Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Gameplay articles
Fallout 2Jet
Jet Beta
Fallout 3Jet
Fallout: New VegasJet
Dixon's Jet
Fallout 4Buffjet
Psycho jet
Ultra jet
Jet Fuel
Fallout: The Board GameJet
Fallout: New California Ultra jet
TV series articles
Fallout TV seriesJet
By putting tons of brahmin shit in the vats, we found out that the fumes give more than enough of a kick. Eureka. Literally. 'Course, we had to test to get the mix right.Myron, Fallout 2

Jet is a highly addictive chem commonly found throughout the wasteland. It is extracted from brahmin dung fumes and commonly administered via an inhaler. Although first available before the Great War in a different form, in the first half of the 23rd century, Myron developed Jet into a highly marketable commodity and tool for the enslavement of Redding by the Mordinos of New Reno. Even after the death of Myron and subsequent fall of the Mordinos from relevancy, Jet's availability, replicability, and popularity developed exponentially. The introduction of the Jet antidote would barely slow its wide effect and appeal on both the West Coast and the East Coast of the former United States.[1]



FO76 Jet Filter

Jet visual filter in the Fallout 76 photomode.

Jet is a powerful hallucinogenic chem that stimulates the central nervous system, triggering a rush of energy and strength primarily brought about by endorphins.[2] The initial euphoric rush rarely lasts more than a few minutes,[3] but the altered state of consciousness makes it subjectively longer for any Jet user.[4][5]


Post-War Jet is typically sold packaged into small, disposable ampules or canisters (rarely in half-ounce bags), designed for use with a metered-dose inhaler (sometimes sold separately).[6] The goal is to deliver the aerosolized drug directly into the lungs of the user, where it is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream.[7] To maximize high, dealers would recommend taking a dose, followed by a deep breath and time to let it settle.[6]

Wholesale buyers, like Redding in the 2240s, usually receive bulk packages that have to be processed into user ampules first. This requires clean facilities and medical training to do properly, as poor processing will result in contamination and expose users to disease.[8] Jet may also be mixed with saline solutions or other liquids to be delivered intravenously. This was the preferred method of researchers working at the Stables.[9]

Addiction rate[]

Standard Jet is highly addictive, inducing psychological and physical reliance. Both stem from the way their Jet alters the perception of reality, to the point that the euphoric rush brought about by the drug is interpreted by the user as the norm and sobriety as the abnormal. Drug addictions caused by regular Jet responded to treatment with Fixer and Addictol, increasing their popularity both before and after the Great War.[10]


With the Mordino variant off the market and the technique to manufacture it[11] at large, new batches flooded the market, becoming a staple recreational and performance-enhancing drug throughout the wasteland. Unlike the Mordino variant, drug addictions caused by regular Jet responded to treatment with Fixer and Addictol, increasing their popularity.[10]

Numerous enterprising cooks also developed their unique versions of the drug by mixing the original version with additional chemicals. Commonly seen variants include Rocket, Turbo, and Ultrajet in the west and Buffjet (mixed with Buffout), Psycho jet (Psycho), Jet Fuel (flamer fuel), and Ultra jet.[12]


Jet proliferated throughout the wasteland in the wake of the Great War, particularly due to the ease of manufacture. As long as a chemist had access to a reliable source of fertilizer, they could manufacture it in quantity, even in the most barren of environments (as was the case with Great Khans at Red Rock Canyon).[13]

In New California, its spread was triggered by Myron's discovery of the ease of its manufacture and aided by its infamy. Regular Jet found use as a recreational chem (particularly by chem-reliant wastelanders, like the Fiends). However, it was also used to enslave people. Long after the Mordinos became a footnote in history, the Omertas used free Jet and morphine to control and exploit their sex workers.[14]

Weaponized Jet[]

The high addiction rate was exploited by Myron, who took the regular Jet and tweaked it while simultaneously developing a way to manufacture the drug in large quantities. One of the distinguishing characteristics of his version of Jet was the elevated addiction rate. Their version was a drug designed to create a permanent addiction that combines psychological and chemical reliance and was immune to treatment with Addictol and Fixer.[15] This provided Big Jesus Mordino with the weapon he needed to secure Redding for his family.[16]

It is designed to be invulnerable to standard methods of countering drug addictions, including the various nervous system suppressants that work on the regular version of the drug. The only real way to counter Myron's Jet was to use endorphin blockers, which repress the euphoria,[17] resulting in a violent experience that is comparable to radscorpion poisoning. Endorphin blockers also prevent the drug from taking hold again: Anyone exposed to Jet after taking the antidote will become sick, as the meta-amphetamines will no longer have any effect.[3]

Before the Jet antidote was created thanks to the efforts of the Chosen One, the Mordinos continued to develop the design and increase its potency and addiction rate. A development version, named Jet Beta, was created, though it did not reach maturity after the antidote appeared on the market.[18]



The exact origins of the meta-amphetamine variant known as Jet are unclear. However, it was available before the Great War in some form.[19] The formula was simple enough to allow for the use of common chemicals and simple laboratory set-ups in its manufacture.[20] It was even used by Vault-Tec in its experiments and found its way into vaults before they were sealed.[21] In the Vault-Tec Regional HQ, a pre-War log found on a terminal notes that Psycho and Jet were sent to Vault 95 during its construction.[19]

After the Great War, wastelanders in the Burrows (an underground settlement in Appalachia) mention inhaling brahmin dung fumes to achieve a high.[22] The chem was also utilized by gangs like the Blood Eagles and chem addicts; of note is Beckett's mention of Jet by name in 2103.[23] A chemist in the Coos Bay area was also making jet prior to 2105.[24]

Mordino use[]

A much more potent version of Jet was introduced in New California in the first half of the 23rd century by Myron, a self-taught juvenile prodigy specializing in drug manufacture. Myron came to New Reno a few years before 2241 and offered his services after noticing that their drug operation (centered on farming peyote cacti and selling it as the Reno Experience) could use improvement. The combination of low strength (less than half of old school LSD) and a long high duration made peyote a sub-par choice for a fast turnaround. The exact specifics of how Myron came into Mordinos' employ are unclear, but it is known that through trial and error Myron eventually managed to arrive at a solution fit for the new climate. As they could not grow coca plants or opium poppies, Myron settled for developing hallucinogens. Basing on extracts from mushrooms grown by the Mordinos, Myron began experimenting with derivatives of lysergic acid diethylamide and psilocybin.[25] The impetus to create Jet came when Big Jesus Mordino ordered Myron to create a drug that would give him control over Redding.[25] Although Myron claims he alone invented Jet, a high-intelligence Chosen One can question whether Myron truly invented the drug, stating, "I'm not convinced a child like you didn't just STUMBLE across it, Myron" which Myron vehemently denies.[26]

In order to avoid relying on extracts from vegetables and mushrooms, Myron began exploring his possibilities. Since pre-War meat companies experimented with cheap protein extracts to increase their profit margins, only to discover that the slightest contamination made the entire extract act like potent amphetamine upon digestion. Rather than dump the entire program, the companies fed the extracts to their vast bovine herds to recoup losses. What they didn't realize is that the protein extract would be metabolized and absorbed by the cattle's bodies, becoming an integral element of their metabolism when cattle would mutate into brahmin. With some blood samples, one could readily recreate the contaminated extract even two centuries after the war.[27] Myron did not have access to the tools and expertise necessary to isolate the extract, so they decided to acquire it by proxy: Grow mushrooms in fertilizer provided by the affected brahmin and extract it from the fungus. The eureka moment came completely unexpectedly: When Myron observed slaves tending to the brahmin fertilizer, he noticed that they were getting high purely on fumes. The brahmin excreta contained the desired drug in large enough concentrations to be viable as a commercial drug - exactly what Big Jesus wanted.[25]

After a round of testing which claimed the lives of a hundred slaves, primarily due to myocardial infarctions (heart attacks), cerebral hemorrhages, and psychotic episodes, the first iteration of Jet was ready for deployment. The investment returned itself multiple times over and the expense wrought by Myron's experimentation and loss of slaves was absorbed by the burgeoning Mordino budget.[28][29]

By January 2241, the first Jet samples arrived in Redding, creating a wave of addiction that affected miners and other denizens of the town, making it reliant on regular shipments from Redding.[Non-game 1] The Stables research team would further Myron's work, hoping to create a stronger and even more potent version, codenamed Jet Beta. However, the results were unsuccessful, as they could not quite get the kinks out (e.g., nasal bleeding, hallucinations, heart attacks). But they did increase the duration of its high; from 5 to 60 minutes. However, the development of Jet Beta was halted by the introduction of a Jet antidote.

Continued production[]

Myron would die less than a year after the Chosen One defeated the Enclave, stabbed to death by a Jet addict while drinking in a bar at the Den.[30] The manufacturing of Jet would continue, spreading as far as the Capital Wasteland, where Murphy would attempt to produce an even more potent version, named Ultrajet, designed for use by ghouls, who are barely affected by standard Jet.

Throughout the Capital Wasteland, Jet can also be found in containers located within vaults, collected by exploration completed by vault dwellers. Old Lady Palmer from Vault 101 used to lead such explorations, as seen in a file in the overseer's terminal.

Meanwhile, in the Mojave Wasteland, some of the more scientifically enlightened learned about the secrets of Ultrajet and sought to make it themselves, and home chemists developed more potent forms of Jet like Rocket and Turbo. Rocket was one of few drugs that were not known to the Great Khans, who were the predominant chem traders in the area.



Chem jet

This is the most common and basic form of Jet, which all other variations are based on.

Myron's Jet[]

Chem jet
Gameplay article: Fallout 2

The form of Jet that Myron developed. Though his discovery of the drug was forgotten soon after his death at the Den less than a year after the Enclave's defeat, his form of Jet lived on. Subsequent production has failed to meet the refinement and efficiency of the original design.

Jet Beta[]

Main article: Jet Beta

A development version of the drug that was worked on at the Stables in 2241. It was intended to replace the original, but due to the Mordinos losing power with the emergence of the antidote, it never reached production.


Gameplay article: Fallout: New Vegas

This variant of Jet is currently only known to be present in the Mojave Wasteland. Made by mixing Jet with Nuka-Cola and detergent, the product provides a greater energy rush due to the refinement.

Jet Fuel[]

Fallout4 Jet
Gameplay article: Fallout 4

Jet Fuel is a variation of Jet which is the result of combining regular Jet with flamer fuel. It is currently only known to be present in the Commonwealth.


Gameplay article: Fallout: New Vegas

A peculiar variant of regular Jet, designed to modify the user's perception of time. Jet is piggybacked to an aerosol can containing broc flower and cazador venom dissolved in turpentine.[31] The concoction creates the illusion of slow motion, while Jet increases the user's speed so that they move at a normal speed relative to their surroundings.



A unique form of Jet created by the ghoul chemist Murphy. As the original Jet has a very limited effect on ghouls, due to their physiology, Murphy sought to enhance its properties by combining the original drug with Sugar Bombs, using caustic chemicals in the process. The result is a drug that has double the potency of Jet and affects ghouls as it does humans.[32][33] Originally thought unique to the Capital Wasteland, Ultrajet was procured by Daniel Contreras, a supply sergeant of the NCR Army. Ultrajet is also available in the Commonwealth. Ultrajet is harder to get addicted to than standard Jet, but the addiction to it is permanent, should someone abuse it too much.


  • Joey Bello, a lite ally in Fallout 76, makes an indirect reference to how Jet is extracted, though he does not mention the chem by name. In one of his jokes, he says that he would rather "rather try to get high sniffin' brahmin farts than deal with the Blood Eagles."[34]

Behind the scenes[]

  • Jet as an inhaled drug was the invention of Chris Avellone, inspired by his brother's asthma inhaler.[Non-game 2] Avellone also posited in Fallout Bible 9 that Mrs. Bishop's claim of being hooked on Jet by John Bishop before they were married, which subsequently resulted in her exile from Vault City, could be due to her memories being warped by drug abuse.[Non-game 3]
  • When asked why jet cannot be found in pre-war pharmacies in Fallout: New Vegas, Joshua Sawyer responded, "Why would jet be found in abandoned pharmacies? It was invented after the war. Myron invented jet."[Non-game 4]
  • In April 2024, Emil Pagliarulo acknowledged that the mention of Jet on a pre-War terminal at the Vault-Tec Regional HQ in Fallout 4 was an error, saying that a designer on the development team had made a "simple human error" that was unfortunately missed. With Jet being further expanded on in Fallout 76, Jet has since has been established as a pre-War chem. However, Pagliarulo also said he supported the "fan theory" that pre-War mentions of Jet refer to "a generic kind of drug."[Non-game 5]
  • It is unclear as to whether or not Jet is a form of methamphetamine. In Fallout 2, Jet is referred to as a "metamphetamine"In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar on two occasions, by Renesco and in Jet's item description. While this could mean that it is a meta- amphetamine, this term is not widely used anywhere in Fallout or the real world. It is possible that the mentions of "metamphetamine" are typos for "methamphetamine" (which is not mentioned in-game), but this has never been clarified or corrected anywhere.[5][11]



  1. All games set after the events of Fallout 2 feature Jet as a consumable
  2. The Chosen One: "{316}{}{I'm not a guard; I'm one of the new researchers. Do you have an assignment for me?}"
    Marjorie Reed: "{325}{}{You're a RESEARCHER...? Hmmmm. I've never seen you before. How much do you know about pharmaceutical research?}"
    The Chosen One: "{327}{}{I know a fair amount about the composition and manufacture of base neurochemical compounds, and I think I could be of some assistance in your studies.}"
    Marjorie Reed: "{345}{}{Hmmmm. All right then. Let me give you a run-down on what we do here: we test the effects and potency of a metaphetamineIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar called Jet.}"
    (Marjorie Reed 's dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Chosen One: "{141}{}{What happened to you?}"
    Madame Modjeska: "{153}{}{I flew a bit of Jet a few days back and it made me feel quite unwell. Must have been a tainted batch. I'm not eager to try that again. Oh well, back to the bottle, I suppose.}"
    (Madame Modjeska's dialogue)
  4. Fallout 4 loading screens: "Using Jet creates an altered state of consciousness where time appears to slow, allowing you to perform more actions than normal for a limited period of time."
  5. 5.0 5.1 Fallout 2 Item description: "{25900}{}{Jet}"
    "{25901}{}{Jet is a powerful metamphetamineIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar that stimulates the central nervous system. The initial euphoric rush rarely lasts more than a few minutes, but during that time, the user is filled with a rush of energy & strength.}"
    (Jet description - Fallout 2)
  6. 6.0 6.1 Shark Club/Desperado/Salvatore's Bar bartender: "{214}{}{Don't inhale the Jet all at once… take a hit, a deep breath, then give it time to settle.}
    {215}{}{You want two ½ ounce bags, or a canister?}
    {216}{}{The Jet inhaler's extra…}"
    (NcBarten.msg; shared file)
  7. The Chosen One: "{344}{}{Yeah, it's getting pretty hard. Can you help me with that?}"
    Angela Bishop: "{361}{}{Look: I got some Jet in my room… and NOT that crappy shit they give the dimestore hookers and junkies. Y'wanna fly?}"
    The Chosen One: "{362}{}{Sure. Buckle up, baby.}"
    Angela Bishop: "{810}{}{(Angela leads you up to her room on the third floor. There, she opens a little door in the wall, takes out a strange plastic bottle, and offers it to you.) Want some, baby? There's more than enough for both of us to fly.}"
    (Angela Bishop's dialogue)
  8. The Chosen One: "{184}{}{Where does the Jet come from?}"
    Johnson: "{213}{}{All of the Jet here in town is shipped here from the Mordino family in New Reno. It comes mostly in bulk packages, and then I process it into user-ampoules...so I end up selling all of it right here.}"
    The Chosen One: "{214}{}{You must make a tidy profit out of that.}"
    Johnson: "{234}{}{I fill the user-ampoules with Jet and then distribute it purely as a service to the people of Redding. I don't make a profit doing it. If I didn't do it, then some other quack would be preparing the drug with germ-encrusted, rusty equipment. I'd never get this population disease-free after that.}"
    (Johnson's dialogue)
  9. Marjorie Reed: "{242}{}{Myron, sir, please...we need a new shipment of hypodermics from Vault City. We can't keep re-using these.}"
    (Marjorie Reed's dialogue) Note: This line is spoken if Myron is an active companion.
  10. 10.0 10.1 All doctors in Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, and Fallout 4 can cure Jet addiction.
  11. 11.0 11.1 The Chosen One: "{453}{}{Is there any cure for Jet?}"
    Renesco: "{490}{}{A CURE for metamphetamineIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar addiction?! Ha! I only know two: one is death. The other is locking yourself in a cage for a year without Jet and sweat it out of your system. Hmmmph. "Cure," my ass! What nonsense!}"
    (Renesco's dialogue)
  12. Crafting recipes and availability
  13. Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "God, you can smell the Brahmin shit from the jet all over this place."
    (Rose of Sharon Cassidy's dialogue) Note: This line is spoken if she is brought to Red Rock Canyon.
  14. The Courier: "Wouldn't you make more money working on the Strip?"
    Sweetie: "I got my start at the Gomorrah, good money, but I saw how those Omertas hook girls on free Jet or Med-X - then start charging. Slavery through a needle is what that is. I earn less out here, but I keep more."
    (Sweetie's dialogue)
  15. The Chosen One: "{127}{}{Jet? What's Jet?}"
    Athabaska Dick: "{211}{}{Jet's the way to go, man. If I'm not flying Jet, I just don't feel right no more. You've gotta get yourself some.}"
    (Athabaska Dick's dialogue)
  16. The Chosen One: "{200}{}{What did New Reno have to do with it?}"
    Johnson: "{209}{}{New Reno sells Jet pretty cheap. Jet's real addictive, like nothing you've ever seen before. They figure that if they get enough people in an area using it, those people will do anything to get more. That gives them de facto control of an area - like Redding.}"
    (Johnson's dialogue)
  17. The Chosen One: "{659}{}{Is there any cure for it?}"
    Myron: "{900}{myn129a}{How quaint. A cure. Sure. You go cold turkey. Course, I made sure that was a reeeal difficult option with Jet.}"
    The Chosen One: "{903}{}{Myron, you're a pretty smart fella. Consider it a challenge. What would it take to make a cure for Jet?}"
    Myron: "{910}{myn130}{Ah for fuck's sake, it can't be done, all right? It's a goddamn drug, not a bacterial infection.}"
    The Chosen One: "{911}{}{It's basically a highly addictive meta-amphetamine, right? Couldn't you use a nervous system suppressant to break the addiction?}"
    Myron: "{920}{myn131}{Nice try, no dice. Jet ain't blocked that easy. Once it's in your system, it ain't coming out.}"
    The Chosen One: "{921}{}{What about using some kind of endorphin blocker? That would repress the chemical and psychological additionIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar, wouldn't it?}"
    Myron: "{930}{myn132}{Kee-rist. That has got to be the dumbest...hmmmm...}"
    The Chosen One: "{931}{}{Well?}"
    Myron: "{940}{myn133}{Well...maybe it would work, but I'm pretty sure Jet would just chew right through that shit. Now wh-wh-why the hell are we even talking about this?! Wh-where would you get your hands on endorphineIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar blockers anyway?}"
    The Chosen One: "{941}{}{You tell me, Myron. You're a bright guy.}"
    Myron: "{950}{myn134}{Maybe Vault City. They have a pretty good medical warehouse. A lot of old pre-holocaust bases also used to stock them to prevent combat drug addiction.}"
    (Myron's dialogue)
  18. Jet Beta
  19. 19.0 19.1 Vault-Tec Regional HQ terminal entries; Dr. Reid's terminal, 09/29: "So we just shipped 15 cases of psycho and jet to Vault 95. Of course, that makes total sense...let's give these addicts more of what put them in this situation to begin with. Davidson says it's to force them to make the hard choice, chems or getting clean. I say it's to cause a bloodbath..."
  20. Crafting formula in Fallout 4
  21. Placement of Jet as loot in Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, and Fallout 4
  22. Dr. Ken's terminal, Menu: Exotic Tastes: Hear me out. If you're looking for the cutting edge of getting high, some of my more adventurous customers told me they got a real rush inhaling the fumes of... well, cow droppings. So if that's your thing, let me know.
  23. Vault Dweller: "How did you fall in with the Blood Eagles?"
    Beckett: "When I was with Edwin's gang, I thought I was King Shit. I was popular with the gang, rolling in caps... I was untouchable. Then I got hooked on the chems. Psycho, Buffout, Jet, you name it, I probably used it. At that point, I was a marked man. See, the Blood Eagles were the ones seeding the gangs with the chems. That's how they recruit. They get you hooked, then they pounce. One morning I woke up, mind totally obliterated, flying Blood Eagle colors. That was all it took. I was their property now."
  24. Just my luck!
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 The Chosen One: "{658}{}{How did you create it?}"
    Myron: "{680}{myn108}{Uh, in my lab. Next question?}"
    The Chosen One: "{681}{}{HOW did you develop it, smart guy?}"
    Myron: "{690}{myn109}{Ah, Christ. Well...when I came across the Mordino family way back when, they were farming peyote cacti and trying to sell it to tourists as the 'Reno experience.' Total bullshit.}"
    The Chosen One: "{691}{}{Go on.}"
    Myron: "{700}{myn110}{I mean, peyote? C'mon. It isn't even half the strength of, say, old school LSD.}"
    The Chosen One: "{701}{}{Uh, about the Jet --?}"
    Myron: "{710}{myn112}{Plus, a peyote trip is too long. The profit's in fast turn around and high addiction. Like, uh, barbitutates before the Big One, y'know?}"
    The Chosen One: "{714}{}{You mean barbiturates…like old school cocaine, crank, all that?}"
    Myron: "{725}{myn113a}{Right. Can I finish? }"
    The Chosen One: "{5725}{}{Fine, fine. What was the problem with making barbiturates?}"
    Myron: "{726}{myn113b}{Problem is, in the new climate, we can't grow most of the veggies needed for the best drugs.}"
    The Chosen One: "{728}{}{I'm with you.}"
    Myron: "{740}{myn114a}{Couldn't grow coca plants, opium poppies -- and man did we try -- so we figured our best bet was shrooms. }"
    The Chosen One: "{5741}{}{Why?}"
    Myron: "{742}{myn114c}{You can grow 'em if you use plenty o' brahmin shit as fertilizer.}"
    The Chosen One: "{743}{}{Speaking of plenty of shit...Go on.}"
    Myron: "{755}{myn115}{Plus, hallucinogens have low overhead, so I start experimenting with derivatives of lysergic acid diethylamide and psilocybin. Still…}"
    The Chosen One: "{756}{}{Still...?}"
    Myron: "{765}{myn116}{Still, I really wanted to whip up a hard-hitter that didn't rely on veggie extracts. Man, was I an idiot, 'cause the answer turned out to BE the extracts, or, more precisely, what they were growing IN.}"
    The Chosen One: "{767}{}{How do you mean?}"
    Myron: "{775}{myn117}{See, old Jesus Mordino wanted something that the Redding miners would get addicted to fast AND make them work harder. So, I said, 'no prob,' right?}"
    The Chosen One: "{778}{}{Right. Go on.}"
    Myron: "{790}{myn118}{Well, wasn't too hard to come up with a good upper. A sample of that pre-war protein extract, corrupt it and bam -- decent amphetamine.}"
    The Chosen One: "{792}{}{Uh, "protein extract?"}"
    Myron: "{820}{myn121}{Before the Big One some meat companies were experimenting with a cheap protein extract for growing food, but they had to ditch it. One little skin bacteria contaminates it, and it's all screwed.}"
    The Chosen One: "{821}{}{Screwed? How?}"
    Myron: "{830}{myn122}{The contaminated version acted like an amphetamine when ingested. Little side effect. Don't ask. It's, uh, technical.}"
    The Chosen One: "{831}{}{So…did you somehow get a hold of this protein extract?}"
    Myron: "{840}{myn123}{I didn't have to. When they first screwed up, they contaminated tons of that shit. And rather than ditch it, they fed it to their brahmin herds to try and recoup their losses.}"
    The Chosen One: "{843}{}{So you used brahmin shit as fertilizer for the shrooms, except the pre-war protein contamination gives whatever shrooms grown in brahmin shit…certain extra ingredients?}"
    Myron: "{850}{myn124a}{Close...}"
    The Chosen One: "{5851}{}{Yes...?}"
    Myron: "{851}{myn124b}{See, we start experimenting with the brahmin shit as fertilizer for the shrooms, except get this; then, we noticed the slaves working fertilizer vats were getting high from the fumes…}"
    The Chosen One: "{853}{}{So the fumes were enough to produce the effect?}"
    Myron: "{860}{myn125a}{Riiiight...}"
    The Chosen One: "{5861}{}{I thought so.}"
    Myron: "{861}{myn125b}{By putting tons of brahmin shit in the vats, we found out that the fumes give more than enough of a kick. Eureka. Literally. 'Course, we had to test to get the mix right…}"
    (Myron's dialogue)
  26. The Chosen One: "{1472}{}{I think you'd be surprised about how much I know about your amateurish hallucinogenic-amphetamine hybrid. I'm not convinced a child like you didn't just STUMBLE across it, Myron.}"
    (Myron's dialogue)
  27. The Chosen One: "{185}{}{You know, I don't think you really want to inhale that... crap. Trust me.}"
    Troy: "{187}{}{What are you talking about?}"
    The Chosen One: "{189}{}{Well, they make that stuff from brahmin shit.}"
    Troy: "{196}{}{I think you must be... mistaken.}"
    The Chosen One: "{199}{}{No, really. They were originally growing hallucinogens in brahmin shit, but then they discovered that the *fumes* were actually making the workers high. See, it turns out there's this contaminated pre-war protein extract in the brahmin systems...}"
    Troy: "{205}{}{That's... fascinating. Hmmmmm. Perhaps I could take blood samples from the brahmin in the courtyard, then... thank you, my friend. Thank you very much, indeed. I was curious about the manufacturing process.}"
    (Troy's dialogue)
  28. Myron: "{861}{myn125b}{By putting tons of brahmin shit in the vats, we found out that the fumes give more than enough of a kick. Eureka. Literally. 'Course, we had to test to get the mix right…}"
    The Chosen One: "{862}{}{Uh, how much testing?}"
    Myron: "{870}{myn126}{Hmmm...about a hundred slaves? Mostly heart attacks, cerebral hemorrhages, psychotic episodes...that sort of thing.}"
    The Chosen One: "{871}{}{Are you insane? You killed a hundred human beings just for drug testing?!}"
    Myron: "{880}{myn127}{Well, not on purpose. I mean, slaves are expensive. Still, we made the money back in the first few months, so the Mordino Family wasn't too pissed at me.}"
    (Myron's dialogue)
  29. The Chosen One: "{791}{}{Explain to me about Redding, again?}"
    Myron: "{800}{myn119}{Redding? Town full o' gold diggers. Mordino wants to control it all. So he comes to me in his wheezing voice and says, 'Myron, Myron, make me something that'll give me Redding.'}"
    The Chosen One: "{801}{}{And you say…}"
    Myron: "{810}{myn120}{And I say, 'okay, what timeframe we looking at?' He goes - of course - 'yesterday.' Crime lords. Want everything done fast and sloppy. Least they don't have a marketing department.}"
    (Myron's dialogue)
  30. Fallout 2 ending for Myron.
  31. Turbo recipe
  32. The Lone Wanderer: "Ultrajet? That some sort of super chem?"
    Murphy: "I suppose you could say that. Ultrajet is almost double the potency of Jet... perfect for Ghouls. Jet barely affects us you see. Only trouble is it's almost impossible to gather the ingredients together. Say, you might be able to help me with that!"
    (Murphy's dialogue)
  33. The Lone Wanderer: "Yeah sure, what do you need?"
    Murphy: "It takes 3 things to make Ultrajet. Two of the ingredients I got plenty of. The other one is a little harder to find: Sugar Bombs. I distill it down to its base contents and add that to the formula then presto... Ultrajet. For every box of Sugar Bombs you bring me, I'll pay you 15 caps. So you in?"
    (Murphy's dialogue)
  34. A Vault Dweller: "[clarification needed]"
    Joey Bello: "Those Blood Eagles? You ever cross paths with them I suggest that you, uh, don't. Those rotters really make me think twice about doing chems. Of course thinking twice takes a lot of brainpower and then I want some Mentats. But I'd rather try to get high sniffin' brahmin farts than deal with the Blood Eagles."
    (Joey Bello's dialogue)


  1. Fallout Bible 0: "2241 January The first samples of Jet begin to arrive in Redding, courtesy of the Mordino family."
  2. Chris Avellone: "Scripting Cassidy to die when he gets stims, trying to figure out what form "Jet" could take, then being reminded of my brother's asthma inhaler when we were younger, and using that as the drug dispenser idea."
    (Chris Avellone IGN article)
  3. Fallout Bible 9; Jet? When? Myron? How old? Huh?
  4. Q&A session with Josh Sawyer during a live charity stream. (reference begins at 8:37:23)
  5. Emil Pagliarulo on Twitter (archived): "Happy to. Jet was absolutely pre-war. That old lore stands. Now, did reference to Jet show up in a pre-war terminal at some point? It did. Honest reason - the designer forgot. Simple human error, and it got missed. An unfortunate reality is that sometimes mistakes happen. All that being said, and knowing we can't go back and fix that error, I do support the fan theory that the mention of "jet" pre-war is really a mention of a generic kind of drug. So yeah, it sucks, but it happens in every major canonical work. You move on and be more diligent!"

Atomic Shop

  1. Atom Ace the Raider: "If I don't get more Jet soon, I'll blow a fuse."
    (Ace the Raider's dialogue)