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Fallout Wiki

Come to admire the bird? She's hot stuff.

Lennox is a pilot found outside the Whitespring Refuge in Appalachia in Fallout 76.


Lennox was a member of the United States Air Force before the Great War. She flew tankers and cargo planes and takes pride that she has never lost her cargo. Before the war, she noticed strange things moving in the sky above the clouds which convinced her that aliens exist. She recalls one time, she encountered a strange UFO flying near her seaplane. She shot her pistol at it but then she mysteriously became temporarily blind; her vision eventually returned to her, but she believes she was affected by some sort of alien mind control laser.[1]

In 2104, Lennox joined the new group at the Whitespring Refuge. She is working as a pilot for the Responders. Using a Vertibird, she pilots Vault Dwellers to the Pitt and Atlantic City.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon interactions essential
This character cannot be killed.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Flyboy outfit


There is a terminal entry suggesting Lennox is romantically interested in Orlando. Lennox is said to have winked at Orlando after requesting new supplies and said "Could be a lot of fun, under the right circumstances."


Lennox appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: The Pitt update. She will receive expanded dialogue with the Expeditions: Atlantic City update.

Behind the scenes[]

Although her heritage is never mentioned in-game, according to Lennox's voice actress Debra Cardona, Lennox is Puerto Rican and from the Bronx. Neither of these areas are mentioned elsewhere in the Fallout series.[Non-game 1]



  1. Lennox: "There was the one time I took potshots at a UFO with a pistol out the window of a seaplane. Big glowing thing, keeping pace right alongside us. Must've fired the whole magazine, copilot's yellin' at me, and suddenly I'm just blind. They had to take over and guide us home. Vision came back later that day. Now, my copilot said I was just drunk and started trying to fight the sun, but.. Alien mind control lasers is my bet."
    (Lennox's dialogue)


  1. Debra Cardona on Instagram: "This is Lennox. She is Puerto Rican from the Bronx and is a badass pilot. You can find her in the video game FALLOUT 76: THE PITT.
    I was so proud to bring my voice and my heritage to this game, and I had waaay too much fun recording lines for Lennox.
    Here's to the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month. ¡Wepa!"