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The Manwell rifle is a weapon in the Fallout 4 Creation Club content "Manwell Rifle Set."


The Manwell rifle is a self-loading .308 weapon. The rifle has a high damage output which can further be improved with modifications.

Weapon modifications[]



  • Legendary variant, found on the hunter's corpse during the quest The Quantum Stag.
  • Non-legendary variants can be purchased from various weapon merchants.


  • The Manwell rifle and its carbine variant share several modification models.
  • Compared to the carbine version, the Manwell rifle has more wooden furniture covering the receive
  • There is no muzzle slot for the Manwell rifle, however, an integrally suppressed barrel can be applied to the gun in the barrel category.
  • Although it shares its magazine models with the carbine variant and chambers the same .308 ammo it uses, the Manwell rifle holds less rounds per magazine.