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The M249 SAW is a big gun in Fallout Tactics.


The SAW, or Squad Automatic Weapon, was adopted widely in the late 20th century. Manufactured in Belgium, the light machine gun increased the availble firepower of individual squads.[1]


  • This weapon starts to appear in great quantities during the campaign against super mutants. There are 25 in the St. Louis mission, 21 in Jefferson, 29 in the Kansas City and 26 in Osceolla. Most machine-gun-armed super mutants will use M249s; only sometimes will they use a Browning M2 or an M60 after St. Louis.
  • There's one in the chest with the Chauchat under Junction City.
  • There is one M249 in Great Bend. The first group of robots encountered during the Great Bend mission wield it.
  • In Cold Water, 2 carried by BOS deserters. Another one can be found in hideout beyond the altar.


  1. Items.txt: "name_supportWeaponHeavy = {M249 SAW} desc_supportWeaponHeavy = {The Belgian made M-249 SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon) was adopted widely in the late 20th Century as a squad level light machine gun, vastly increasing the firepower available to individual squads}"