The large burned book is a miscellaneous item in Fallout: New Vegas.
It is a large book, heavily damaged by the Great War or subsequent events.
It can be used (via the Book Chute in the add-on Old World Blues) to make blank books. These can be used with skill book recipes to make skill books. With the Voracious Reader perk, they can be used to create skill magazines as well. They can be found in many locations in both games, predominately in houses and libraries.
Large burned books can be found in many ruins across the Mojave Wasteland, in places too numerous to list. They are often found on bookshelves or on the floor inside of most offices, houses, and other buildings.
- 35 in REPCONN test site facility.
- 24 in the Bison Steve Hotel's second and third floors in Primm.
- 20 in the H&H Tools factory.