“You've had lots of close calls. Whenever you finish a fight with less than 25% Health, your Luck increases by +4 for 3 minutes. You are also immune to critical hits, and your own critical hits inflict +50% damage. (Requires Neutral Karma.)”— In-game description
Just Lucky I'm Alive is a perk in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road.
Taking this perk grants a permanent passive ability where, whenever an active fight ends with the player character at 25% of their maximum HP or less, they are granted a temporary +4 bonus to Luck for 3 minutes. It also grants a permanent 50% bonus to critical hit damage as well as permanent immunity to critical hits from enemies.
- The perk requires a Karma level of more than -250 and less than 250, i.e. Neutral to be available.
- The perk bonuses apply regardless of whether the Karma level is closer to -250 or 250 as long as it is not exactly at or past those thresholds.
- The perk requires installing the other 3 major add-ons in addition to Lonesome Road, as each installed add-on raises the level cap by 5 and the latter by itself only raises it to 35 while the perk is available at 50.
- The perk's bonus to critical hit damage stacks multiplicatively with Better Criticals for a combined 125% increased critical hit damage.