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Computer what now? Why don't you go find Timmy and have a nice game of catch?

Mabel Henderson is one of the inhabitants of Vault 112 trapped in the Tranquility Lane virtual reality simulation, met in Fallout 3.


A resident of Vault 112 for over 200 years,[1] Stanislaus Braun has given Mabel the role of the local gossip and baking contest winner. Mabel won the Tranquility Lane Finest Meat Pie award for the last three years in a row, and is incredibly proud of her achievement. She loves to share the results of her baking with other residents, which also gives her the chance to chat, eavesdrop, and gossip.[Non-game 1] She tends to brag about her oven when coming along for a visit, which some residents find a bit grating, like George Neusbaum.[2]

However, they also recognize her as a prime source of news on what's going on in Tranquility Lane. This earns Mabel the scorn of some: Pat Neusbaum distrusts and dislikes Mabel both for being a busybody,[3] and for insisting on sending her son to a military school, to cure him of his attachment to parents. Mabel even went so far as giving Pat a brochure for a prospective school, but only succeeded in incensing Ms. Neusbaum, much to the disappointment of Mabel, who's just "trying to help."[4] The fact that Timmy misplaces his toys in Simpson's house does not help Mabel's opinion of the "boy".[5]

Martha Simpson is Mabel's closest friend and confidante. The one issue on which they disagree is robotics: While Martha is an enthusiast of robots, Mabel dislikes them. Though she has a Mister Handy at home, she feels uncomfortable in its presence, feeling watched and unsafe. If she wasn't reliant on it for house chores, she'd rather get rid of it - completely, rather than picking something out of the "new" RobCo catalogue, as Martha suggested.[6]

By 2277, Henderson's vitals indicate a state of deep contentment: 82 beats per minute, 110/70 mmHg of blood pressure, 98.3°F/36.8°C temperature, 13 breaths per minute, and nominal stress levels.[1]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Repairer Henderson

Mabel starting her oven, in one of the "creative" ways to kill her.

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
Icon severed ear color
This character drops an ear upon death (Contract Killer).


  • Tranquility Lane: Mabel is one of the residents one will have to kill if they choose to do all of Betty's tasks. One of the assignments includes killing her in a creative fashion, leveraging her love of baking, for example, after which Braun will simply respawn it.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Pre-War casualwear

Notable quotes[]


Mabel Henderson appears only in Fallout 3.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Vault 112 terminal entries; Lounger Monitor -- Subject: M. Henderson
  2. Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about Mabel Henderson?"
    George Neusbaum: "She sure loves baking her pies. Always bringing them around, bragging about her fancy oven. I'm not one to turn down a good pie, but it gets a bit tiresome hearing her go on and on."
  3. George Neusbaum: "What's the latest gossip from Mabel? " or "So, heard anything good from Mabel lately? "
    Pat Neusbaum: "Oh, stop it. You know I don't trust that woman one bit. "or "George, honestly. You know I don't like talking to her. "
    George Neusbaum: " Pat, you know as well as I do that she's where most of our news comes from, one way or another." or "Suddenly you don't have an interest in hearing what's going on in town? I find that hard to believe."
    Pat Neusbaum: "Well I'm not going to go running off to hear what she has to say today. Now find something useful to do." or "I don't have to like that she's such a busybody, do I? Now leave me alone about it."
    George Neusbaum: "Ha ha. All right, dear." or "Okay, okay! Just having a little fun."
  4. Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about Timmy Neusbaum?"
    Mabel Henderson: "I'm not one to gossip, but that boy's in trouble, if you ask me. Growing up so attached to his parents like that. What he needs is some discipline. I keep telling Pat that military school would do him some good, but she won't listen. She doesn't understand I'm just trying to help. Even got a brochure for her to look over... but I'll bet she hasn't even glanced at it. "
  5. Martha Simpson: "Hi, Mabel. How's it going? " or "How are you, Mabel? "
    Mabel Henderson: "Timmy Neusbaum left his roller skates in my house again. How many times have I talked to Pat about that?" or "I'm annoyed, Martha. Timmy left his roller skates in my house again. He needs to learn to pick up after himself."
    Martha Simpson: "Oh dear. Someone could really get hurt. You'd think Pat would have talked to him about it." Mabel Henderson: "I really wish Pat would do something about it. He's a nice boy, but he's just so messy." or "I don't even know if it's worth trying to talk to Pat. Maybe when she steps on one of his toys and breaks her neck, she'll do something about it."
  6. Mabel Henderson: "Hi, Martha. " or "Say, Martha... "
    Martha Simpson: "Mabel, I meant to ask you. Have you seen the new RobCo catalog? I thought you might be interested, since you don't seem to like your Mr. Handy." or "Oh, Mabel. Did you want to look for a new robot? I know you're not comfortable with yours."
    Mabel Henderson: "No, no. I don't like robots. Don't like the one I have, and don't want a new one. If I didn't rely on the thing so much, I'd just get rid of it." or "I don't want a new one. I don't even really want the one I have now... I don't trust it, Martha. Not a bit."
    Martha Simpson: "You know there's nothing to worry about, right? It's perfectly safe. They build them so they won't ever hurt their owners." or "Really, Mabel. It's fine. There's no reason to feel uncomfortable. It's just another machine."
    Mabel Henderson: "Well, maybe you feel that way. I really don't like it. What if something goes wrong?" or "Just the same, I don't trust it. I swear it watches me sometimes."
    Martha Simpson: "Oh Mabel, you worry too much. It's fine." or "It's perfectly safe, I'm sure. Everyone here has one, and no one's ever had a problem."


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 83:
    "Mabel Henderson:
    Winner of the "Tranquility Lane Finest Meat Pie" award three years running, Mabel is suit-ably proud of her (delicious) accomplishment, and her hobby allows her to listen in and chat with all manner of friends and neighbors. No secret is safe with her around!"