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This is a transcript for dialogue with Marley.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00774285 0078C2C7 Are you busy? Plenty to do around here.
2 0078C2C8 These deliveries aren't gonna make themselves, you know.
3 0078C2C9 You ready to get going?
4 0078C2CB Storm's still cooking. Be quick on those deliveries, alright? Genuine concern.
5 0078C2CC Looks like the numbers check out. Should be able to get this cargo moved before the day's over.
6 0078C2CD Need something? I'm a little busy.
7 00791149 Long day, rookie? I've gotta say, I admire your work ethic.
8 00791156 What are you standing there for? Take a look around... lots of work to be getting on with.
9 00791157 Need something? I'm a little busy right now.
10 00791158 Oh, there you are.
11 0079115A Good to see you, rookie.
12 0079115B Already back for more? Gotta say, I admire your work ethic.
13 00793D19 You ready for the day ahead?
14 00775181 00775189 Hello, what can I do for you?
15 00775182 0077519B Hello, what do you need?
16 00775183 0077518A Well, I run the business...obviously.
17 00775184 0077519E Well, you'd better get to it then.
18 00775185 00775187 Been better, been worse. Does it really matter?
19 0078C232 0078C2D4 Something on your mind? You seem distracted.
20 0078C234 0078C2AE You read my mind. Player leaving conversation.
21 0078C236 0078C299 Joanna said he's still at Big Bend, but wants to come to our headquarters. Does some work with guns apparently.
22 She thinks he'd be a good asset here. Says I should give him a chance.
23 I trust the woman with my life, but there's so much to consider here. I mean, shit, how can we even be sure he's my dad?
24 And if he is? Well, he should've stayed in that vault. Least there he would have been outta sight and mind, not groveling at the door of my business.
25 0078C238 0078C2B1 Joking, aren't you? I've got nothing to say to that deadbeat. Didn't need him then, don't need him now.
26 0078C23A 0078C29D Wasn't born yet. Mom moved to some remote shack out here in the wilderness before dad left, and well, here I am.
27 Glad I got her genes, she was a strong woman dealing with all that by herself.
28 0078C23C 0078C2B5 Not till recently. He showed up at Big Bend Tunnel babbling some crap about being taken into a Vault by this rich guy.
29 Joanna was just gonna chuck him out, but he mentioned my mom's name... and a daughter.
30 I'll let you put two and two together.
31 0078DD4F Not till we just hired him here. He's that gunsmith. The look on your face. You should've seen the look on mine when Joanna told me.
32 Guy showed up at main HQ, prattling on about my mom and a daughter.... Yeah.
33 Anyway, flash forward and Joanna's convinced me that he's the best in the game for firearms.
34 Knows about the different components, how much they sell for, how to craft them. Hell, even knows where we're likely to salvage some to sell on.
35 0078C240 0078C2B8 Didn't realise I hired a time waster. Is there actually something on your mind? Or are you just here to entertain yourself?
36 0078C242 0078C2A3 Oh, I seen my fair share, especially when we were looking to set up base. Some cool stuff, from the old world.
37 The Firewatch towers and all that. There's a lot of beauty here now that nature's reclaiming it.
38 0078C244 0078C2BD Well, that's the usual for running a business. But I do kick back... er, sometimes. Shooting always lets off steam.
39 Maybe I should take on guard work sometime.
40 0078C248 0078C2B9 I'll get in touch with them, get it all sorted. They'll arrive in the morning, if things go to plan.
41 0078C24A 0078C2A4 Lady of the world, apparently. She better have some good wares.
42 0078C24C 0078C2BE She'll be good for calculating which routes we should take, and which ones we should avoid.
43 0078C24E 0078C2A5 It'll be good to have someone to take care of the animals. Takes the work off my plate.
44 0078C250 0078C2C0 Wanna fix the place up real nice huh?
45 0078C252 0078C2A7 You... you sure we need this? There's a lot of other roles we gotta fill. Player tries to hire Marley's estranged father.
46 Although, I guess we are short on merchants.
47 0078C256 0078C2AA Well, good profit and reputation will let us hire new workers whilst also letting us expand the business and skills of said workers.
48 It'll also allow us to renovate this place and trade with suppliers who can provide good resources to keep the Brahmin healthy and happy.
49 There's a lot of room to grow here.
50 0078C258 0078C2CE Good, glad we're on the same page. Now, did you need something?
51 0078C25A 0078C2AC I appreciate all ya doing, but I'm here to pay you, not be your friend. Let's steer this back to the business, shall we?
52 0078C25C 0078C2D5 Be careful out there. Can't afford to replace you yet.
53 0078C25E 0078C2AF Out and about on the roads of course. Deliveries ain't gonna make themselves. See if you can help them out.
54 Some of them like to take on a little more than they can chew and well... that's bad for business
55 0078C260 0078C29A Hmph, watch the attitude. You're here to work, remember?
56 0078C262 0078C2B2 If you're sure. Just be back soon, plenty of other jobs coming up.
57 0078C264 0078C29E Brahmin has already set off - go catch up and ensure the rest of the journey goes smooth. Catch you later, and be careful out there.
58 0078C270 0078C2D3 Course not. That's not how you do business. Bigger cargo and better trade means more profit, more supplies and more substantial rewards to reap.
59 0078C272 007A9BF8
60 0078C274 007A9BF7
61 0078C276 007A9BF6
62 0078C278 0078C29C She earned my respect. She's a smart cookie. Taught me all I know about trading, bartering,selling, working with clients.
63 Also taught me how to look after myself, when mom couldn't no more.
64 0078C27A 0078C2B4 Don't pay a whole lot of attention, do you? It's fine, don't sweat it. Lots to remember round here.
65 To cut a short story even shorter, me and a few of the other main branch guys tried to set up here before, but it didn't go so well.
66 Some of them died, some fled cause of the storm.
67 0078C27C 0078C2A0 Hmph, better get used to them if you're planning on sticking around much longer. Won't have any fighting in my HQ, got it?
68 0078C27E 0078C2B7 Good. It'll make it easier to settle into the job. Speaking of, haven't you got something to be getting on with?
69 0078C280 0078C2A2 Can't argue with you there. But what Joanna wants, Joanna gets. I let her down once when we were trying out new business, ain't gonna happen again.
70 0078C282 0078C2BB Don't let the little one hear you. Doubt you'd do a better job, anyhow. Talking about Axel, a child in HQ.
71 0078C2BC They make for a secure base, and that's good against any rotten creatures that might be looking for our Brahmin.
72 0078C284 0078C2BF I don't see what that's got to do with the work, but since you asked, they've always been good to my family.
73 It felt right, to build a career with them, and it's working out... sort of.
74 You seem familiar with them?
75 0078C286 0078C2A6 Well funny you should say that. Lucky for us, I've found some potential new hires. Seeing as you're doing good work, I'll let you take your pick.
76 0078C288 0078C2C2 Mhm, and what about it?
77 0078C28A 0078C2C1 Mhm, sure. What's on your mind?
78 0078C28D 0078C2A8 It's fine. Let's talk later if you need. You've got deliveries to make.
79 00793DD2 Look, next time, can you just spit it out?
80 We're going to need razor sharp communication for this to work, okay?
81 0078C28F 0078C2C4 They've always been good to my family. Felt right, to build a career here, and it's working out... sort of. You seem familiar with them?
82 0078C291 007A8C2F
83 0078C293 0078C29B Nothing to know. We're here to work. If I wanted friends, I'd pay more.
84 0078C295 0078C2B3 It's our profit, measured in supplies. The amount we're making by putting in the work.
85 We deliver cargo and the recipients give us supplies as good trade.
86 I'm giving you a share to re-invest in the company, however you like.
87 0078DD49 0078DD50 Apparently some rich guy took him before the bombs fell, that's why he couldn't be around for my mom. Tripping over his own words to explain himself. I didn't want to hear any of it, truth be told. Anyway, you want to hear more? Talk to him. Not gonna involve myself with it. He's here for a job and that's the end of it.
88 0078DD4A 0078DD4D I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little intrigued by the Vault... where he's been... all that stuff. Mom did say they took him, so I know he's telling the truth. It's just... what do I do with that truth? But, these are my problems.. I'll deal with them in my own time and in my own way. Don't let it concern you. Thanks though. Sometimes it's nice to just... talk.
89 0078DD4B 0078DD51 Ha... that's funny. He was being real sweet with me. As if that makes up for anything. Long as he's doing the job and has the cargo to sell, we can keep our distance. He's just a man who shares my blood. Takes more than that to be a dad.
90 0078DD4C 0078DD4E Had to convince her to seek 'em out after the war, but yeah, she worked at Blue Ridge again for a while after we found them. Made some clothes from nothing and sold them on, she was a real talent. She quit out eventually, was all a bit much for her. Bombs took their toll, physically and mentally. Not to mention dad up and bailing on her when she needed him most. She chose to stick around though, for me. Anyway, gone now.
91 0078FF32 0078FF9D Glad I could clear it up. How can I help?
92 0079110A 00791178 We should find a way to make use of all Axel's energy. Axel is a child in HQ.
93 00791179 I wonder if Axel will ever grow outta that robot. Could rewire it, if we find someone smart enough. Save us a ton on security costs...
94 0079117A I need to talk with Ineke about her next delivery. Light, warm.
95 0079117B Josie, are those Brahmin ready to go yet?
96 0079117D Windy said we shouldn't see many beasts on the road today, if we're lucky. Marley is talking to Windy, a Cryptid Hunter who works in the HQ.
97 0079117E If we try this route... then we minimize risk.
98 0079117F That swamp is dangerous. Best avoid taking that path for now.
99 00791181 These merchants have given us plenty of stock for the next few weeks... I hope we can shift it. Starting to run out of space.
100 00791182 We could do with some extra hands round here...
101 00791184 This place ain't looking half bad.
102 00791185 This branch is finally coming together. Don't want to jinx it, but I think we might've made it.
103 00791186 This headquarters... I think we got something special here.
104 0079110B 0078C2CA Oh, here you are. Better late than never. "Better late than never" is muttered.
105 00791147 Morning, rookie.
106 Glad to see the last lot of deliveries didn't put you off coming back. Second line is light and jovial but keeps a serious undertone.
107 00791148 Can't sleep either, huh? Tired.
108 0079114A *Sighs* All this cargo ain't gonna pack itself... we need to hire someone for this.
109 0079114B How's that road looking today? Any trouble out there?
110 0079114C Good to see you again.
111 0079114D Can't see that storm ever letting up. It's lucky we found shelter here. Sentence starts with a sigh.
112 0079114F Group's getting bigger by the day... wonder if we'll need more space.
113 00791151 I know you got your own thing going on, but there's always spare bunks if you ever need one. Soft, caring.
114 00791152 You look tired. Rest up, if you need. Those deliveries can wait. Last line is spoken in a quiet, warmer tone.
115 0079110C 0079112E Good, glad we're on the same page.
116 Come back to me when you want more work.
117 0079110E 00791128 I appreciate all you're doing, but if I wanted to be your friend, I'd be paying you more.
118 Let's steer this back to the business, shall we?
119 00791110 00791136 Least I can say we tried. Quiet laugh before sentence.
120 I'll probably pin the blame on you too, maybe then Joanna will give me another extra final chance.
121 Just kidding... probably.
122 00791112 00791129 Well, good trade will let us hire new folks, expand the business and skills of workers, re-style this place, give the Brahmin better feed...
123 Whatever we can think of, really.
124 00791114 00791138 Can't argue with that.
125 Come back to me a little later, all right?
126 00791116 0079112A I ain't complaining. Works for me.
127 Give me a few minutes; I'll make sure everything's ready, then we can get you on the road.
128 00791118 0079113B Nothing to know. Dismissive.
129 I'm here to do business; that personal stuff ain't relevant.
130 And besides, I'm only just getting to know you.
131 0079111A 0079112C All right, just keep me informed.
132 And be careful out there; gonna be a pain if I have to replace you.
133 0079111C 00791145 It's our profit, measured in supplies. Supplies are a currency.
134 The amount we're making by putting in the work.
135 We deliver cargo and the recipients give us supplies as good trade.
136 I'm giving you a share to re-invest in the company, however you like.
137 We're in it together now, much as it might take getting used to.
138 0079111E 0079112D Got my eye on a few folk. Joanna's helping out with some new names, too.
139 Give me some time to vet them. Come back to me later.
140 00791120 00791154 Unfortunately, company policy states we can't do too many deliveries one after the other.
141 The Brahmin gotta rest, and enemies can't get comfortable knowing when we're going to hit the road.
142 But... well, if you're willing to cover insurance fees, I might let it slide. More trade can't be a bad thing. "More trade can't be a bad thing" sounds like she's trying to convince herself to bend the rules.
143 00793DC2 0078C298 Still waiting on some stock from the merchants. You could throw in some caps to make up for the missing cargo, and we can seal the deal.
144 If you're not willing to wait, that is.
145 0078C2A1 Here just to pry? Fine. Let's get it out of the way. Sigh before fine. Not aggressive, just a little tired.
146 Mom used to work for Blue Ridge, back before the war. Ended up back there when I was just a kid. They left a flyer and we followed.
147 Wanted some security, considering dad didn't bother sticking around.
148 0078C2AD Ah, hold up. Most of the deliveries are already underway. Sorry, real busy day.
149 Doubt they'd say no to an extra pair of hands, if you're still looking for something to do.
150 0078C2B0 That's what I like to hear. Anything to wrap up first? Or can we get you on the road now?
151 0078C2B6 Changed your mind? Well, fine, but it's more work for us.
152 0078C2D0 Unfortunately, Blue Ridge policy states we can't do too many deliveries one after the other.
153 Brahmin gotta rest up, and enemies can't get comfortable knowing when we're going to hit the road.
154 But... well, if you're willing to cover insurance fees, I might let it slide.
155 00791159 Good work out there today. Thanks for the help.
156 Glad to see I was right about you.
157 I'd like to offer you more work, if you're still interested.
158 00793DDC Good morning
159 00793DDD Okay.
160 00793DDE Let's do it.
161 00793DDF What'cha need?
162 00793DE0 Yeah?
163 00793DE1 Sorry, not this time.
164 00793DE2 See ya.
165 00793DE3 Late night?
166 00793F1C Sure. They'll appreciate the funding.
167 00793F1D Playing favorites? Laughs before the sentence.
168 00793F1E Sure. I'll see what I can do to get them some more resources.
169 00793DC3 00793DD0 It's... an adjustment. Feels strange, trying to form a bond there after so much has happened. But we're enjoying talking about the small things.
170 He told me lots of things about mom that I never would have believed. It's... nice. But we'll see what happens, I guess.
171 00793DC5 00793DE8 Had to convince her to seek them out after the war, but yeah, she worked at Blue Ridge again for a while after we found them.
172 Made some clothes from nothing and sold them on, eventually did some trucking too. She was a real talent.
173 She quit out eventually. It was all a little too much for her. Bombs took their toll, physically and mentally.
174 She chose to stick around though, for me.
175 Anyway, she's gone now.
176 00793DC7 00793DD1 Apparently some rich guy took him before the bombs fell, that's why he couldn't be around for my mom.
177 Tripping over his own words to explain himself. I didn't want to hear any of it, truth be told.
178 Anyway, you want to hear more? Talk to him.
179 Not gonna involve myself with it. He's here for a job and that's the end of it.
180 00793DC9 00793DCF I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little intrigued by the Vault... where he's been... all that stuff.
181 Mom did say they took him, so he's gotta be telling the truth. It's just... what do I do with that truth?
182 But, these are my problems. I'll deal with them in my own time and in my own way. Don't let it concern you.
183 00793DCB 00793DD3 Ha... that's funny. He was being real sweet with me. As if that makes up for anything.
184 Long as he's doing the job and has the cargo to sell, we can keep our distance. He's just shares my blood. Takes more than that to be a dad.
185 00793F0F 00793F11 Sure. Who would you like to invest in?
186 0079A96B 0079A96E
187 0079D078 0079D083
188 0079D07A 0079D086
189 0079D07C 0079D084
190 0079D07E 0079D087
191 0079D080 0079D085
192 007A8C2E 0078C2CF About time. Anything to wrap up first? Or can we get you on the road now?
193 0078C2D1 Not this time. Seems your effort inspired some other travelers to take on a little work.
194 They could probably do with some assistance though, if you want to go catch them up.
195 0078C2D2 Wanted to speak to you about just that. Business is booming, and a lot of that is thanks to you. Nice work. We make a pretty all right team.
196 Anyway, as a result, we've got some bigger deliveries to make. Reckon you can handle it?


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0076B108 0076B132 Can't you see us talking here? Talking to player, before continuing to talk to Joanna.
2 0076B134 Oh, here you are. Gather it didn't go so well.
3 I get it, shit happens. Look, I don't do this often, but... well you're all I've got. I'm willing to give you another chance.
4 Just don't screw this one up, alright? Can't afford to lose much more.
5 You ready to go?
6 0078C71D Where were we?
7 00793D1D There you are.
8 0076B10B 0076B123 You can still play me like the fiddle after all, darlin'. Fine. Sigh before relenting. Lets Marley get her own way.
9 But this is your last shot, you hear me?
10 Don't miss again.
11 00793D0B Well, you just into all sorts of business, don'tcha? Well... I suppose if this one's helping out, you might be all right.
12 00793D0C This one ya got here looks... Promisin' enough, I suppose.
13 0076B10D 0076B124 See? Branch is garnering interest, and folks are coming from all over looking for work.
14 Just one final shot, Joanna, and if it don't work out, I'll be back on your doorstep before you can say I told you so. Promise.
15 0076B10F 0076B12C You're a funny one, aint'cha? Strained, dry.
16 I'm not paying you to be a comedian here. I'll assume that you delivered that last lot of cargo, right?
17 See Joanna? These guys listen to me. More to the side away from the player, directly to Joanna.
18 0076B111 0076B125 Now, do you wanna tell me what you're doing here? Last I checked, I ain't sent no invite out to strangers. Confident, affirming.
19 0076B113 0076B12E Look, I'm grateful for your help back there, but I don't offer work to strangers.
20 Especially those who walk in here with no story.
21 Tell me your business and maybe we sort something out.
22 0076B115 0076B127 I see, and you just happened across it, did you? Slightly suspicious of the player.
23 Explain yourself, now.
24 0076B117 0076B12F Fine by me.
25 Stop snooping in places you don't belong.
26 0076B119 0076B128 Tall guy, red hair, beard longer than you ever seen? Luke... hell. No, no, no.
27 Not this, not now.
28 0076B11B 0076B130 One of... our guys? From Blue Ridge? Red hair, long beard, tall fella?
29 Shit. Knew I shouldn't have let him go alone.
30 Super Mutants too... hell of a way to go.
31 0078C6CB 0078C71B All right, I'm trusting you'll be back.
32 Don't make me regret it. Emphasis on "don't".
33 0078C6CD 0078C70C Nah, your first lot of funds will be enough to cover this delivery too.
34 You're good to go.
35 0078C6D1 0078C70E
36 0078C6D3 0078C721 Well, get back here when you can.
37 If you still want the work, that is.
38 0078C6D5 0078C710 All right, don't take that attitude with me.
39 You don't want in? Fine, but don't make it my problem.
40 0078C6D7 0078C720 Thanks, I really owe you one.
41 I think this is a good start to great business.
42 I've marked your map. Brahmin's already made a start, so best get a move on.
43 0078C6D9 0078C70F Thanks, and don't worry, I'll work to get out of your debt.
44 Anyway, that's everything covered. Let's get you on the road.
45 I've marked your map. Brahmin's already made a start, so best get a move on.
46 0078C6DB 0078C722 Well, if we total up the basic resources, merchant fees, Brahmin feed... and I can offload a little of the cost with the remaining funds... Thinking to herself.
47 We're looking at around this much.
48 Still in?
49 0078C6DD 0078C725 It's fine, I get it.
50 Door's open, if you change your mind.
51 0078C6DF 0078C713 Well, all the money that's made from the main branch gets funneled back into that.
52 Joanna gave me a starting grant but it's ran dry, with not a lot to show for it besides this dejected old tunnel.
53 Hate to ask, but any chance you could help out with footing the bill?
54 0078C6E1 0078C727 It's a good thing you showed up, huh?
55 I don't believe in miracles or luck or any of that crap, but it's good that you were in the right place at the right time.
56 If you can handle deliveries, that'll give me time to handle the business side.
57 I'll try to find more new folk and look at getting these finances under control.
58 Speaking of, we're completely broke. Blunt.
59 0078C6E3 0078C715 Oh, I see. It's fine, I'll sort it.
60 Thanks again for returning our cargo. Not a lot of folks would've done that.
61 0078C6E5 0078C729 Wish I could tell you it ain't, but probably not best to start this partnership with a pack of lies.
62 Critters and creatures are gonna find the Brahmin to be a tasty dinner.
63 You'll run into stuff you don't expect, too. There's some real weirdos out there.
64 0078C6E7 0078C717 Not a whole lot to it. Take the Brahmin, load her up, and make a delivery.
65 We follow Skyline Drive, I'm sure you've seen it. Impossible to miss. Make sure the cargo gets safely to the deposit box.
66 0078C6E9 0078C707 Sure, don't expect you to work for free. Marley explains Supplies currency.
67 Running deliveries will earn you both supplies and caps from our trade partners.
68 You'll get your share when you deposit the cargo in the delivery box.
69 Supplies are our profit.
70 They can be used to give the Brahmin better feed, upgrade this HQ, and hopefully encourage some other folks to wanna join the crew.
71 Caps are self-explanatory. Maybe you can spend 'em buying goods off some new merchants... if any ever move out here.
72 0078C6EB 0078C719 Don't have the cargo ready for you just yet, but I appreciate the enthusiasm.
73 Come back soon and we'll get you on your way.
74 Anything else I can help with, in the meantime?
75 0078C6ED 0078C709 We're gonna need someone to fill Luke's shoes, much as I hate to talk about it before he's even cold.
76 I wish it was under better circumstances, but you seem like a good fit... if you're interested, that is.
77 Not that I'm begging; if you got places to be, get to it.
78 0078C6EF 0078C71A Trade routes used to run through here, back in the old days.
79 Joanna wanted to re-establish that; apparently, it was good business.
80 0078C6F1 0078C70B You really haven't heard of it? Used to be a trucking company before the bombs fell, run by Joanna's family.
81 She runs the business now; rebuilt it from the ground up.
82 Hired nobodies and made something of them. They move cargo all over the area, using Brahmin to carry it.
83 It's more impressive than it sounds.
84 0078C6F3 0078C71C A bunch of them bailed cos of that damn storm... but some stayed. The loyal ones. Marley on past attempts to set up a Shenandoah Blue Ridge branch.
85 Not that it did much for them.
86 Most of the remaining guys went out to make a delivery, but it didn't turn out so well...
87 Anyway, with everyone gone, most of the merchants took off too. Ain't nobody wanting to work with a failing spin off when they could just travel a bit further for the real deal back in Big Bend.
88 After that, it was just me and Luke. I'd gather from the suppliers we had left, and he'd make the deliveries.
89 He was a good guy. One of the best.
90 0078C6F5 0078C70D Yeah... okay, maybe it was a bit of a jump. Pause after "yeah". Considering, but still suspicious.
91 But that don't mean I ain't got my eye on you. Doesn’t trust the player but sounds tired.
92 0078C6F7 0078C711 Yeah, you're... you're right. I'm not thinking straight.
93 I don't like it, it ain't like me.
94 Thanks for returning that cargo. It's a rarity to find good people in the Wasteland. In truth, I really could use someone like you right now.
95 00793D18 Yeah, you're... you're right. I'm not thinking straight. I don't like it, it ain't like me.  Thanks for returning that cargo. If player was rude to Marley in previous conversation.
96 Good to see some decency in this Wasteland, even if your attitude ain't quite up to scratch just yet. If player was rude to Marley in previous conversation.
97 0078C6F9 0078C724 That woman, Joanna Mayfield, she's my boss. Or I guess, was.
98 She runs the Blue Ridge Caravan Company. I convinced her that I was ready to spin up my own branch... franchise, if you will.
99 Should've been easy, but didn't quite work out that way, least not yet. There used to be a small team of us. A little tight-knit crew.
100 But that storm caused... complications, and funding got low.
101 Now Joanna is threatening to close down the whole operation.
102 0078C6FB 0078C712 One of our guards... who am I fooling, he was the only guard left. Upset but trying to hide it.
103 This can't be happening, not now.
104 0078C6FD 0078C726 Well, how do I know you didn't do this? Accusatory.
105 Found Luke, killed him off with the intention of stealing his stuff and then made your way here to take the rest of it.
106 0078C6FF 0078C714 I guess I should thank you for playing along and saving my ass. Sigh of relief after Joanna leaves and before sentence.
107 Name's Marley, if you didn't catch it before.
108 0078C700 0078C728 You're not intruding on nothing. I'm just... getting some advice.
109 Anyway, Joanna, look, this is one of the guards I sent out. Back without a scratch on them.
110 We're managing just fine out here.
111 0078C702 0078C716 That storm's been brewing for months and I'm still kicking, aren't I? And as for the others... it was unfortunate.
112 Things happen that ain't always under my control.
113 I got a ton of new folks lined up to join us, though.
114 Look, here's one of them already. Referencing the player.
115 0078C703 0078C706 Just thinking maybe we jumped the gun with you.
116 You've got drive, you've got smarts, and you've got maturity for your age... especially after all you've gone through.
117 But sometimes I forget just how green you really are, dear.
118 Trying to leave the nest to fly on your own is one thing, but this storm ain't just a small speed bump. It's a brick wall.
119 0078C704 0078C718 Joanna, please, you know I need this.
120 It's the only way to make a name for myself. Just one last go.
121 Nobody would work harder to get this thing up and running, you know that. Gimme one last chance.
122 0078C705 0078C708 Marley girl, you've gotta realize the juice just ain't worth the squeeze here. Joanna speaking to Marley about the new HQ branch.
123 You shot your shot. Hell, you shot a hundred of 'em. It's a miss darling.
124 Come back to Big Bend. We'll get you settled back into your old position. Softer, more gentle.
125 00791125 00791137 Oh. When player returns to HQ after failing intro quest but roads are full with other caravans.
126 Didn't expect you back so soon.
127 I found some others to take on the work for now. Seems you inspired some real go-getters.
128 Take this time to rest up, or maybe see if anyone else on the road needs help.
129 00793D09 00793D0D This is a little awkward, but I think we're gonna need more than what you've got. Come back later, if you find the funds.
130 00793D17 00793D1A Wow, real compassionate. Sure, you didn't know the guy, but it's not hard to show a little respect. Doors over there if you're going to be like that. Huff of disbelief before sentence.
131 0079BAB7 00791139 Hey, was that the Brahmin I heard? Player fails caravan gameplay.
132 Everything all right out there? Player fails caravan gameplay.
133 0079113A Haven't heard from you in a while. That Brahmin still got two heads?
134 0079BAB8 0079112B Nice work. Said over radio when player completes caravan.
135 Just drop the cargo in that deposit box and someone will collect it later.
136 Make your way back to HQ. I've got another job for you.
137 007AA7A4 007AA7A5
138 007AABF3 0078C71E About time.