The long night vision scope is a weapon mod in Fallout 76.
When applied to a weapon, the mod adds a long-range night vision scope with x10 magnification. Some weapons also improve in sighted accuracy.
Learn chance[]
Weapon modifications will modify an existing weapon, and any modifications previously equipped on the weapon will be destroyed, not unequipped. Loose mods cannot be crafted. For modifications unlocked through scrapping, the corresponding weapon must be scrapped in order to learn how to craft it.
- Assault rifle
- Combat rifle
- Combat shotgun
- Gauss rifle
- Handmade rifle
- Hunting rifle
- Laser gun
- Lever action rifle
- Pipe bolt-action
- Pipe gun
- Pipe revolver
- Plasma gun
- Radium rifle
- Railway rifle
- Syringer
ID table[]
Weapon | OMOD editor ID | OMOD ID | MISC editor ID | MISC ID |
Assault rifle | mod_AssaultRifle_SCOPE_longscope_NV_Base | 0031293E | miscmod_mod_AssaultRifle_SCOPE_longscope_NV_Base | 00312943 |
Combat rifle | mod_CombatRifle_SCOPE_LongScope_NV_Base | 00242F9F | miscmod_mod_CombatRifle_SCOPE_LongScope_NV_Base | 0030DC97 |
Combat shotgun | mod_CombatShotgun_SCOPE_longscope_NV_Base | 0023D3E7 | miscmod_mod_CombatShotgun_SCOPE_longscope_NV_Base | 0030EB1A |
Enclave plasma gun | mod_Enclave_PlasmaGun_SCOPE_Longscope_NV_Base | 0018C794 | miscmod_mod_Enclave_PlasmaGun_SCOPE_Longscope_NV_Base | 003293F7 |
Gauss rifle | mod_GaussRifle_SCOPE_longscope_NV_Base | 00313967 | miscmod_mod_GaussRifle_SCOPE_longscope_NV_Base | 0032E35C |
Handmade rifle | DLC04_mod_HandMadeGun_SCOPE_Longscope_NV_Base | 0031B1EB | miscmod_DLC04_mod_HandMadeGun_SCOPE_Longscope_NV_Base | 0008F169 |
Hunting rifle | mod_HuntingRifle_SCOPE_LongScope_NV_Base | 002DEDC4 | miscmod_mod_HuntingRifle_Scope_ScopeLong_NV | 0015E93D |
Laser gun | mod_LaserGun_SCOPE_longscope_NV_Base | 003129F7 | miscmod_mod_LaserGun_SCOPE_longscope_NV_Base | 00312A16 |
Lever action rifle | DLC03_mod_LeverGun_SCOPE_Longscope_NV_Base | 0019E3DE | miscmod_DLC03_mod_LeverGun_SCOPE_Longscope_NV_Base | 003AC9F0 |
Pipe bolt-action | mod_PipeBoltAction_SCOPE_longscope_NV_Base | 002D5D8B | miscmod_mod_PipeBoltAction_SCOPE_longscope_NV_Base | 0030EAE3 |
Pipe gun | mod_PipeGun_SCOPE_longscope_NV_Base | 002D5E4F | miscmod_mod_PipeGun_SCOPE_longscope_NV_Base | 0030EAEE |
Pipe revolver | mod_PipeRevolver_SCOPE_longscope_NV_Base | 00281E7B | miscmod_mod_PipeRevolver_Scope_ScopeLong_NV | 001916BB |
Plasma gun | mod_PlasmaGun_SCOPE_Longscope_NV_Base | 0018C4A2 | miscmod_mod_PlasmaGun_SCOPE_Longscope_NV_Base | 00329430 |
Radium rifle | mod_RadiumRifle_SCOPE_Longscope_NV_Base | 0031B177 | miscmod_mod_RadiumRifle_SCOPE_Longscope_NV_Base | 004E9991 |
Railway rifle | mod_RailwayRifle_Scope_ScopeLong_NV | 001C4055 | miscmod_mod_RailwayRifle_Scope_ScopeLong_NV | 001C4063 |
Syringer | mod_PipeSyringer_Scope_ScopeLong_NV | 00188A3D | miscmod_mod_PipeSyringer_Scope_ScopeLong_NV | 00188A51 |
- The long night vision scope mod may be crafted and applied to an armor piece at a weapons workbench if the relevant plan is known.
- Loose mods may randomly be found in the following regions:
- Ash Heap (Combat rifle, combat shotgun, handmade rifle, hunting rifle, laser gun, pipe bolt-action, pipe gun, pipe revolver, plasma gun and syringer)
- The Mire (Assault rifle, combat rifle, combat shotgun, handmade rifle, hunting rifle, laser gun, lever action rifle, pipe bolt-action, pipe revolver, plasma gun, radium rifle, railway rifle and syringer)
- Savage Divide and Cranberry Bog (Assault rifle, combat rifle, combat shotgun, Gauss rifle, handmade rifle, hunting rifle, laser gun, lever action rifle, pipe bolt-action, pipe gun, pipe revolver, plasma gun, radium rifle, railway rifle and syringer)
- Loose mods for the Gauss rifle and plasma gun may also be for sale from the MODUS armory terminal inside the Whitespring bunker.
- The mod for the Enclave plasma gun is unlearnable and thus can only be obtained either already attached to an existing weapon found in the world or in the form of a loose mod. The loose mod can be sold by vendor bots, found as world spawns, or given as quest rewards within The Mire, Savage Divide, Ash Heap, and Cranberry Bog regions.