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Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Jesus Sunday's holotape - Part 4 is a holotape in Fallout 76.


The tape can be found in a shed next to a terminal at the Sunday Brothers' cabin.



Jesus Sunday: It's been weeks since I chased off Brianna Hawke, and I feel like I've wasted all of it trying to convince JD that he was better off without her. I finally thought I was getting through, until I was cleaning up our cabin and found the goddamn notes they'd been passing to each other. Instead of heading out to hunt, that hijo de perra's been stabbing me in the back by giving Brianna some of our supplies! After everything I've sacrificed for our family, how could he do this to me?! When he gets back from today's "hunt" we're going to have a little chat about Brianna Hawke. And this time, I'm not just going to look the other way.

