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The mantis gauntlet is a weapon in Fallout: New Vegas.


An unarmed weapon consisting of the severed right foreleg of a giant mantis, fitted over the wielder's forearm and reinforced with metal bars and leather straps. The wearer slots their hand into a leather glove, and grips a handle on the blade for control and stability when striking.

It deals a moderate amount of damage per strike at a high-end attack speed. It also deals a moderate amount of critical hit damage with a 3x critical chance multiplier, the second-highest of all unarmed weapons (below the 4x of Two-Step Goodbye Gun Runners' Arsenal). It has a low-end AP cost and a moderate caps value, but also has the lowest durability of all unarmed weapons along with the scientist glove Old World Blues (add-on) as well as the second-highest weight along with several others. It requires a 75 Unarmed skill level and 4 Strength attribute level to use effectively.

V.A.T.S. Special Attacks[]

Type of attack- Type of attackSkill required- Skill required
Damage per attack in V.A.T.S.- Damage per attack in V.A.T.S.Action point cost- Action point cost
Damage per action point- Damage per action pointAdditional effects- Additional effects
Type of attackSkill requiredDamage per attack in V.A.T.S.Action point costDamage per action pointAdditional effects
Stomp50120206Only on knocked down enemies
Cross7566203.32.5x damage to limbs
Note: Unarmed weapons do double normal damage in V.A.T.S.


The mantis gauntlet can successfully strike about 245 times from full condition before breaking.



Weapon name (current weapon is highlighted)- Weapon name (melee or unarmed)Attacks in V.A.T.S.- Attacks in V.A.T.S.
Weapon name (current weapon is highlighted)- Weapon name (gun, energy or explosive)Action point cost- Action point cost
Damage per attack (damage per projectile)- Damage per attack (damage per projectile)Damage per action point- Damage per action point
Damage per second- Damage per secondWeapon spread- Weapon spread
Area of effect damage- Area of effect damageMagazine capacity (shots per reload)- Magazine capacity (shots per reload)
Effect damage & duration- Effect damage & durationDurability (number of attacks before breaking)- Durability (number of attacks before breaking)
Bonus effects- Bonus effectsWeight- Weight
Attacks per second- Attacks per secondValue in caps- Value in caps
Critical chance % multiplier- Critical chance % multiplierValue to weight ratio- Value to weight ratio
Critical damage- Critical damageSkill required- Skill required
Critical effect damage & duration- Critical effect damage & durationStrength required- Strength required
With all mods attached- With all mods attached
Weapon name (current weapon is highlighted)Damage per attack (damage per projectile)Damage per secondAttacks per secondCritical Chance % multiplierCritical damageAction Point costDamage per action pointDurability (number of attacks before breaking)WeightValue in capsValue to weight ratioSkill requiredStrength required
Mantis gauntlet 30
Embrace of the Mantis King! Gun Runners' Arsenal42
Note: Unarmed damage is doubled in V.A.T.S.



  • The weapon was intended to be a crafted weapon, similar to the deathclaw gauntlet from Fallout 3. Several resources, including an item called schematics - mantis scythe point to this, though the inconsistency of the remaining resources as well as their incomplete implementation make the specifics unclear.
  • The mantis gauntlet originally ignored a target's DR and DT until it was adjusted in a patch.