ["required"]        = "Icon required.png",
    ["rifle"]           = "Icon rifle.png",
    ["robotwb"]         = "Icon robot workbench.png",
    ["semi-required"]   = "Icon semi-required.png",
    ["semi"]            = "Icon semi-required.png",
    ["sequence"]        = "Icon sequence.png",
    ["shieldbronze"]    = "Icon shield bronze.png",
    ["shieldgold"]      = "Icon shield gold.png",
    ["shieldsilver"]    = "Icon shield silver.png",
    ["shotgun"]         = "Icon shotgun.png",
    ["sic"]             = "Icon sic.png",
    ["silver"]          = "Silver.png",
    ["smg"]             = "Icon smg.png",
    ["sound"]           = "Icon sound.png",
    ["spawn"]           = "Icon spawn.png",
    ["spread"]          = "Icon spread.png",
    ["switch"]          = "Nintendo Switch icon.png",
    ["TAR"]             = "gametitle-TAR.jpg",
    ["temp"]            = "Icon check temp.png",
    ["text"]            = "Icon text.png",
    ["TORN"]            = "gametitle-TORN.png",
    ["tumblr"]          = "Tumblr Icon.png",
    ["twitch"]          = "Twitch icon.png",
    ["twitter"]         = "Twitter icon.png",
    ["unarmed"]         = "Icon unarmed.png",
    ["VB"]              = "gametitle-VB.png",
    ["weapwb"]          = "Fo4_Weapon_Work_Icon.png",
    ["weight"]          = "Icon weight.png",
    ["WIKI"]            = "gametitle-Wiki.png",
    ["wild wasteland"]  = "Perk wild wasteland.png",
    ["windows"]         = "Icon windows.png",
    ["workshop"]        = "Icon workshop.png",
    ["ww"]              = "Perk wild wasteland.png",
    ["xbox360"]         = "Icon xbox360.png",
    ["xboxone"]         = "Icon xboxone.png",
    ["xp"]              = "Icon XP.png",
    ["yes"]             = "Icon check.png",
local iconSize = {
    ["small"]           = "x10px",
    ["medium"]          = "x14px",
    ["normal"]          = "x14px",
    ["big"]             = "x20px",
function p.Icons(frame) 
    local iconList = mw.text.split(frame.args[1], ",")
    local parserError = ""
    local iconSetting
    if frame.args[2] ~= nil and string.len(frame.args[2]) > 0 then
        iconSetting = tostring(frame.args[2])
        if iconSize[iconSetting] ~= nil then
            iconSetting = iconSize[iconSetting]
        iconSetting = iconSize["medium"]
    local iconLinks
    if frame.args[3] ~= nil then
        iconLinks = mw.text.split(frame.args[3], ",")
    local tipOverride 
    if frame.args[4] ~= nil then
        tipOverride = mw.text.split(frame.args[4], ",")
    local n = 1
    local result = ""

    while n <= table.getn(iconList) do
        newIcon = iconList[n]
        if gameIcon[newIcon] ~= nil then
            currentIcon = gameIcon[newIcon]
            if tipOverride ~= nil and tipOverride[n] ~= nil  and string.len(tipOverride[n]) > 0 then
                currentTip = tipOverride[n]
                if iconLinks ~= nil and iconLinks[n] ~= nil and string.len(iconLinks[n]) > 0 then
                    currentTip = iconLinks[n]
                    splitTip = mw.text.split(iconTip[newIcon], "|")
                    currentTip = splitTip[1]
            currentIcon = "Icon question.png"
            currentTip = "Unrecognized icon name"
            result = result .. "[[Category:Modules with invalid parameters]]"

        result = result .. '<span class="va-icon" title="' .. currentTip .. '">'
        result = result .. '[' .. '[File:' .. currentIcon .. '|' .. iconSetting
        if iconLinks ~= nil and iconLinks[n] ~= nil and iconLinks[n] ~= "" then
            result = result .. '|link=' .. iconLinks[n]
            result = result .. '|link='
        if currentTip ~= nil then
            result = result .. '|' .. currentTip

        result = result .. ']]</span>'
        if n < table.getn(iconList) then
            result = result .. " "
        n = n + 1
    return result .. parserError

function p.platforms(frame)
    local icons = mw.text.split(frame.args[1], ",")
    local iconCount = 1
    local platformCheck = ""
    local result = ""
    while iconCount <= table.getn(icons) do
        currentIcon = iconTip[string.lower(icons[iconCount])]
        platformCheck = mw.text.split(currentIcon, "|")
        if platformCheck[2] ~= nil then
            result = result .. '<span style="display: none;">' .. "[[Has platform::"
            result = result .. platformCheck[1] .. ']]</span>'
            result = result .. '<span class="va-icon" title="' .. platformCheck[1] .. '">'
            result = result .. "[".."[File:" .. gameIcon[string.lower(icons[iconCount])] .. "|x14px|link=]]"
            result = result .. '</span>'
            if iconCount < table.getn(icons) then
                result = result .. "&nbsp;"
        iconCount = iconCount + 1
    if result == "" then
        result = '<sup>[Platforms needed]</sup>[[Category:Platforms needed]]'
    return result

function p.Test(frame) 
    local iconList = mw.text.split(frame.args[1], ",")
    local parserError = ""
    local iconSetting
    if frame.args[2] ~= nil and string.len(frame.args[2]) > 0 then
        iconSetting = tostring(frame.args[2])
        if iconSize[iconSetting] ~= nil then
            iconSetting = iconSize[iconSetting]
        iconSetting = iconSize["medium"]
    local iconLinks
    if frame.args[3] ~= nil then
        iconLinks = mw.text.split(frame.args[3], ",")
    local tipOverride 
    if frame.args[4] ~= nil then
        tipOverride = mw.text.split(frame.args[4], ",")
    local n = 1
    local result = ""

    while n <= table.getn(iconList) do
        newIcon = string.lower(iconList[n])
        if gameIcon[newIcon] ~= nil then
            currentIcon = gameIcon[newIcon]
            if tipOverride ~= nil and tipOverride[n] ~= nil  and string.len(tipOverride[n]) > 0 then
                currentTip = tipOverride[n]
                if iconLinks ~= nil and iconLinks[n] ~= nil and string.len(iconLinks[n]) > 0 then
                    currentTip = iconLinks[n]
                    splitTip = mw.text.split(iconTip[newIcon], "|")
                    currentTip = splitTip[1]
            currentIcon = "Icon question.png"
            currentTip = "Unrecognized icon name"
            result = result .. "[[Category:Modules with invalid parameters]]"

        result = result .. 'Current tip: <span title="' .. currentTip .. '">' .. currentTip .. "</span>: " .. string.len(currentTip) .. '\n'

        result = result .. ']]</span>'
        if n < table.getn(iconList) then
            result = result .. " "
        n = n + 1
    return result .. parserError

return p