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Fallout Wiki

Long recon scope is a weapon mod for several weapons in Fallout 76.


The long recon scope allows for a large magnification when aiming, as well as marking a target in the scope's sights with a diamond cursor that remains visible over the enemy while it is alive. The long recon scope also increases the gun's accuracy and adjusts for low light conditions while aiming.

Learn chance[]

Weapon Plans Learn chance
Assault rifle Learned from scrapping Very low (10%)
Hunting rifle
Laser gun
Pipe bolt-action
Pipe gun
Pipe revolver
Plasma gun
Combat shotgun Low (15%)
Gauss rifle
Railway rifle High (25%)
Combat rifle Plan: Combat rifle long recon scope
Enclave plasma gun Unlearnable


Weapon modifications will modify an existing weapon, and any modifications previously equipped on the weapon will be destroyed, not unequipped. Loose mods cannot be crafted. For modifications unlocked through scrapping, the corresponding weapon must be scrapped in order to learn how to craft it.

Assault rifle
Combat rifle
Combat shotgun
Gauss rifle
Hunting rifle
Laser gun
Pipe bolt-action
Pipe gun
Pipe revolver
Plasma gun
Railway rifle

ID table[]

Weapon OMOD editor ID OMOD ID MISC editor ID MISC ID
Assault rifle mod_AssaultRifle_SCOPE_longscope_Recon_Base 00312946 miscmod_mod_AssaultRifle_SCOPE_longscope_Recon_Base 0031F1E0
Combat rifle mod_CombatRifle_SCOPE_LongScope_Recon 00148420 miscmod_mod_CombatRifle_SCOPE_LongScope_Recon 003AC3D3
Combat shotgun mod_CombatShotgun_SCOPE_longscope_Recon_Base 0023D436 miscmod_mod_CombatShotgun_SCOPE_longscope_Recon_Base 0030EB1B
Enclave plasma gun mod_Enclave_PlasmaGun_SCOPE_Longscope_Recon_Base 0018C799 miscmod_mod_Enclave_PlasmaGun_SCOPE_Longscope_Recon_Base 003293FB
Gauss rifle mod_GaussRifle_SCOPE_longscope_Recon_Base 0031396B miscmod_mod_GaussRifle_SCOPE_longscope_Recon_Base 0031397F
Hunting rifle mod_HuntingRifle_SCOPE_LongScope_Recon_Base 002DEDCB miscmod_mod_HuntingRifle_Scope_ScopeLong_Recon 0015503A
Laser gun mod_LaserGun_SCOPE_longscope_Recon_Base 003129FB miscmod_mod_LaserGun_SCOPE_longscope_Recon_Base 003AC631
Pipe bolt-action mod_PipeBoltAction_SCOPE_longscope_Recon_Base 002D5D92 miscmod_mod_PipeBoltAction_SCOPE_longscope_Recon_Base 0030EAE4
Pipe gun mod_PipeGun_SCOPE_longscope_Recon_Base 002D5E56 miscmod_mod_PipeGun_SCOPE_longscope_Recon_Base 0030EAED
Pipe revolver mod_PipeRevolver_SCOPE_longscope_Recon_Base 00281E82 miscmod_mod_PipeRevolver_Scope_ScopeLong_Recon 001916BF
Plasma gun mod_PlasmaGun_SCOPE_Longscope_Recon_Base 0018C4AA miscmod_mod_PlasmaGun_SCOPE_Longscope_Recon_Base 00329434
Railway rifle mod_RailwayRifle_Scope_ScopeLong_Recon 001C405A miscmod_mod_RailwayRifle_Scope_ScopeLong_Recon 001C4068
Syringer mod_PipeSyringer_Scope_ScopeLong_Recon 00188A43 miscmod_mod_PipeSyringer_Scope_ScopeLong_Recon 00188A57


  • Craftable at any weapons workbench.
  • Loose mods may randomly be found in the following regions:
  • Loose mods may also be for sale from vendors.
  • The mod for the Enclave plasma gun is unlearnable and thus can only be obtained already attached to an existing weapon found in the world. The loose mod exists in the game files, but cannot be found in-game.