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Fallout Wiki

The .30 Cal Garand was the first automatic rifle to be used as the standard infantry weapon of a major army when it was adopted by the U.S. Army in 1936.Item description

The M1 Garand is a Small Guns skill weapon in Fallout Tactics.


A standard infantry weapon, utilized by the United States Army since 1936.[1] It was the first automatic rifle to be used by a major army.[1]


The M1 Garand has an aiming bonus when used at long ranges. This comes with a close-range aiming penalty which is higher than the standard penalty of other ranged weapons. This limits the Garand to be most effective as a long-range sniping weapon.


  • Peoria, in a locker near the second fusion battery at the southwest part of the underground level.[verification overdue]
  • Quincy, carried by two beastlords. One is outside the town hall, while another is atop the detention center.
  • Mardin, carried by five beastlords.


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  1. 1.0 1.1 "name_garandRifle = {M1 Garand}
    desc_garandRifle = {The .30 Cal Garand was the first automatic rifle to be used as the standard infantry weapon of a major army when it was adopted by the U.S. Army in 1936. Its rugged construction and reliability make this weapon a popular and valuable addition to anyone's arsenal.}"
    (Fallout Tactics item description)