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This is a transcript for dialogue with MacCready.


GREETING GREETING Anger 25 Look, I don't let just any son of a bitch into my town. I'm taking a risk making an exception for you. 1
Anger 10 So you're welcome in my town, at least until you start screwing up. Once that bullshit starts, you're out on your own again! 2
GREETING Anger 25 Look, I don't let just any bitch into my town, and I'm taking a risk making an exception for you. 3
Anger 50 So you're welcome in my town, at least until you start screwing up. Once that bullshit starts, you're out on your own again! 4
GREETING Anger 25 Okay, so you get in, but I got my eye on you. 5
Anger 50 You don't make trouble in here, got it? I ain't having no shit-butts making trouble. 6
GREETING Anger 25 Yeah? You got something to say? {more good natured and teasing than actually angry} 7
GREETING Anger 25 How do I have to solve your bullshit problem, today? {Sigh in exaggerated frustration at first more good natured and teasing than actually angry} 8
GREETING Happy 25 Like my town so much you had to come congratulate me personally, right? Happens all the time - caps and ammo are the preferred way to show your love. {Playfully full of himself.} 9
GREETING Anger 10 So, what sort of trouble are you getting yourself into, now? {Good-natured teasing} 10
GREETING Anger 25 What do you want, mungo? {more good natured and teasing than actually angry} 11
GREETING Anger 25 What now, mungo? {more good natured and teasing than actually angry} 12
GREETING Anger 50 Why are you still pestering me, you moron? {actually getting irritated now} 13
GREETING Anger 50 Okay, what the hell is wrong with you, mungo? This had better be important! {actually getting irritated now} 14
GREETING Anger 75 Did you get hit in the head? You have to pester me every time a stray thought happens to wander into that hollowed out melon you call a skull? {Increasingly furious} 15
GREETING Anger 75 Oh, what now? You come to me to talk about how nice my damned cave is? Maybe a little small talk about local soil erosion or some bullshit? {Increasingly furious} 16
GREETING Anger 100 No, you know what? You can go take a hike, you insane mutant-fucker. Get out of my town! 17
GREETING Neutral 50 What in the HELL do you think you're doing, mungo? 18
GREETING Neutral 50 Hold it right there, mister! 19
Anger 50 Don't take another step, or we'll blow your fucking head off! 20
GREETING Neutral 50 Hold it right there, lady! 21
Anger 50 Don't take another step, or we'll blow your fucking head off! 22
GREETING Anger 50 Unless you've got Sammy and the others with you, then get lost! 23
GREETING Neutral 50 You again? I told you to get lost! 24
LamplightGreetingChoice1 Whoa, hold on there. I'm a friend. Neutral 50 You're big, and I don't have any big friends. You better just go out the way you came in. 25
LamplightGreetingChoice2 You're kidding me, right? Neutral 50 I ain't kidding. You're not supposed to be here, so you better leave. 26
LLAboutLamplight How do you keep this place organized? Happy 50 Organized?! Have you walked around this place? It's pure anarchy! And I wouldn't have it any other fucking way. 27
Anger 50 We can't all stay here forever, so we've all got to leave eventually. And there's not much to look forward to out there. 28
Neutral 50 So we have a good time while we're here, and the occasional ruthless little bastard like me makes sure it doesn't fall apart for the other kids. 29
LLAboutLamplight2A How did you get to be in charge of this place? Happy 25 It's not that complex. Any kid can say they want to be mayor here. It's just that most don't want to bother with the responsibility of leading. 30
Happy 50 Most of the time, they last until the kids get tired of them, then they get kicked out on their ass by the new mayor. One only lasted 5 minutes. {Said with a bit of glee, since he was the one who kicked out the 5-minute mayor (Princess)} 31
Happy 75 Of course, I've kept this place going strong for three years. To most of these kids, that makes me Mayor For Fucking Life. Fine by me, I say. 32
LLAboutLamplight2B You said everyone has to leave eventually? Anger 15 People change when they grow up, and we don't trust mungos living down here. So we leave for a place called Big Town before we get too old. 33
Happy 15 At least, that's the line Joseph teaches. But, really, we simply don't have enough space or food for everyone to stay here forever. 34
Anger 50 So I've got to exile some to avoid ruining the whole town. It's a fucking hard brutal choice to make, but that's the way we stay alive. 35
You said everyone has to leave eventually? Anger 15 People change when they grow up, and we don't trust mungos living down here. So we leave for a place called Big Town before we get too old. 36
Anger 50 Kids who grow up fighting and surviving in Lamplight are better trained for the world out there than idiots who were pampered by grown-ups outside. 37
LLAboutLamplight2C That's all I need to know for now. Anger 25 About time. 38
LLDirections Can you give me directions? Disgust 50 What do I look like, your tour guide? 39
LLFirstMeetingResponseA I'm not planning on starting any trouble. Neutral 50 Good. Better stay that way, mungo. 40
LLFirstMeetingResponseB Gee, what a great reception for a returning hero. Neutral 50 Boo-hoo. You big baby. 41
Neutral 50 You're still a mungo, and I still don't like mungos. 42
Anger 50 You want a party or something, you go pay some mungos to be your friends and they can all talk about how great you are. How's that? 43
Sure, if you've got the adult-sized stones to stop me. Anger 50 Just give it a shot, mungo. You'll see plenty of my adult-sized stones when I'm pissing on your grave. 44
LLFungusDeal1 I've heard a lot about the fungus in your cavern, and I'd like to make a deal. Disgust 50 Yeah, I'll bet you've heard all about the "fungus in my cavern." {Deliberately being crude and loving it. A bit of dirty chuckling at the end of the line.} 45
Neutral 50 But yeah, the cave's fungus, sure. It's good for food and medicine, and it's the main fucking reason we've stayed alive down here. 46
Neutral 50 So, you want a slice of that gray-green gold, huh? I think maybe we could come to an arrangement. What're you offering? 47
LLFungusDeal2A I bring in needed supplies, and I get some of the fungus in return. Happy 25 Well, it lighten the load for our scav team out a lot. And since you're pretty much one of us, here's the deal... 48
Anger 50 For every piece of strange meat or Buffout you bring in, you'll be repaid with one cube of fungus. You couldn't ask for a better deal. 49
Neutral 50 Talk with Eclair for the strange meat, or to Lucy about the Buffout. They've got uses for them. 50
I bring in needed supplies, and I get some of the fungus in return. Anger 10 That's not a terrible deal. And it'd mean more of those dumbasses can stay safely down here, instead of scavving all the time. {Mulling the idea over.} 51
Neutral 50 Okay, for every two bits of strange meat or Buffout, I'll make sure you get a piece of fungus. Not too bad, huh? 52
Neutral 50 I'll spread the word to and Lucy and Eclair. They've got uses for them, so they'll make the trade, and we'll all be happy, okay? 53
I bring in needed supplies, and I get some of the fungus in return. Anger 50 More stuff for us, and more chance of you getting shot, stumbling back here, choking on your own blood while we point and laugh? Sounds good. {More nastily teasing than actually wishing harm on the player} 54
Neutral 50 How about this: for every three pieces of strange meat or Buffout doses you bring in, you'll get one piece of fungus. Take it or leave it. 55
Anger 50 Just talk to Lucy or Eclair about what they need, and stop bothering me about it. 56
I bring in needed supplies, and I get some of the fungus in return. Neutral 50 Sure, right. And we'll just trust you to bring us plenty of clean food and medicine, and not to try to poison us and move in on your own. 57
Neutral 50 No, no deal, mungo. This is our fungus, and we haven't got enough to share with freaks like you. 58
LLFungusDeal2B Give me the fungus, or I'll seal this place underground. And you with it. Anger 50 Oh, is that how it's going to be, then? Well then, how's this deal? {Carefully handling a delicate situation, a little tense} 59
Anger 25 Rather than you wasting the explosives to try to close all of our exits, just for us to burrow out again, you get my private stash of fungus. Here. 60
Anger 75 But I wouldn't expect much goodwill in town after this, you shit-sucking mungo bastard. 61
LLFungusDeal2C Let me think about it and get back to you on that. Neutral 50 Oh, what-the-fuck-ever. Come back when you can make a decision. 62
LLFungusTrade1 Can we work out a better deal for the fungus? This one is pretty unfair. Happy 15 Well, since you're practically one of us, okay. I'll tell the folks to trade with you on a one-for-one basis. Deal? 63
I want to re-negotiate our fungus deal. Anger 5 I guess we can afford it. After all, the stuff you bring has been a help, all right. 64
Happy 50 How about a two-for-one deal? Every two chems, or meats, or whatever you bring them, they'll give you a bit of fungus. That should be plenty fair. 65
LLLMacCreadyTellMeAboutLLL Tell me more about Little Lamplight. Neutral 50 Why would I tell you anything? God, you're dumb. 66
LLLMQ06MurderPassNo On second thought, never mind. Neutral 50 Okay. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone else you chickened out. {slightly mocking} 67
LLLMQ06MurderPassYes Yeah, I'm sure. Neutral 50 Okay, if you say so... {in a "it's your funeral" tone} 68
Neutral 50 Come on. Let's go get the gate open for you, mungo. 69
LLLMQ06NeedtoGettoVault I really need to get to Vault 87. Do you know the way? Neutral 50 It's not safe, even for someone as brave as you. There's monsters back there. {slightly hushed} 70
I really need to get to Vault 87. Do you know the way? Neutral 50 You don't want to go there. That's where the monsters are. {surprised} 71
Neutral 50 We got pretty good at keeping them out. Probably better than you could do. {bragging} 72
LLLMQ06SoYouKnowTheWay So you know the way to get there? Neutral 50 Yeah, I do. It's through Murder Pass. Not a real safe way to go, but it's the only door that works. 73
So you know the way to get there? Neutral 50 Yeah, I do. But it's through Little Lamplight, and you're not getting into Little Lamplight. Guess you better find some other way, mungo. {mocking} 74
LLLMQ06ThanksforInfoDoor Thanks. Neutral 50 If you're going to go through Murder Pass, let me know and I'll have the door opened for you. 75
Neutral 50 But I still say it's a bad idea. 76
LLLMQ06ThatsTheOnlyWay That's the only way? Neutral 50 It's the only way that works, yeah. 77
Neutral 50 The other door hasn't worked since before I was here. Computer's busted, and not even Joseph can make it work. 78
LLLMQ06UseMurderPass I want to use Murder Pass to reach Vault 87. Neutral 50 You sure about that? It's scary in there. Even I don't like going there, and I'm really brave. 79
I want to use Murder Pass to reach Vault 87. Neutral 50 Okay, it's your funeral. 80
Neutral 50 Come on. We'll open the gate for you. 81
LLLMQ06WhatMonsters Monsters? What monsters? Neutral 50 The big ones. You know, the ones that sort of look like people except they're all wrong. {matter-of-fact} 82
LLLMQ06WheresJoseph Where can I find Joseph? Neutral 50 I'm the Mayor, not a babysitter, mungo. Beats me. 83
Neutral 50 Maybe he's back there by the door. Fuck if I know. 84
LLMacCreadyButtLooker I bet you like to look at butts, don't you? Happy 50 Ha ha ha! 85
Neutral 50 You're all right for a mungo, you know that? 86
Neutral 50 Why don't you come in. I think we can trust you. 87
LLMacCreadyButtMom Yeah, well at least it doesn't smell as bad as you do. Happy 50 Ha ha ha! 88
Happy 50 You're pretty funny for a mungo. 89
Neutral 50 Why don't you come on in? 90
Yeah, your mom sure likes it. Happy 50 Ha ha ha! 91
Happy 50 You're pretty funny for a mungo. 92
Neutral 50 Why don't you come on in? 93
LLMacCreadyCanIComeIn Can I come in? Neutral 50 Hell no! No mungos allowed! 94
Can I come in? Anger 50 I already told you no. Stop asking! 95
LLMacCreadyChildAtHeartAccess You know what? Your face looks like my butt. Surprise 100 Oh yeah? 96
Happy 50 You must like having such a good looking butt. 97
LLMacCreadyComeInSpeechChallenge Oh, come on. I'm a nice guy, really. May I please come in? Neutral 50 Well, okay. But you better not be lying, or else we'll shoot you. 98
Oh, come on. I'm a nice gal, really. May I please come in? Neutral 50 Well, okay. But you better not be lying, or else we'll shoot you. 99
LLMacCreadyForgetIt Forget it. Neutral 50 Yeah, whatever. 100
LLMacCreadyGetYouToTrustMe How can I get you to trust me? Neutral 50 Why should I trust you? I got no reason to. 101
Neutral 50 You mungos are nothing but trouble. I ain't gonna let what happened to Sammy and Squirrel happen to anyone else. 102
What if I go and help Sammy and the others? Then will you trust me? Surprise 50 You'd do that? 103
Neutral 50 Maybe... If you can bring them back, I might let you in. 104
LLMacCreadyISavedPFallsKids I'm the one who saved the kids from Paradise Falls. Neutral 50 Oh yeah? Well why didn't you say so, you stupid mungo? 105
LLMacCreadyKidsRescued I got your friends back. Can I come in now? Neutral 50 I guess you're okay after all, mungo. 106
Neutral 50 You can come in, but you better not piss me off. 107
LLMacCreadyWhatHappenedSammy Why, what happened to Sammy and Squirrel? Neutral 50 Them and Penny got themselves caught... By mungos, just like you. Slavers from Paradise Falls. 108
Neutral 50 I told them to watch out, but the stupid kids didn't listen. 109
LLMacCreadyWhatIsThisPlace What is this place? Neutral 50 This is Little Lamplight. We live here, and we don't need no mungos messing it up. So just take a hike. 110
LLMacCreadyWhatsAMungo What's a mungo? Anger 50 You are, mungo! 111
Neutral 50 You big people. You're all tall and clumsy. Bunch of mungos, and we don't need nothing to do with any of you! 112
LLMungo LLMungo Neutral 50 Well, I could call you a shithead, but then all these other shitheads wouldn't know which shithead I was talking to. Shithead. {Increasingly stress the word "shithead" with each repetition.} 113
Neutral 50 So it looks like you're stuck with mungo, mungo. 114
MQ00WhoAreYou Who are you? Neutral 50 I'm MacCready. I run Little Lamplight, because they made me the mayor. And I don't like strangers. Or mungos. 115
MS04AdoptionTL I found an orphaned kid looking for a home. Would you take him in? Disgust 90 This ain't a hotel, mungo. We don't let stupid farts in here for the hell of it. 116
I found an orphaned kid looking for a home. Would you take him in? Disgust 70 Haven't we gone through this? 117
MS04AdoptionTLMcReady01 Look, this kid's just like you. On his own, no parents... Give him a chance! Disgust 60 You're killin' me here, mungo. 118
Neutral 50 Fine. You can send him here, but I'm not gonna do any special favors for him or anything. He's gotta pull his weight. 119
MS04AdoptionTLMcReady02 Look, this kid needs to be with people his own age. Give him a chance. Disgust 70 This is a bad idea... 120
Neutral 50 Fine, send him here. But if he smells bad, or makes dumb jokes, I'm sticking him right back outside. 121
Neutral 50 We got enough of those here already. 122
MS04AdoptionTLMcReady03 All right. How many caps is it going to take to change your mind? Disgust 70 Like I care about your stupid caps. I'm not some big, dumb mungo. 123
Neutral 50 We don't let people just come in here when they feel like it. That ain't how it works, and it ain't gonna change. 124
Disgust 70 Guess you gotta find another home for Little Orphan Asshole. 125
MS04AdoptionTLMcReady04 Forget it. Disgust 70 Already have. 126
MS04AdoptionTLMcReady05 For God's sake... Stop acting like an asshole and let the kid in! Surprise 80 Ha ha, tough guy. 127
Neutral 50 Nice try, but we ain't got the room. 128
For God's sake... Stop acting like an asshole and let the kid in! Surprise 80 Ha ha. Tryin' to act like you're all tough, mungo? 129
Neutral 50 Nice try, but we ain't got the room. 130
SpeechChallengeFailure Give me the fungus, or I'll seal this place underground. And you with it. Anger 25 Yeah, like you could manage that. You really don't know shit about how we work, do you? But if you're that serious... {Carefully handling a delicate situation, a little dismissive} 131
Anger 50 I've got some I keep for myself in case there's an accident or something. Will you shut up about this if I give some to you? 132
Anger 75 This kind of crap gets around, you know. You try bullying too many people, and it's going to cost you. 133


GOODBYE Sorry, I'll be going now. Happy 50 Okay. See ya later, pal! 134
Sorry, I'll be going now. Neutral 50 That's right. And don't come back! 135
LLLMacCreadyMainGateYell LLLMacCreadyMainGateYell Neutral 50 Stacey! Open the gate, and let this mungo in! 136
LLMayorDailyCheck2 LLMayorDailyCheck2 Anger 25 I'll get the scav team on it. Maybe they can get you some fucking cheese to go along with your whine. 137
LLMayorDailyCheck2 Happy 60 That's my best girl! Keep them alive and keep them in line! 138
LLMayorDailyCheck2 Happy 25 Yeah, Knock, and you hardly count as that. Keep it up! 139
LLMayorDailyCheck2 Anger 25 Okay, well if someone brings you a big, fuck-off death-ray, I call dibs, understand? 140
LLMayorDailyCheck2 Happy 25 Well, keep it up, Joseph. And don't worry, if you lose any, I'm sure Eclair won't mind having one fewer damned mouth to feed. 141
LLMayorDailyCheck2 Anger 25 Could you at least try to stay awake next time you're on watch? {mocking} 142
LLMayorDailyCheck2 Anger 50 Really? Would you rather scrape fungus with Eclair? And watch the goddamned language around Sammy, okay, shiteater? {Teasing with the part about the language.} 143
LLMayorYelling1 LLMayorYelling1 Anger 25 Hey, down there! 144
LLMayorYelling1 Anger 25 Hey, Princess, stop thinking about how dreamy I am and pay attention to guarding! 145
LLPrincessBullyResponse LLPrincessBullyResponse Happy 50 Among other reasons, I'm not a mean bitch like you. No, I'm a mean bastard! There's a difference! {Emphasis on "Bastard" and "a difference"} 146
LLRandomConv1 LLConversation1 Anger 25 Hey! How's Lamplight life treating you? {A little bombastic} 147
LLRandomConv2 LLConversation2 Happy 25 Oh, not yet I'm not. {A little smarmy} 148
LLConversation2 Happy 75 We're in the best fucking place in the world! You better believe I feel great! {super-enthusiastic} 149
LLRandomConvEnding LLRandomConvEnding Anger 10 Yeah, yeah, fine. Catch ya later. {A little disinterested} 150
LLWhatsUp1 LLWhatsUp1 Happy 50 Everything fine down here in paradise? What's happening? {A little bombastic} 151
LLWhatsUp2 LLWhatsUp2 Happy 25 Not much, I guess. Apart from keeping you dumbasses in line, that is. {Said in a friendly, cheerful manner} 152


NormalToCombat StartCombat Anger 50 You dumb motherfucker. 153