Medical 'donations' is a paper note in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part two, America's Playground.
The note can be found at the community center in Atlantic City. It is on a table on the gym floor.
Dearest Timothy,
I do hope this letter finds you in the best of health, difficult as that may be these days. As you may have guessed, I am not writing without reason. A number of my Showmen have suffered rather grievous wounds, shall we say, "performing" in our last spectacle. We're running low on our already limited supply of medicine.
Do you reckon you could spare some meds and send them our way? I would be ever so grateful, deigning to return the favor in any way possible. Even sparing some of your highly respected medical professionals would be an enormous boon!
I very much appreciate your precious time in reading and, hopefully, replying to this correspondence.
Best wishes,
Mother Charlotte