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Message to Marge 2 is a holotape in Fallout 76. It is recorded by Knight "Tex" Rogers.


The holotape can be found at Camp Venture, underneath a bed in the barracks.



"Tex" Rogers: Marge. It's been a couple weeks. I've had three squares, showers, working lights... Camp Venture's got power, proper power, Marge. I'd feel almost human if it weren't for the Senior Knight and the training. I graduated basic easy back in the day, and I know I may be a bit softer... but... Wilson's an Army Ranger, or well, was one. And the drills they're making us do. But as beat up and worn out as I feel, that first time getting back into the 51b. You can call yourself Knight, Paladin, Grand Poobah of the Roman Empire, I don't care. Just don't take my power armor away. They're rushing training. A big battle with Super Mutants happening.

Good. I got some aggression I need to unleash.

