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Fallout Wiki

Mr. Mitchell was a scout leader and bus driver for the Pioneer Scouts before the Great War.


On the day of the Great War, Mitchell was driving the bus for the troop of young scouts he led. The scouts were headed to Camp Liberty in the Shenandoah National Park, ostensibly for a weekend camping trip, although they would soon be conditioned into a communist sleeper cell as part of Operation Sleeping Giant.[1]

During the trip, Mitchell had to reprimand Thomas twice for distracting him while he drove.[2] While en route, the bus riders, including Ben, witnessed a nuclear detonation in the distance. Although the scouts made it to the camp safely, Mitchell was not as lucky. While two camp counselors were sent to help Mitchell on the bus, Mitchell appears to have crashed the bus into a nearby tree, whereupon he was skewered by a set of branches. His skeleton can still be found on the bus, having apparently never been assisted by the camp counselors.[3]


Mr. Mitchell's skeleton appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Skyline Valley update.

