Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Looky what we have here, ladies, another unsuspecting ponce!

Malefic Maud is the leader of Maud's Muggers living in Freeside in 2281.


Maud is an elderly lady who will attack the Courier once they exit Cerulean Robotics in Freeside. She is the leader of Maud's Muggers, a group of elderly thieves.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

38 Paradigm of Humanity
This character has no special interactions.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Pre-War spring outfit Rolling pin or switchblade Bottle caps


  • She will only appear if one has the Wild Wasteland trait, she will attack the player with two other women: Rancorous Ruth and Irate Ida.
  • They will ambush the Courier when they exit Cerulean Robotics.
  • Out of all the members of Maud's Muggers, Malefic Maud is the tallest, but is still shorter than the player and the standard non-player character.


Malefic Maud appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.

