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Fallout Wiki

Kill the Devil Dog was going to be a quest in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios.[1]


Devil Dog is a mutant dog worshipped by the Blackfoot.


The Hangdogs want you to either tame or kill him, although they would rather see him killed. Killing him will give the player the Devil Slayer reputation. Rather than taming him, you can just kill him. The kill needs to be reported to Bares His Teeth.

Journal Entries[]

Normal Journal[]

1 The Hangdogs would like to see the Devil Dog killed, as the presence of this "evil spirit" brings bad luck to the tribe.
2Quest finishedI killed the Devil Dog and brought its corpse back to the Hangdogs as proof.

Dumb Journal[]

1 Hangdogs say me should kill Devil Dog.
2Quest finishedMe killed Devil Dog!

