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The material world is destroyed and imperfect. We seek to release our minds from their tainted cages, so as to find a better world.

Jimson is one of the inhabitants of Point Lookout and a member of the Point Lookout tribals in 2277.


Deeply superstitious and the most senior member of the tribals except for Jackson, he is responsible for spreading the message of communication to the followers not yet picking up on telepathic messages from the great leader.[Non-game 1] He is also the gatekeeper for the tribals at the Ark & Dove Cathedral and stands at the gate a majority of the time. After the Lone Wanderer has been accepted into the tribe, he will return inside the cathedral and talk to other tribals.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk nociception regulator color
This character is essential. Essential characters cannot be killed.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


Effects of player's actions[]

The Lone Wanderer will have to talk to Jimson to get into the cathedral for the Walking with Spirits quest. He will send them to the Mother Punga plant to pick seeds in order to join the tribe.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Tribal garb

Notable quotes[]

  • "For a time, we feared your mind had journeyed too far from your body, and you had departed our world. But you returned to us again, at long last! Yea, though your body will bear the scars of the ritual, your soul shall be forever strengthened by the experience! You are now welcomed in our cathedral. Enter, enlightened brother/sister!"
  • "Truly, the Mother Punga has bestowed her wisdom upon you, and your mind has been expanded!"
  • "That is merely the sensation of your consciousness rushing to embrace its true potential. It is the feeling of having no boundaries. No limits! Yea, though your body will bear the scars of the ritual, your soul shall be forever strengthened by the experience! You are now welcomed in our cathedral. Enter, enlightened brother!"
  • "The physical world holds nothing for us. Release any lingering connections to it."
  • "Alas, only the worthy may enter his nexus of meditation. He has not seen fit to enlighten me!"


Jimson appears only in the Fallout 3 add-on Point Lookout.

Behind the scenes[]

The name "Jimson" is a reference to "Jimson Weed," also known as "Jamestown Weed," which is a powerful natural hallucinogen. Similarly, Woodrose, another tribal member, shares her name with another natural hallucinogen.



  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.78: "Jimson
    Deeply superstitious and the most senior member of the Tribals except for the leader Jackson (who you initially meet in the Sea Cave [U3.16]) he is responsible for spreading the message of communication to the followers not yet picking up on telepathic messages from the great leader."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)