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Fallout Wiki

Linden's Outcast power armor is a unique piece of power armor in Fallout 3.


The armor was once worn by Branchtender Linden, a former member of the Brotherhood Outcasts after their split from the D.C. chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel led by Owyn Lyons. After joining with the reclusive Treeminders to pay the debt he feels owed to them for saving his life, Linden forewent wearing the armor but still retained possession of it.


Linden's armor is a moderately resilient suit of power armor, with the added bonus of giving an increase of 5 in the Big Guns skill, an exception to the normal T-45d power armor modifiers.


The armor is located in Oasis, given by Linden after completing the quest Oasis by using Laurel's liniment on Harold's heart. Afterward, one can talk to Linden to receive their reward.

Related quests[]

