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Fallout Wiki

Le Fusil Terribles is a unique weapon in Fallout 4.


A combat shotgun with the Violent legendary effect, granting a 25% bonus to damage/limb damage at the cost of significantly increased recoil.

By default, the weapon comes with the following:

Weapon modifications[]



The weapon is located at Libertalia, found inside the captain's cabin at the top of the compound, lying on top of a wooden crate. The crate is located immediately across the room from the door, beside a burning lantern.

Behind the scenes[]

  • While not a perfect French translation (actually translating directly as "The Terrible Gun," with "terribles" unnecessarily pluralized), the weapon's name, along with being a unique variant of a combat shotgun inflicting higher damage but with higher recoil and even sharing the fact of being found in a raider stronghold, means it is most likely a reference to The Terrible Shotgun from Fallout 3.
  • The name of the weapon is a reference to the 1929 French novel and its 1959 film adaptation Les Enfants Terribles.

