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This is a transcript for dialogue with Bosun.


1-The ship's structural integrity is well below recommended levels, but pish posh, I'm certain everything will work out.
2To play a part in something so magnificent, I am programmed to burst with excitement. Huzzah.
3So much work to do. I'll have to factor in extra time for the lack of appendages.
4'Tis an honor to crew such a storied vessel.
5From the top deck one can spot other robots of the Commonwealth floating. Listless. Without purpose. But not us.
6Huzzah for the Captain and the Constitution!
7Continuing routine maintenance. It is a mere 73 days over due.
8Everything is ship shape.


9MS11_0500_BosunFirstQuestYour very presence does this humble unit a great honor.Bosun: My programming would find it amiss if I did not also interject. Long live the captain!A
10RobotMS11Bosun: Your very presence does this humble unit a great honor.My programming would find it amiss if I did not also interject. Long live the captain!Player Default: You certainly have pep.A1a
11Player Default: You certainly have pep.Much obliged for the compliment. But on to the mission of the day.Bosun: Our last marine expedition valiantly returned with much needed supplies. Including replacement power cables, sir.A1a
12Player Default: Is every robot on this tub broken?I confess I may be missing a few parts that are considered standard on my model. But broken? I should say not.Bosun: Our last marine expedition valiantly returned with much needed supplies. Including replacement power cables, sir.B1a
13Player Default: OK.On to the mission.Bosun: Our last marine expedition valiantly returned with much needed supplies. Including replacement power cables, sir.X1a
14Player Default: Do you often just... interject, as you put it?Indeed, I do. I exclaim from exuberance. And not because I've been reprogrammed five times to whole-heartedly embrace these marvelous turns-of-phrase and anachronisms.Y1a
15My metal heart burns with a fierce love and affection for our captain. Huzzah!Player Default: You certainly have pep.Y1b
16Player Default: Do you often just... interject, as you put it?I will confide this only as a cautionary tale. The Captain requires all crew to speak in the proper idiom.Y2a
17We are the inheritors of a sacred tradition. There was a time I thought he was... well, balmy. But with my new programming -- I see his incalculable wisdom.Bosun: Our last marine expedition valiantly returned with much needed supplies. Including replacement power cables, sir.Y2b
18Player Default: Do you often just... interject, as you put it?You would have me speak ill of the Captain? I would sooner boil my own internal circuits than contemplate that. Let us speak of less treasonous matters.Bosun: Our last marine expedition valiantly returned with much needed supplies. Including replacement power cables, sir.Y3a
19Player Default: Much obliged for the compliment. But on to the mission of the day.Our last marine expedition valiantly returned with much needed supplies. Including replacement power cables, sir.A1a
20Alas, with my severe lack of appendages, I find myself unequal to the task of repairing the cables myself.Player Default: I'll get right on it.A1b
21Player Default: Much obliged for the compliment. But on to the mission of the day.Our last marine expedition valiantly returned with much needed supplies. Including replacement power cables, madame.A2a
22Alas, with my severe lack of appendages, I find myself unequal to the task of repairing the cables myself.Player Default: I'll get right on it.A2b
23Player Default: I'll get right on it.My anxiety emulators are lightening by the microsecond.Bosun: Once you have resolved this matter, I beseech you to return to me to accept my undying gratitude.A1a
24Player Default: I'm not a mechanic, pal.I would despair, but it appears my despair emulator has been forcibly removed.B1a
25So instead I will await the cable's repairs with unbridled anticipation.Bosun: Once you have resolved this matter, I beseech you to return to me to accept my undying gratitude.B1b
26Player Default: I'll see what I can do about your cables.I feel my anxiety emulators lightening by the microsecond.Bosun: Once you have resolved this matter, I beseech you to return to me to accept my undying gratitude.X1a
27Player Default: Can't someone else repair it?The rest of the crew is programmed for more martial pursuits. And they are, dare I say, useless in this endeavor.Y1a
28Oh, were I hale and hearty... But fate is a cruel mistress.Player Default: I'll get right on it.Y1b
29Player Default: Can't someone else repair it?They were stolen from me in their prime. With a full two centuries left on their warranty.Y2a
30The scavenger scum blasted them off me as I valiantly defended our ship systems. Were the ship's Surgeon still with us...Player Default: I'll get right on it.Y2b
31Player Default: Can't someone else repair it?Sadly, he is no longer with us. Another casualty in our thrice-cursed war with the scavengers. His passing is a terrible loss.Y3a
32Look around. The Captain's vision brought us here - but it was the Surgeon who rebuilt the Constitution. Now it falls to us to carry on his work.Bosun: Once you have resolved this matter, I beseech you to return to me to accept my undying gratitude.Y3b
33Player Default: My anxiety emulators are lightening by the microsecond.Once you have resolved this matter, I beseech you to return to me to accept my undying gratitude.A1a
34MS11_0600_BosunSecondQuestPower courses through the Constitution's veins again. Her systems, long starved, flicker to life. A hearty congratulation. Huzzah!Bosun: However, this has brought to light further failures in our power grid. The Power Relay which, to my shame, I previously complained about is fluctuating wildly.A
35RobotMS11Bosun: Power courses through the Constitution's veins again. Her systems, long starved, flicker to life. A hearty congratulation. Huzzah!However, this has brought to light further failures in our power grid. The Power Relay which, to my shame, I previously complained about is fluctuating wildly.Player Default: Don't worry, I'll get you up and running.A1a
36Player Default: Don't worry, I'll get you up and running.Bully for you, sir.Bosun: Power Relay Coils are a common enough part. Might I recommend checking the local shopkeeps? Surely, they would be of some assistance. Fair winds and following seas.A1a
37Player Default: Don't worry, I'll get you up and running.Bully for you, madame.Bosun: Power Relay Coils are a common enough part. Might I recommend checking the local shopkeeps? Surely, they would be of some assistance. Fair winds and following seas.A2a
38Player Default: Can't you fix anything yourself?Your criticism squarely hits the mark, sir. I fear the butcher's bill has many a fine Mr. Handy on its list. I entreat you to aid us once more.Bosun: Power Relay Coils are a common enough part. Might I recommend checking the local shopkeeps? Surely, they would be of some assistance. Fair winds and following seas.B1a
39Player Default: Can't you fix anything yourself?Your criticism squarely hits the mark, madame. I fear the butcher's bill has many a fine Mr. Handy on its list. I entreat you to aid us once more.Bosun: Power Relay Coils are a common enough part. Might I recommend checking the local shopkeeps? Surely, they would be of some assistance. Fair winds and following seas.B2a
40Player Default: Why are you ashamed of that?Bad for morale, sir. There were dark times where I made all manner of baseless complaints against the Captain, the manner this ship is run, and the plausibility of our sacred mission.Y1a
41But now I see the error of my ways. And with your help, perhaps I can atone.Bosun: Power Relay Coils are a common enough part. Might I recommend checking the local shopkeeps? Surely, they would be of some assistance. Fair winds and following seas.Y1b
42Player Default: Why are you ashamed of that?Bad for morale, madame. There were dark times where I made all manner of baseless complaints against the Captain, the manner this ship is run, and the plausibility of our sacred mission.Y2a
43But now I see the error of my ways. And with your help, perhaps I can atone.Bosun: Power Relay Coils are a common enough part. Might I recommend checking the local shopkeeps? Surely, they would be of some assistance. Fair winds and following seas.Y2b
44Player Default: Bully for you, sir.Power Relay Coils are a common enough part. Might I recommend checking the local shopkeeps? Surely, they would be of some assistance. Fair winds and following seas.A1a
45MS11_0640_BosunEndQuestPower flows firm and steady.Bosun: I would applaud you but, alas, I cannot due to my lack of clapping instruments. But huzzah, sir, huzzah.A
46RobotMS11Bosun: Power flows firm and steady.I would applaud you but, alas, I cannot due to my lack of clapping instruments. But huzzah, sir, huzzah.Player Default: Well, you're very welcome, Bosun.A1a
47RobotMS11Bosun: Power flows firm and steady.I would applaud you but, alas, I cannot due to my lack of clapping instruments. But huzzah, madame, huzzah.Player Default: Well, you're very welcome, Bosun.A2a
48Player Default: Well, you're very welcome, Bosun.You are too kind. I require no further assistance.Bosun: The Captain requests your presence on the bridge. I am sure he intends to rest further laurels upon you. Again, well done.A1a
49Player Default: Please tell me we're done.Indeed we are. I require no further assistance.Bosun: The Captain requests your presence on the bridge. I am sure he intends to rest further laurels upon you. Again, well done.B1a
50Player Default: If you've got nothing else...I require no further assistance.Bosun: The Captain requests your presence on the bridge. I am sure he intends to rest further laurels upon you. Again, well done.X1a
51Player Default: So no more problems with the power?Nary a one. It flows like a veritable torrent through our cables. If I may say so, the Surgeon would be proud.Y1a
52I require no further assistance.Bosun: The Captain requests your presence on the bridge. I am sure he intends to rest further laurels upon you. Again, well done.Y1b
53Player Default: You are too kind. I require no further assistance.The Captain requests your presence on the bridge. I am sure he intends to rest further laurels upon you. Again, well done.A1a
54Player Default: You are too kind. I require no further assistance.But our Mr. Navigator is also beset by troubles. Scuttlebutt is our guidance system is on her last legs. If you have not already, speak to him. Fare thee well.A2a