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What if I told you that there's a secret. A big secret. Here on this island. Something way more important than just one lost girl?

Kasumi Nakano is a runaway mechanic and technical expert taking refuge in Acadia in 2287.


Kasumi Nakano is the daughter of Kenji Nakano and Rei Nakano. She and her grandfather used their mechanical knowledge to restore the pre-War appliances around her house.[2][3]

After restoring a radio and contacting DiMA by chance, she is led to believe that she is a synth who has replaced the real Kasumi Nakano.[4] This belief is reinforced by her feeling like she does not fit in at home, a lack of childhood memories to the degree she cannot remember entire years, being unsure if she used a swing set near her house,[5] and inexplicable dreams about waking up in a lab's white room while feeling a jolt of electricity to the back of her head and being stared at by mysterious people.[6][7] Although she does have her own doubts as to if this is the truth,[8] she cannot prove it.[9]

She later flees to Acadia, although she can be convinced to return after completing the add-on. If Far Harbor, the Brotherhood of Steel, or the Institute attack Acadia, she will die in its defense.


Kasumi is curious and empathetic, as shown by her pursuit of DiMA's radio signal and her desire to help the people of Acadia. When she was living with her parents, she was frequently bored, as she was isolated from the wasteland in her remote home. Her grandfather's passing worsened this feeling of boredom.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
* If the Sole Survivor becomes an enemy of Acadia, Kasumi will fight to defend it.

Other interactions[]

If Kasumi returns home safely, Kenji's reaction will differ depending on whether or not she claims that she is a synth.

  • If Kasumi says that she is a synth, Kenji will be angered, refusing to accept anything but his human daughter. The Sole Survivor can convince Kenji to accept Kasumi in spite of this;
    • If the Sole Survivor convinces Kenji, he will let Kasumi remain at the house, especially after Rei says that even if their daughter has been replaced by a synth, they should give her a chance and try to salvage whatever they can in a terrible world.
    • If the Sole Survivor fails to persuade Kenji, he will kick her out of the house. If followed, Kasumi will walk through the Commonwealth, eventually reaching Goodneighbor (via a route passing Parsons State Insane Asylum, the Slog, County crossing, Bunker Hill and Cabot House); being essential, she will survive any attacks on the way. Here, she finishes her journey by entering the Third Rail where she takes a seat close to the bar. Her only response is to say that the Sole Survivor has done enough already and to leave her alone.
  • There is no proof that Kasumi fully believes she is human after the events of Far Harbor. If the Sole Survivor claims Kasumi is the real Kasumi, Kenji will be tearfully relieved to have her home and expresses his extreme gratitude. However, continuing to mention the idea of Kasumi being a synth will get Kasumi to claim she is not human, saying when she came to Acadia, she just "knew" she was a synth.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Mechanic jumpsuit


  • There is no clear evidence to support her belief that she is a synth, beyond her own feelings and recurring dreams of waking in a lab. Going to the Railroad or the Institute can lead the player to have conversations with Boxer or Dr. William Moseley, respectively, about whether Kasumi is human or synth, but neither conversation confirms or denies Kasumi's belief.
    • Should Acadia (and Kasumi) be reported to the Institute, Moseley claims that they have no record of any synth deployment with that identity. Assuming he is not lying, this would mean she cannot be a synth under Institute control, but he raises the possibility her personality may have been given after a memory wipe, saying people have meddled with Institute technology before.
    • If Acadia is destroyed and Kasumi is killed, she will not drop a synth component. However, some synths, like Glory and Roger Warwick, do not drop a synth component when they die.
    • Even if Kasumi is "reclaimed" with the synths of Acadia for the Institute by informing Dr. Moseley about Acadia for Forbidden Knowledge, the player is never told whether she was human or synth.

Notable quotes[]

  • "I... I really wish that was true. If I wasn't a synth, things would be so much simpler..."
  • "Little things. Dreams of waking up in a lab. Years I can't remember from when I was a kid. Not to mention how I never quite fit in back at home..."
  • "Look, my mom and dad... I mean, those people that were taking care of me. They wouldn't want me back. Not if they knew the truth."
  • "No. You don't get it. I'm not their daughter. I'm a synth."
  • "I... Yes it's true... I mean... I can't prove it, but when I made it to Acadia, I just knew..."
  • "I don't know. There's no telling when I replaced her. I... I never knew what I was before. I never wanted to hurt you..."


Kasumi Nakano appears only in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.

Behind the scenes[]

  • In Japanese, her given name, Kasumi (霞), can refer to haze or mist, or alternatively to the glow before sunrise or after sunset, or the glow of an ember. Her family name, Nakano (中野), would most directly mean "in the field" or "central field(s)", but with the Japanese practice of synonym wordplay factored in, it can also mean "in the wilderness" or "in the hidden parts of a structure." Japanese names are generally given great consideration and usually contain multi-layered wordplay, making this a suitable name for the MacGuffin character at the heart of a story about a mysterious wilderness island where the land is covered in glowing mist.
  • Kasumi's radio identification is Ohm's law, which describes the relationship between a circuit's resistance, the voltage applied to the circuit and the current flowing through the circuit.


  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 Xbox OneXbox One If the Sole Survivor tries to talk to Kasumi while she is doing her normal work with the blowtorch in the basement of Acadia, the sound from using it (like electric shocks) will continue even after she sits down or does other things. The sound will be permanent if the Sole Survivor convinces her to return to her home.[verification overdue]
    • To fix this, simply wait for her to use the blowtorch again until she finishes using it, then talk to her. This will not work if she returns to her home in the Commonwealth.



  1. Rei Nakano: "Our daughter is nineteen. She knows how to survive, and she's capable. I... think maybe she left because she wanted her own life."
    (Rei Nakano's dialogue)
  2. Kasumi's holotape to grandad
  3. Kasumi's journal
  4. Kasumi's final holotape
  5. Kasumi's Projects: Swings
  6. Kasumi's Projects: Dreams
  7. The Sole Survivor: "Do you have any proof that you're actually a synth?"
    Kasumi Nakano: "Little things. Dreams of waking up in a lab. Years I can't remember from when I was a kid. Not to mention how I never quite fit in back at home..."
    (Kasumi Nakano's dialogue)
  8. The Sole Survivor: "I know it must be hard for you. I just want to make sure you're here for the right reasons."
    Kasumi Nakano: "Yeah, so am I... I mean... yes, I believe I'm a synth, but... there's something wrong here. With Acadia. There's more going on than just the refuge. I can't leave until I've gotten to the bottom of it. I've done enough running..."
    (Kasumi Nakano's dialogue)
  9. Kenji Nakano: "Kasumi... Is it true? You're not my daughter?"
    Kasumi Nakano: "I... Yes it's true... I mean... I can't prove it, but when I made it to Acadia, I just knew..."
    Kenji Nakano: "Where's the real Kasumi?"
    Kasumi Nakano: "I don't know. There's no telling when I replaced her. I... I never knew what I was before. I never wanted to hurt you..."
    (Kenji Nakano and Kasumi Nakano's dialogue)