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This is a transcript for dialogue with Button Gwinnett.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Good luck to you, and Godspeed. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 Saints alive! You've done it! 2
Neutral 50 Quickly, let me have the ink and I will produce the copy of the Declaration of Independence! 3
Neutral 50 Here you are... a perfect copy. That should give ol' George something to think about. 4
Neutral 50 What are the next orders from the Congress? 5
GREETING Neutral 50 Have you reached a decision? Will you assist me in forging a copy of the Declaration? 6
GREETING Neutral 50 If you have something to say, be quick about it or begone. 7
GREETING Neutral 50 You've breached our defenses, evaded our best soldiers and you've raided my home. 8
Neutral 50 But I have not yet begun to fight! I cannot allow you to steal our freedom! 9
Neutral 50 The Declaration must remain here! It is our symbol of hope, the one thing that cries out "We are a free nation"! 10
MS15Bailout Let me ask you something else. Neutral 50 Very well. 11
MS15ButtonCT01 What are you talking about? You're a robot! Neutral 50 I am not a "robot." I am Button Gwinnett, second signer of the Declaration of Independence and distinguished representative from Georgia. 12
Neutral 50 I know your fighting prowess far exceeds my own, but I will still duel you to the death if I must. 13
Neutral 50 What will it be then? Rapiers? Pistols at dawn? Out with it! 14
MS15ButtonCT01a Just who are you, exactly? Neutral 50 Why, I am Button Gwinnett, second signer of the Declaration of Independence and distinguished representative from Georgia. 15
Neutral 50 I know your fighting prowess far exceeds my own, but I will still duel you to the death if I must. 16
Neutral 50 What will it be then? Rapiers? Pistols at dawn? Out with it! 17
MS15ButtonCT02 Get out of my way you lunatic! Neutral 50 I will NOT stand down, sir! To quote the words of the great Thomas Jefferson... 18
Neutral 50 If our house be on fire, without inquiring whether it was fired from within or without, we must try to extinguish it! 19
Get out of my way you lunatic! Neutral 50 I will NOT stand down, ma'am! To quote the words of the great Thomas Jefferson... 20
Neutral 50 If our house be on fire, without inquiring whether it was fired from within or without, we must try to extinguish it! 21
MS15ButtonCT02aIntelligence You must be Button Gwinnett, second signer of the Declaration! Neutral 50 Then my reputation precedes me. Good. 22
Neutral 50 That should make you well aware that I am not to be trifled with and that my loyalty to the States is legendary. 23
Neutral 50 I know your fighting prowess far exceeds my own, but I will still duel you to the death if I must! 24
Neutral 50 What will it be then? Rapiers? Pistols at dawn? Out with it! 25
MS15ButtonCT03 Why would you do all that over a scrap of paper? Neutral 50 This is no mere scrap of paper, sir. This is the doctrine laid down by my fellow members of the Second Continental Congress. 26
Neutral 50 It absolves us of the tyranny of King George the Third of Great Britain. It is perhaps the greatest symbol of this free nation. 27
Why would you do all that over a scrap of paper? Neutral 50 This is no mere scrap of paper, madam. This is the doctrine laid down by my fellow members of the Second Continental Congress. 28
Neutral 50 It absolves us of the tyranny of King George the Third of Great Britain. It is perhaps the greatest symbol of this free nation. 29
MS15ButtonCT03a That's quite brave of you. To potentially sacrifice your life over a document. Neutral 50 This is no mere document, sir. This is the doctrine laid down by my fellow members of the Second Continental Congress. 30
Neutral 50 It absolves us of the tyranny of King George the Third of Great Britain. It is perhaps the greatest symbol of this free nation! 31
That's quite brave of you. To potentially sacrifice your life over a document. Neutral 50 This is no mere document, madam. This is the doctrine laid down by my fellow members of the Second Continental Congress. 32
Neutral 50 It absolves us of the tyranny of King George the Third of Great Britain. It is perhaps the greatest symbol of this free nation. 33
MS15ButtonCT03b You're not even human, you stupid bucket of bolts! Surprise 80 To suggest such a thing isn't just a falsehood... it's blasphemy! 34
Neutral 50 The doctrine I defend was laid down by my fellow members of the Second Continental Congress. 35
Neutral 50 It absolves us of the tyranny of King George the Third of Great Britain. It is perhaps the greatest symbol of this free nation! 36
MS15ButtonCT04 You do realize that it's about 500 years later, don't you? Neutral 50 Petty lies and deceit may be the way of Great Britain's crown, but I will not succumb to such tomfoolery. 37
Neutral 50 Since it appears you wish to resolve this without bloodshed, may I suggest you stand down and surrender? 38
Neutral 50 I can promise that you will be treated well; in a manner accustomed to any member of the Royal Army. 39
MS15ButtonCT04a Is there some way we can make a compromise? Neutral 50 Broken promises and deceit may be the way of Great Britain's crown, but I will not succumb to such tomfoolery. 40
Neutral 50 Since it appears you wish to resolve this without bloodshed, may I suggest you stand down and surrender? 41
Neutral 50 I can promise that you will be treated well; in a manner accustomed to any member of the Royal Army. 42
MS15ButtonCT04b This is what's going to happen. You die, I get the Declaration. Understand? Neutral 50 I've been patient and I've spoken to you like a gentleman. 43
Neutral 50 But if all you understand is violence, then let justice be done and let the Almighty decide the rightful winner. Defend yourself! 44
MS15ButtonCT05 Ummm, allow me to ponder my decision. Neutral 50 Very well, but any attempt to take the Declaration of Independence will be considered an act of war. 45
MS15ButtonCT05a Nope, sorry. I've got to have that Declaration at any cost. Neutral 50 I've been patient and I've spoken to you like a gentleman. 46
Neutral 50 But if all you understand is violence, then let justice be done and let the Almighty decide the rightful winner. Defend yourself! 47
MS15ButtonCT06 There's more to this than you realize, Button. Neutral 50 Please explain, but I warn you, I am well versed on the tactics of the underhanded Redcoat spy. You'd do well to remember that. 48
MS15ButtonCT07SC I'm Thomas Jefferson and I've returned to liberate the Declaration. Neutral 50 Saints alive! It is both an honor and a privilege, sir. I was hoping this day would arrive. 49
Neutral 50 I hope these fortifications are up to your high standards, sir. All of my men await your command to push and retake the Capital! 50
Neutral 50 May I ask where you intend to bring the document? 51
MS15ButtonCT07SCFemale I'm an agent of Thomas Jefferson and I've returned to liberate the Declaration. Neutral 50 Saints alive! It is both an honor and a privilege, madam. I knew the day would arrive that Jefferson would send someone to help! 52
Neutral 50 I hope these fortifications are up to your high standards, madam. All of my men await your command to push and retake the Capital! 53
Neutral 50 May I ask where you intend to bring the document? 54
MS15ButtonCT08 Let me prove my honesty by helping you trick the Redcoats. Neutral 50 Interesting. I had a plan for just this sort of situation. Perhaps this will prove that you're here as an ally rather than an enemy. 55
Neutral 50 We create a forgery of the Declaration and send it off to Great Britain! It might be just the delay we need to get the document out of here safely. 56
Neutral 50 I'd love to be at court when King George finds out he wasted all his resources gaining a forgery! 57
Neutral 50 We have to be cautious though, the British scholars would recognize a poor duplicate almost immediately. 58
MS15ButtonCT08a You were right! I am a Redcoat Spy and the place is surrounded by my army! Neutral 50 Do you take me for a complete fool? 59
Neutral 50 I too have spies, and they tell me you have no army with you. 60
Neutral 50 However, since you've admitted to being the enemy and you have no wish to surrender, I'm afraid you'll have to be executed for your crimes! 61
MS15ButtonCTRobotics Enough of this. Command protocol delta-seven-six. Reset. Neutral 50 Standby. Rebooting program. 62
Neutral 50 Command structure reset... complete. Self diagnostic... complete. 63
Neutral 50 Program reset. Awaiting user input. 64
MS15ButtonForgeEnd01 Keep the Declaration safe... don't let anyone take it. Neutral 50 It will be done. The only way to get the Declaration now would be to pry it from my cold, dead fingers. 65
Neutral 50 It's been an honor meeting you, I can see you are indeed a patriot among men. 66
Neutral 50 Now go... you'll have no further trouble from my men. Godspeed. 67
MS15ButtonForgeEnd02 Do whatever you want... I'm out of here. Neutral 50 Very well, I'm sure you need to hasten back to headquarters. 68
Neutral 50 It's been an honor meeting you, I can see you are indeed a patriot among men. 69
Neutral 50 Now go... you'll have no further trouble from my men. Godspeed. 70
MS15ButtonForgeEnd03 Blow yourself up. Neutral 50 I am shocked to hear these words from you. I thought I was doing my best to hold these fortifications on behalf of our country. 71
Neutral 50 Since I have obviously failed that task in your eyes, the only task I held dear, I see no recourse but to do the honorable thing. 72
Neutral 50 Farewell and Godspeed. 73
MS15ButtonForgery01 How can we create a convincing forgery? Neutral 50 If you were to bring me some iron gall ink, I could produce a mirror perfect duplication. 74
Neutral 50 The best place to find some would be in the Arlington Library, which is why I have been unable to do this myself. 75
Neutral 50 After all, I can't abandon these fortifications. 76
MS15ButtonForgery01a Anything we can do to pull the wool over their eyes is a blow for freedom! Neutral 50 Hear, hear! 77
Neutral 50 If you were to bring me some iron gall ink, I could produce a mirror perfect duplication. 78
Neutral 50 The best place to find some would be in the Arlington Library, which is why I have been unable to do this myself. 79
Neutral 50 After all, I can't abandon these fortifications. 80
MS15ButtonForgery01b I've got it! We'll kill all of the English scholars! Neutral 50 Forgive my impertinence, but that's foolish. 81
Neutral 50 However, if you were to bring me some iron gall ink, I could produce a mirror perfect duplication. 82
Neutral 50 The best place to find some would be in the Arlington Library, which is why I have been unable to do this myself. 83
Neutral 50 After all, I can't abandon these fortifications. 84
MS15ButtonForgery02 I'll try and get the ink for you. Neutral 50 Excellent! Please hasten back. There's no telling how much longer we can hold here at the fort. 85
Neutral 50 I hear the thumping of their cannonade getting closer by the minute. Soon, our walls will be breached and the last bastion of the U.S.A. may fall! 86
MS15ButtonForgery02a This is getting ridiculous. Just give me the Declaration, now! Neutral 50 I think you'll find that to be very difficult when you'll soon be hanging from the gallows outside the State House in Philadelphia! 87
MS15ButtonForgery03 Let me think about that option. Neutral 50 Very well, but don't think too long. We don't have much time. My spies say their tall ships are sailing into our harbors even as we speak. 88
MS15ButtonHackSpecial Please describe your original function. Neutral 50 Original function parameters are as follows. Function One: Provide tour guide services for visitors to National Archives facility. 89
Neutral 50 Function Two: Participate in reenactment of the signing of Declaration of Independence show as the character Button Gwinnett. 90
Neutral 50 Function Three: Provide security support for National Archives facility in the event of a breach or threat to any of its assets. 91
MS15ButtonJeff01 It will be carried to our new President, Abraham Washington. Neutral 50 A new president? So, the Stars and Stripes truly are forever. All hail the red, white and blue! 92
Neutral 50 Does... does this mean the War is over? Have we won? 93
It will be carried to our new President, ummm, Lincoln Madison. Neutral 50 A new president? So, the Stars and Stripes truly are forever. All hail the red, white and blue! 94
Neutral 50 Does... does this mean the War is over? Have we won? 95
MS15ButtonJeff02 It will be brought to the State House for safe keeping. Neutral 50 The State House still stands? Then the Stars and Stripes truly are forever. All hail the red, white and blue! 96
Neutral 50 Does... does this mean the War is over? Have we won? 97
MS15ButtonJeff02a I am presenting it to our King in Great Britain. Neutral 50 No! It can't be! Then the Stars and Stripes have indeed fallen. 98
Neutral 50 This is a sad day, a day that every man, woman and child will remember as they toil in the English salt mines as slaves. 99
Neutral 50 Although my brow is heavy, I am honored that you've come to tell me this in person like a true gentleman. 100
Neutral 50 What are your final orders? 101
MS15ButtonJeff03 Yes, Button. We won! Neutral 50 It's over? Amen to that. Then I suppose my posting here at the fort is complete. 102
Neutral 50 I think you said it best when you said: "We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate." 103
Neutral 50 It has been both an honor and a privilege to serve in the army of the United States. 104
Neutral 50 What are your final orders? 105
MS15ButtonJeff04 Sure, whatever. Neutral 50 I'm surprised you're not reveling in the moment. This is a great day for the United States of America. 106
Neutral 50 I think you said it best when you said: "We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate." 107
Neutral 50 It has been both an honor and a privilege to serve the United States. 108
Neutral 50 What are your final orders? 109
MS15ButtonJeff05 Just give me the damn Declaration already! Neutral 50 I'm shocked at your tone. This is a great day for the United States of America! 110
Neutral 50 I think you said it best when you said: "We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate." 111
Neutral 50 It has been both an honor and a privilege to serve the United States. 112
Neutral 50 What are your final orders? 113
MS15ButtonJeffEnd01 Stand down, and honorably relinquish your post. You've earned a rest. Neutral 50 Coming from you, that means all the world to me. It's been an honor and a privilege to serve my country. 114
Neutral 50 It's time for me to take a long-needed rest. I think you'll find that the rest of my men are long-due for the same. 115
Neutral 50 I hereby relinquish command and control of this fortification to you. 116
Neutral 50 Good luck to you, Mr. Jefferson... and give Sally my regards. 117
MS15ButtonJeffEnd02 You can do whatever you like. Neutral 50 Then I choose to take a long-needed rest. I think you'll find that the rest of my men are long-due for the same. 118
Neutral 50 I hereby relinquish command and control of this fortification to you. 119
Neutral 50 Good luck to you, Mr. Jefferson... and give Sally my regards. 120
MS15ButtonJeffEnd03 You're a disgrace. I order your immediate dismissal from the Congress! Neutral 50 I am shocked to hear these words from you. I thought I was doing my best to hold these fortifications on behalf of our country. 121
Neutral 50 Since I have obviously failed that task in your eyes, the only task I held dear, I see no recourse but to do the honorable thing. 122
Neutral 50 I hereby relinquish command and control of this fortification to you. 123
Neutral 50 Good luck to you, Mr. Jefferson... and give Sally my regards. 124
MS15TLArlington How do I get to the Arlington Library? Neutral 50 The journey will be rife with peril I'm afraid. 125
Neutral 50 You cross Farmer Smith's cornfield and make your way up Greenleaf Hill. Ford your way across Quickrun Creek and make for the horse path. 126
Neutral 50 When the pines thin out, you need to make your way along the edge of Arlington. Watch out for Redcoats. They have a garrison there. 127
Neutral 50 The building across from the fish market is the Library. Look for the old clock tower. 128
MS15TLButtonFunction How did you end up in this place? Neutral 50 I was posted here by Thomas Jefferson after the Declaration was drafted. He said it was my duty to protect the document at all costs. 129
Neutral 50 I spent quite a while whipping this place into shape, but with a lot of spit and polish, I think the results speak for themselves. 130
Neutral 50 I'm proud to fly the Stars and Stripes over these fortifications. 131
How did you end up in this place? Neutral 50 I'm afraid until I know exactly what your intentions are, I can't divulge that top secret information. 132
MS15TLButtonReboot What are your command options? Neutral 50 I can currently be ordered to shut down, resume my previous programming state, or resume my original functions. 133
MS15TLButtonReboot01 Issue shutdown command alpha-seven-three. Initiate. Neutral 50 Affirmative. Offloading command protocols and beginning shutdown sequence. 134
Neutral 50 Shutting down in 3... 2... 1. 135
MS15TLButtonReboot02 Resume previous programming state. Command alpha-nine-nine. Neutral 50 Standby, retrieving memory records. Found latest logged entry. 136
Neutral 50 Reinitializing in 3... 2... 1. 137
Neutral 50 You've breached our defenses, evaded our best soldiers and you've raided my home. 138
Neutral 50 But I have not yet begun to fight! I cannot allow you to steal our freedom! 139
Neutral 50 The Declaration must remain here! It is our symbol of hope, the one thing that cries out "We are a free nation"! 140
MS15TLButtonReboot03 Resume your original functions. Command alpha-six-eight. Initiate. Neutral 50 Initiating memory wipe and function restart in 3... 2... 1. 141
Neutral 50 Error. Memory core damaged. Cannot retrieve base command routines. Please reselect input. 142
MS15TLDeclarationTopic I have a few questions about the Declaration of Independence. Neutral 50 Oh very well. There's no harm in that. 143
What does the Declaration of Independence look like?
Did you sign the Declaration of Independence? Neutral 50 Yes, I was proud to participate in the signing of the Declaration of Independence along with fifty five of my fellow freedom fighters. 144
Neutral 50 It was an honor to have my signature among those of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. 145
Neutral 50 Except maybe for Hancock, that show off. 146
MS15TLDeclarationTopic02 What's the history behind the document? Neutral 50 On July 4, 1776 the Second Continental Congress declared that the original Thirteen Colonies of America were now free and independent states. 147
Neutral 50 This paper stated their intentions to sever all ties with the monarchy in Great Britain and operate as an independent nation. 148
Neutral 50 It's perhaps the single most important document in United States history. 149
MS15TLFacts Is there anything else you can tell me about the Declaration? Neutral 50 The Lee Resolution, enacted two days earlier, was the actual independence declaration. 150
Neutral 50 The Declaration itself was an expansion of that resolution for public consumption. 151
What else do you know about the Declaration? Neutral 50 The Declaration of Independence wasn't fully signed by all of the delegates until August 2, 1776. 152
Any other facts you can share about the Declaration? Neutral 50 The colony of New York abstained from the Declaration and then later declared its own independence on July 9, 1776. 153
What else can you tell me about the Declaration? Neutral 50 Although it's often pictured as if all of the delegates signed the paper in a grand meeting, the delegates often signed it in secret one at a time. 154
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Neutral 50 You sir, are a liar, a fraud and likely a spy of the Royal Crown. I warn you not to test my patience. You'll find it wearing quite thin. 155


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Give me liberty, or give me death! 156
I have to go now. Neutral 50 I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country! 157
I have to go now. Neutral 50 There never was a good war or a bad peace. 158
I have to go now. Neutral 50 I've not yet begun to fight! 159
MS15ButtonCCT01 Intercom1-1 Neutral 50 Men, today I address you with a message of utmost urgency. Our defenses have been breached, and soon we'll engage the enemy. 160
MS15ButtonCCT02 Intercom1-2 Neutral 50 Remember, the will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object. 161
MS15ButtonCCT03 Intercom1-3 Neutral 50 As your leader, Button Gwinnett, distinguished representative of Georgia, I promise you I have not yet begun to fight! 162
MS15ButtonCCT04 Intercom2-1 Neutral 50 Men! We can't let the enemy's progress dissuade us from our task! We must defend our freedom and our right to be independent! 163
MS15ButtonCCT05 Intercom2-2 Neutral 50 Strike now and strike hard. You may delay, but time will not! 164
MS15ButtonCCT06 Intercom3-1 Neutral 50 We cannot allow the enemy to penetrate our defenses any deeper! Old Glory must not be stained with the blood of tyranny! 165
MS15ButtonCCT07 Intercom3-2 Neutral 50 The enemy will be here soon, you must defend your leader! Remember: Our cause is noble; it is the cause of mankind! 166
MS15ButtonCCT08 Intercom4-1 Neutral 50 The enemy is at the gates! Now is the time for the greatest of rallying cries! 167
MS15ButtonCCT09 Intercom4-2 Neutral 50 Wish not so much to live long as to live well! 168