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Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Logan Clark[1] was a member of the Bar Harbor Bowling League in 2077.


Logan was a regular at the Beaver Creek Lanes and was in the cafeteria when, on October 6, 2077, Mark Wilson and Matthew Stevens were developing their bowling gun for Thomas Davis. Unbeknownst to them, they forgot to reduce the tension springs and when they test-fired the device, the first ball they launched flew straight through the wall of the office and stoved-in a table in the dining area.[2]

Logan was knocked out of his chair, the bowling ball nearly killing him. Matthew and Daisy talked with him and convinced him not to sue, as Logan understood that it was a mishap. Unhurt and shook up, he agreed not to sue if all of his games and half his beer tab were on the house.


Logan Clark is mentioned only in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.

