A leaf blower is a miscellaneous item in Fallout 3.
One of the four mechanical components needed to assemble a Rock-It Launcher and can subsequently be used as ammunition for the weapon.
- Ten leaf blowers can be found in the town of Minefield, often lying very close to or up against the walls of intact houses, and near a lawnmower.
- Five can be found in the county sewer mainline, in Gallo's storage closet.
- Three can be stolen from the shelves of Lucky's.
- One can be found inside of the RobCo facility, on the first floor of the offices and cafeteria and in the hall accessed through the door to the left of the entrance.
- Two in L.O.B. Enterprises, in a storeroom composing of only metal shelves on the eastern side of the building.
- One in a small town between the Jury Street Metro station, and Evergreen Mills.
- One in Fort Bannister, through either of two Very Easy locked doors.
- One on the ground floor of the charnel house, lying beside a sandbag barricade.
- One in the yao guai cave, by a fallen shelf near a pile of sandbags.
- Two in Vault 87, both of which can be found in the living quarters, on the second level.
- One in Vault 92, directly in front of the vault door control pod.
- One in the church southwest of the Jury Street Metro station.
- One by the back walls of Kaelyn's Bed & Breakfast.
- One on some shelves, in a sand-bagged area just northeast of Dupont West at Foggy Bottom station.
- One in the bomb storage area of Fort Constantine, in a small room across from the entrance.
- One is found in the damp cave, after the area with Harold's heart in Oasis.
The leaf blower is identical in appearance to the wood chipper and even bears the name "Mister Chipper" on its side, as well as a cartoon beaver head.