Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

A mine box is a container in Fallout 3.


Mine boxes are visually identical to ammunition boxes and grenade boxes, but contain mines rather than ammunition or grenades. They are found throughout the Fallout 3 world, add-ons included; but seem to be less common than the ammunition boxes. They do not seem any more well adapted for the transport of explosives than any of the other ammunition boxes provided.


Boxes with frag mines[]

One frag mine guaranteed, 75% chance of up to six mines.

Locked boxes with frag mines[]

Two frag mines guaranteed, 75% chance of up to 12 mines.

Boxes with random amount[]

Boxes with plasma mines[]

One plasma mine guaranteed, 75% chance of up to six mines.

Boxes with pulse mines[]

One plasma mine guaranteed, 75% chance of up to six mines.


Unlocked boxes
Locked boxes