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Fallout Wiki

Kill the Mutant Giant Bats was going to be a quest in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios.[1]


Mutant bats live in one of the Blackfoot caves, and are attacking the Blackfoot during the day.

The bats aren't much of a threat to the player character (they'd rather eat fruit and bugs). If killed off anyway, then manti swarms become possible as a random encounters near the town, and the float text of the Blackfoot in town mention the increased number of mantis from time to time.

Character type completion breakdown[]

  1. CombatBoy - Kills!
  2. ScienceBoy - Can poison them!
  3. DiploBoy - Can talk some younger tribals to help him kill the relatively harmless giant bats!
  4. Stealth Boy - Can sneak about the bat lair during the day and is less likely to wake them all up when murdering sleeping bats!

Journal Entries[]

Normal Journal[]

1 Mutant bats live in one of the Blackfoot caves. If they were wiped out, the Blackfoots would have another cave they could use, assuming they cleaned up all the bat shit.
2 I've killed some of the mutant bats.
3 I've killed some of the mutant bats.
4 I killed all of the mutant bats in the Blackfoot caves.
5Quest finishedI've overheard the Blackfoots talking about the greater numbers of mantis roaming around the wasteland ever since I killed off the bats. Maybe the bats were eating the mantis.

Dumb Journal[]

1 Bats in Blackfoot caves. If kill bats, Blackfoots have nice new cave!
2 Me killing the bats.
3 Me killed all the bats in Blackfoot cave.
4Quest finishedBlackfoots say many more mantis in the wasteland this season.

