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Be careful around these fruits and vegetables. They're worth more to us than you are.

Janice Kaplinski (2247 or 2248 – 2277) is the chief botanist[2] of Rivet City's science team in 2277.


Born around 2247 to 2248,[Non-game 1] Janice has been a part of the Rivet City science team for the last decade of her life. Looking for a career, she joined Doctor Madison Li at the Rivet City science lab when the latter needed an assistant; regarding the decision, Janice remarks that "it was either [that] or wind up dead in a ditch someplace."[3]

In her time under Dr. Li's tutelage, Janice has come into her own as an accomplished botanist. She is every bit the equal to Doctor Li and James in technical knowledge, though she lacks their genius or ambition.[Non-game 1] Even still, she is a valuable member of the team, whether it be through assisting Dr. Li's experiments,[4][5] managing hydroponics and directing the lab technicians,[6][7][8] or her own independent work in developing new hydroponic crops, such as a new strain of lima beans[9] and, in the near future, broccoli.[10]

Personality-wise, Janice is a complete workaholic whose time is split between working in the lab, eating (always at the Weatherly Hotel, where she prefers to consume the science team's produce),[11] and sleeping (also in the lab, along with Anna Holt and Garza). In fact, she acknowledges that anything outside of the science lab and quarters is outside of her expertise, such as the history of Rivet City.[12] Janice does her best to stay professional in the face of disturbances, such as Doctor Zimmer, who continuously pesters the science team for help finding his missing "android" (though Zimmer's constant pestering stretches her limits).[13][14] In fact, Janice is curious about Zimmer's work and has been receptive of his offer to exchange scientific notes, but his condescending attitude and refusal to take no for an answer is a more pressing concern to her.[15][16]

Events of Fallout 3[]

In 2277, James, who had recently escaped Vault 101, visited the Rivet City science lab, hoping to enlist Doctor Li's support in reviving Project Purity. Doctor Li angrily refused to help him, claiming that she had moved on and too much time had passed.[17][18] Janice was aware of James' visit, but not of what it pertained to; all she knew was that it left Doctor Li in a bad mood, and so Janice chose not to discuss the subject with her.[19]

After the Lone Wanderer rescued James from Vault 112, and James and Doctor Li agreed to restart work on Project Purity, Janice was part of the team sent to help restart the purifier. She had high hopes for the project, having heard Doctor Li talk about it often, and eagerly looked forward to contributing, understanding that Doctor Li had secretly wanted to come back for many years.[20][21]

After the Lone Wanderer cleared the facility of its super mutant occupiers, Janice worked with the others to get the facility reoperational. However, while the Lone Wanderer was occupied, the Enclave stormed the facility and took her and James captive. Because James was refusing to hand over control of the purifier to them, Colonel Augustus Autumn executed Janice right in front of his, and the newly-arrived Lone Wanderer's, eyes.[1]


Janice interacts primarily with the members of the Rivet City science team, but even then only in a professional sense for the most part: she may be observed briefly talking to Henry Young or Garza regarding maintenance of the hydroponics, while she only engages in generic small talk with Anna Holt.

Janice has a deeper bond with Doctor Li; her admiration for Doctor Li is a "classic case of hero worship," and Janice has complete faith in Doctor Li and their work together. Meanwhile, she is also close friends with Doctor Preston, who treats her like the daughter he never had, often trying to motivate Janice to lighten up and interact with others more.[Non-game 1][Non-game 2]

Daily schedule[]

Janice spends most of her day in the Rivet City science lab conducting experiments and talking with other lab personnel. At 7:00 a.m., she leaves the lab for the Weatherly Hotel to eat for around two hours before returning to the lab. She spends the entire day in the lab until leaving again for the Weatherly Hotel at night, with the exact time dependent on the day of the week:

  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday: From 4 to 6 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday: From 7 to 9 p.m.

At 10 p.m., Janice goes to sleep in the science team's quarters inside the lab.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk nociception regulator color
This character is essential. Essential characters cannot be killed.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
Icon severed ear color
This character drops an ear upon death (Contract Killer).



Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Scientist outfit Random food item


  • While the Lone Wanderer is near the tables in the middle of the Rivet City science lab, Janice will warn them to stay away from the food.[22]
    • Despite this, due to the behavior flags associated with the scientists' lab AI packages, Janice may be seen eating the food in the lab.

Notable quotes[]

  • "I've been with Doctor Li for about ten years now. She needed an assistant, and I needed something to do. It was either this or wind up dead in a ditch someplace, y'know?"


Janice Kaplinski appears only in Fallout 3.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Events of The Waters of Life
  2. Janice Kaplinski: "I'm Janice Kaplinski, chief botanist. What do you need?"
    (Janice Kaplinski's dialogue)
  3. The Lone Wanderer: "What's your story?"
    Janice Kaplinski: "I've been with Doctor Li for about ten years now. She needed an assistant, and I needed something to do. It was either this or wind up dead in a ditch someplace, y'know?"
    (Janice Kaplinski's dialogue)
  4. Doctor Li: "Janice, have you overbalanced the chemical mix?"
    Janice Kaplinski: "They should be just fine. Try it again."
    (Rivet City conversations; Madison Li's and Janice Kaplinski's dialogue)
  5. Janice Kaplinski: "Doctor Li, the new solutions will be ready in a few hours."
    Doctor Li: "Perfect. I'll be ready for them."
    (Rivet City conversations; Janice Kaplinski's and Madison Li's dialogue)
  6. Janice Kaplinski: "Garza, when you get a chance, remove the empty water tanks in the gardens and put in the fresh ones."
    Garza: "Certainly, Janice."
    (Rivet City conversations; Janice Kaplinski's and Garza's dialogue)
  7. Janice Kaplinski: "The waste water in the hydroponic gardens isn't draining properly. Could you look at it?"
    Henry Young: "I'll check it out before the end of the day."
    (Rivet City conversations; Janice Kaplinski's and Henry Young's dialogue)
  8. Henry Young: "Janice, are those sunlamps I fixed the other day holding up?"
    Janice Kaplinski: "They're fine. However, I have two others that are making odd noises. Please check them out soon."
    (Rivet City conversations; Henry Young's and Janice Kaplinski's dialogue) Note: May only occur when Henry is working in the Rivet City science lab.
  9. Bugged Vera Weatherly: "It's good to see you eat, Janice. How are the hydroponic gardens?"
    Janice Kaplinski: "I've got a new strain of lima bean I'm developing. I'll bring a sample sometime."
    (Rivet City conversations; Vera Weatherly's and Janice Kaplinski's dialogue) Note: Intended to only occur when Janice is eating at the Weatherly Hotel. However, the line incorrectly checks to see if Janice is not eating. Bugged
  10. Janice Kaplinski: "The work that Doctor Li is doing is just amazing. I might even be able to produce broccoli in the hydroponic gardens next year."
    Doctor Preston: "That's wonderful. I've read about broccoli in the old books, but I've never seen any."
    (Rivet City conversations; Janice Kaplinski's and Preston's dialogue)
  11. Janice Kaplinski: "I'd like a potato and some carrots. Oh, and put some of this herb in hot water. If I'm lucky, it will make tea."
    Mister Buckingham: "Yes, ma'am."
    (Rivet City conversations; Janice Kaplinski's and Mister Buckingham's dialogue) Note: May only occur when Janice is eating at the Weatherly Hotel.
  12. 12.0 12.1 The Lone Wanderer: "Know anything about Rivet City's history?"
    Janice Kaplinski: "If it hasn't got to do with the science quarters, I'm probably not the one to ask. And Doctor Li's so busy, you really shouldn't disturb her work."
    Janice Kaplinski: "If it hasn't got to do with the science quarters, I'm probably not the one to ask. I hardly ever get out, now that Doctor Li's gone."
    (Janice Kaplinski's dialogue) Note: The first response version is used if Doctor Li is alive, with the second intended to be used if Doctor Li is dead; this version will never be used, as Doctor Li is always essential.
  13. Dr. Zimmer: "Stop what you're doing. I have something important to discuss with you."
    Janice Kaplinski: "Do they not use the word 'no' in the Commonwealth. It means, 'aint going to happen.' Your missing robot just isn't a priority right now."
    Dr. Zimmer: "He's not just a robot!"
    Janice Kaplinski: "Fine. Your 'android.' Whatever you call it, it doesn't change the fact that I'm a very busy woman. Will you please drop it and let me work?"
    Zimmer: "I came to this leaky boat specifically to solicit your help. I'd hoped you 'Project Purity' people would be more accommodating."
    (Rivet City conversations; Zimmer's and Janice Kaplinski's dialogue) Note: These are Dr. Zimmer's conversations when he seeks out Janice and Anna for the first time after his initial conversation with Anna.
  14. Zimmer: "Look. I only need a few minutes of your time. Just hear me out. I'll make it worth your while."
    "About my missing android..."
    "I just need five minutes of your "precious" time. Think you can spare that?"
    "Whatever you're doing, it can wait. This is IMPORTANT!"
    Janice Kaplinski: "NO!"
    "This constant harassment is not helping your cause. Back off!"
    "I really must insist that you stop bothering everyone about your missing robot."
    "Aint. Gonna. Happen. Got it? Now leave me alone!"
    (Rivet City conversations; Zimmer's and Janice Kaplinski's dialogue) Note: These are Dr. Zimmer's conversations when he seeks out Janice on repeat occasions. The prompts and responses are fully randomized.
  15. The Lone Wanderer: "What do you know about Zimmer?"
    Janice Kaplinski: "Other than him being an egotistical, arrogant, condescending pain in the ass? Nothing. He's from the Commonwealth. He's come looking for some special robot. I must admit I'm rather curious, but I have other work to do."
    (Janice Kaplinski's dialogue)
  16. Dr. Zimmer: "Miss Janice, maybe we could exchange science notes sometime. My work in biological systems might be of interest to you."
    Janice Kaplinski: "That sounds like a good idea. I'll ask Doctor Li which papers I can let you have. I'll get back to you later."
    (Rivet City conversations; Zimmer's and Janice Kaplinski's dialogue)
  17. The Lone Wanderer: "Where's my father? Tell me now!"
    Madison Li: "Calm down, calm down! What are you doing here? James said you were still in the Vault. Look, this is all terribly irrational. Your father just shows up here as if nothing happened... He walked out on us. I know he had his reasons, I know it was to protect you, but still. Project Purity was our life. It was the only thing that mattered, and then he just gave up. He abandoned us, and we were forced to move on. I've already told him that it's over. There's no going back. Project Purity was a failure, and he needs to move on."
    (Madison Li's dialogue)
  18. Project Purity Personal Journal: Entry 3
  19. The Lone Wanderer: "I'm looking for my father. Have you seen him?"
    Janice Kaplinski: "I did see a man talking to Doctor Li, but I really shouldn't be discussing it. She's already in a bad mood. I'd hate to make it worse. You should probably just talk to her about it."
    (Janice Kaplinski's dialogue)
  20. Janice Kaplinski: "This is kind of exciting, isn't it? I've always heard Doctor Li talk about Project Purity, but I never thought I'd be going there."
    The Lone Wanderer: "Do you think Project Purity will ever work again?"
    Janice Kaplinski: "I sure hope so, or it's just going to crush Doctor Li completely. Especially after your father came back and all."
    (Janice Kaplinski's dialogue)
  21. Janice Kaplinski: "Just be careful what you touch in here, okay? The equipment's old enough as it is."
    The Lone Wanderer: "Anything I should know about this place?"
    Janice Kaplinski: "Doctor Li has been waiting to come back here for twenty years, okay? Twenty. That's a long time. This is important. We can't afford to screw it up."
    (Janice Kaplinski's dialogue)
  22. Janice Kaplinski: "Be careful around these fruits and vegetables. They're worth more to us than you are."
    (Janice Kaplinski's dialogue)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.78: "Janice Kaplinski
    The only thing 29-year-old Janice loves more than her hydroponic plants is Doctor Li. It's a case of classic hero worship. Janice is utterly loyal to her and completely believes in the projects they are working on. She is a very accomplished scientist but lacks that vital spark of genius and ambition that Dad and Doctor Li have, but she is their equal in technical knowledge. She is close friends with Doctor Preston, who treats her like the daughter he never had."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  2. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.70: "Doctor Preston
    Preston, 50, is a kind old man who enjoys nothing more than tending to the sick and injured. He genuinely loves helping people and is well liked and respected among the citizens of Rivet City. On occasion, he has had to work closely with Janice Kaplinski, whom he considers to be his close friend. They have a father-daughter type of relationship. He tries to get her to lighten up and interact with people more."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)