Jaye is a member of the ghoul compound that Eugenie previously lived in.
Jaye lives in a compound that was created as a safe community for ghouls. Eugenie lived in that compound for around a decade before becoming a traveling merchant for them.[1] However, Eugenie stopped selling their gear and left the community due to a falling out over what the community was choosing to do with the proceeds of her sales.[2] However, members of the community such as Kev continue to write Eugenie letters.[3]
In one such letter, Kev tells Eugenie that Jaye has found an old guitar in a house, but was unable to tune it.[4]
Jaye is mentioned only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Once in a Blue Moon update.
- ↑ Eugenie: "You know, I've been doing this traveling merchant thing for a while now. I spent damn near a decade stuck in our compound, hiding from people that would kill us on sight just for being who we are. I've found that rolling into town with supplies and caps to trade eases up the tension, get's people talkin' to you again. The fact that I'm strapped to the teeth in fire power doesn't hurt neither. But some people, like the Blood Eagles... there's no discussion to be had."
(Eugenie's dialogue) - ↑ A Vault Dweller: "It'd help if you could tell me why you left."
Eugenie: "Let's just say I didn't like what they were doing with their cut of the business."
(Eugenie's dialogue) - ↑ A Vault Dweller: "What was it about?"
Eugenie: "It's from someone back at the compound I come from.. er, came from. We were a community of ghouls holed up in the hills. I haven't told anyone here, but I've actually moved out. All my guns and gear come from my own connections these days-- not that I'd tell Vinny that. The letters, though... Are just ordinary updates on life. And a reminder that I can always come back. I left for... good reason. I don't regret it. But... some folks here are just... family. Plus, if I went back... I'd be selling for them again." *sighs* "I know I'm being vague, but I could still use some advice. What do you think?"
(Eugenie's dialogue) - ↑ Eugenie's letter