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My poor grandson Jonas died, is what happened. They say it was just an accident in all the confusion, but I know it was the Overseer.

Lucy "Old Lady" Palmer is a resident of Vault 101 in 2277.


Jonas' grandmother lives alone in her apartment where nothing has changed for decades. She is kind and proud of her grandson, and she bakes the most delicious sticky sweetrolls.[Non-game 1]

During the escape from Vault 101, one can find a file on the overseer's computer which states that Anne Palmer, her daughter, was the team leader of a scouting party that left the vault to explore the outside world in February 2241.[1]

Palmer is old enough to have retired from work duty in the vault, and therefore no longer has a Pip-Boy.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
Icon severed ear color
This character drops an ear upon death (Contract Killer).


  • Growing Up Fast: On July 13, 2268, Old Lady Palmer celebrates the Lone Wanderer's tenth birthday party. She gives them a sweetroll as a birthday present.
  • Trouble on the Homefront: She will be holed up in the classroom with Amata's rebel faction. She explains that during the player's escape from the vault, her grandson Jonas died in suspicious circumstances, which she attributes to the overseer.[2]


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Vault jumpsuit
Party hat *

* Only during Growing Up Fast


  • Old Lady Palmer is the first character in the game to drop hints that the vault has not always been sealed shut. She speaks of James' arrival during Growing Up Fast.[3]
  • In the Lone Wanderer's birthday party, she may voice her negative opinion on Alphonse Almodovar, saying how he is not a "real overseer" worthy of respect due to his "rules and secrets."[4]

Notable quotes[]


Lucy "Old Lady" Palmer appears only in Fallout 3.



  1. Vault 101 terminal entries; Overseer's terminal, Report 2241-02-10
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "What happened down here?"
    Old Lady Palmer: "My poor grandson Jonas died, is what happened. They say it was just an accident in all the confusion, but I know it was the Overseer."
    (Old Lady Palmer's dialogue)
  3. Old Lady Palmer: "Are you having a nice party? Ten years old, my my my. Seems like only yesterday that your daddy came..."
    (Old Lady Palmer's dialogue)
  4. The Lone Wanderer: "I hope you brought me something better than last year."
    Old Lady Palmer: "Well now! Young people were more polite back in my day. Respected their elders. Of course, we had a real Overseer back then. Worthy of respect. Not like that one over there, with his rules and his secrets. Why, I have half a mind to just up and tell you... Oh my, there I go again with my old lady talk and you still waiting patiently for your present. I suppose you could have asked more politely, but it is still your birthday, so here you go: a nice sweetroll I baked just for you."
    (Old Lady Palmer's dialogue)


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 89: ""Old Lady" Lucy Palmer
    Jonas's grandmother lives alone in her apartment where nothing has changed for decades. She's kind and proud of her grandson, and she bakes the most delicious sticky Sweetrolls."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)